
Zodiac Horoscope Sunday, March 6 Fourth day of the lunar month, the fourth day of the second lunar month, see what your genus is suitable for

March 6, Sunday, the fourth day of the first month of the second month of the lunar calendar, is the year of non-yin, the month of decay, and the day of the fifth day. Sun dry penta soil, thick and inclusive, the attribute is yang, born in the spring of the decanter moon, is conducive to calming the mind and gaining enlightenment. Official morale is strong, daily stems and branches are born, it is advisable to be open-minded and calm, to wait for work, and not to be too active. The horoscope and key points of the March 6 Zodiac sign are as follows:

Zodiac Horoscope Sunday, March 6 Fourth day of the lunar month, the fourth day of the second lunar month, see what your genus is suitable for

Sub-rat: It is advisable to be stable and quiet, strive to be stable, and should not take the initiative to attack. Know each other in everything, weigh the pros and cons, and don't be impulsive and reckless. It is not advisable to cooperate with people, celebrate gatherings, negotiate deals, etc. It is advisable to be passive and introverted, away from fighting. The east and the south are prone to contradictions and damage, and try to avoid them; yellow and white or black and white matching clothing is conducive to alleviating the pressure of contradictions.

Ugly bull: It is advisable to brake statically, control risks, and do not take big things. We must take precautions, be careful in everything, and avoid blind optimism and lose sight of one or the other. It is advisable to seek more inwards, and it is not appropriate to cooperate in gatherings, career expansion, etc. We must be concerned about the long term and stay away from contradictions and wrongs. The south is easy to hinder, pay attention to avoidance; yellow and white and red and yellow with clothing is conducive to relieving the pressure of contradictions.

Yin hu: Conducive to harmonious communication, broadening horizons, open-minded and steady, reasonable overall planning. It is suitable for visiting, dredging intermediaries, teamwork, publicity and promotion, charity, entertainment and relaxation, etc. We must be open-minded and round-minded, have clear goals, and advance and retreat in an orderly manner. The East, Northeast and South are conducive to cooperation dredging and expansion; green, red and yellow are all auspicious.

卯兔: It is conducive to talent play, relax the mood, and it is advisable to take charge of the overall situation and make scientific plans. It is necessary to have a clear understanding of the direction and grasp the trade-offs between advance and retreat. It is suitable for visiting condolences, publicizing lectures, answering questions, reading and relaxing, etc. We must be concerned about the long term and strive to improve ourselves. The auspicious position is conducive to harmony and mutual benefit in the east and northeast, and the green, light blue and yellow clothing can help the auspicious.

Zodiac Horoscope Sunday, March 6 Fourth day of the lunar month, the fourth day of the second lunar month, see what your genus is suitable for

Chenlong: Easy to get help, help release pressure, make progress, recognize deficiencies, and strive for progress. It is necessary to give full play to the strengths and avoid the weaknesses, think holistically, and rely more on external forces. It is suitable to visit the teacher, seek benefits, plan reserves, study and cultivate, etc. The east and the northeast are easily separated by contradictions, and try to avoid them; red and yellow or red and yellow with clothing are beneficial.

Snake: Conducive to harmonious communication, expand consensus, help career progress, improve self, should be actively integrated, form a synergy. It is suitable for visits, consultations, teaching and making friends, planning and argumentation, public welfare activities, etc. To gather assimilation differences, peace is precious. The auspicious position is in the east and south, which is conducive to winning support; the combination of reddish green and red and yellow can help the auspicious.

Noon Horse: It is advisable to be passive and quiet, to remain stable, and it is not appropriate to raise major events. Be at peace with yourself, be rational, and overcome bad emotions. It is advisable to do a good job of yourself, not to cooperate with gatherings, transaction expansion, etc. Be open-minded and calm, communicate harmoniously, and not be too self-sufficient. The south is prone to right and wrong, try to avoid; the northeast and green or yellow clothing are conducive to harmonious integration.

Wei Sheep: Conducive to emotional communication, win support, beneficial to self-improvement, progress, should be open-minded and inclusive, positive and enterprising. It is suitable for meeting teachers, cooperation and expansion, dating and exchange, learning planning, and physical and mental cultivation. To cultivate the mind. The auspicious east and south are conducive to cooperation and dredging, and the self is strong; red or red and yellow with auspicious clothing.

Zodiac Horoscope Sunday, March 6 Fourth day of the lunar month, the fourth day of the second lunar month, see what your genus is suitable for

Shen Monkey: It is conducive to combing ideas, self-correction, and it is advisable to be open-minded and introverted, and it is not advisable to venture forward. We must advance and retreat at the right time, and we must not force ourselves. Suitable for organizing and receiving, financial management, planning and planning, learning meditation, etc. We must reflect on the heart and make up for the shortcomings. The northeast and the south are easily separated by contradictions, and try to avoid them; the east and yellow and coffee-colored clothing are conducive to solving the problem.

Unitary chicken: it is conducive to clarifying the thinking, self-regulation, should be calm and calm, and seek more inward. Be clear about your goals and go with the flow. It is suitable for sorting out preparations, study planning, self-examination, etc. It is advisable to be calm and calm, and to be able to bear it. There is a lot of pressure in the south, and there are contradictions in the east, which must be avoided; the northeast is paired with yellow, coffee or yellow and white clothing to help solve problems.

Dog: Easy to get the help of noble people, conducive to smooth sailing, to achieve harvest, should be open-minded and steady, plan in advance. We must think holistically and work together in synergy. It is suitable for visiting the elders, cooperating in dredging, planning and planning, learning and learning, and meditating and cultivating. In the east and south, the auspicious position is conducive to cooperation and dredging and seeking help; red, yellow or red and yellow with auspicious clothing.

Hai Pig: The implementation of favorable plans should be carefully planned around the goal. It is necessary to give full play to one's own strengths, move with the times, and advance in an orderly manner. Suitable for financial transactions, negotiation, learning ideas, management assessment, etc. Think holistically, maintain resilience, and don't be impatient. The east and the northeast are conducive to cooperation and dredging; the south and yellow and white, black and white clothing are conducive to overcoming difficulties.

Note: This article is published one day in advance.

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