
6 ways to avoid arguing with her

author:A thinker of love

Obviously, I want to get along with my favorite girlfriend, but I will quarrel over a small matter no matter what.

I don't want to argue with each other if I can, but I don't know how to quarrel...!

For the sake of these people, this time I will introduce the method of not arguing with my girlfriend and being able to get along at any time.

Please be sure to try it with her.

6 ways to avoid arguing with her

1, do not forget to say "thank you"

After being with a lover for a long time, things that are taken for granted will increase.

If things of course increase, the words "thank you" will gradually decrease, which is normal.

However, none of them are taken for granted. It is already a great miracle to meet her in front of you...!

The longer you stay, the more embarrassed you are to put your true feelings into words... There should be a lot of such men, try to say "thank you" to your girlfriend once a day.

Now, right away, all you can do is not to argue with your girlfriend, that is, to say thank you more.

2. Apologize immediately if you feel bad

A slight difference from the opinion of the lover will heat up and develop into a quarrel, and such things often happen....

The way not to argue with your girlfriend about this kind of boring thing is to apologize immediately if you feel bad.

Most of the reasons for the quarrel are that one party is stubborn and can't apologize... Such a pattern.

"I just said it too much, I'm sorry." If you apologize frankly, the woman on the other side will also frankly agree.

The quarrel is nothing more than a battle of wills, if you think it is your fault, apologize frankly at that time.

6 ways to avoid arguing with her

3, important things to meet and then say

There are many ways not to argue with your girlfriend, but the most important thing is to "meet and talk about important things".

The pattern that often develops into quarrels is that when important things are clearly said, the response to emails and emails is very cold... The voice on the phone was very unhappy and annoying... Wait a minute.

But what happens when you actually see her cute face?

I always felt relieved to see him, "Forget it, forget it!" "Is there a lot of such things?

The most important thing is not email or phone, but face-to-face conversation.

When you want to convey or express something, only meeting her is one of the ways not to argue with her.

4, unhappy things immediately tell the other party

Interacting with people you like, the mood of "not wanting to be hated by each other" will also become stronger and stronger every day.

But even so, will you put up with nasty things?

She's important and doesn't want to lose...! I understand this feeling very well, but it is counterproductive to keep hating things in my stomach all the time.

The way not to argue with your girlfriend is to convey to the other person right away, no matter how small the matter is, to say "A little nasty..."

The atmosphere may have been a little awkward at the time, but it would have been more than worth the loss if it broke out afterwards.

Considering what will happen in the future, tell her well, this is also one of the ways not to argue with your girlfriend.

6 ways to avoid arguing with her

5. Multi-contact

It's good to think of ways not to argue with your girlfriend, but the important thing is to have more contact.

No matter how much we talk, no matter how many people around us, the warmth and heartbeat generated by mutual contact cannot be changed by anything else.

When you care about small things, or argue over something inconsequential, hug her more.

As long as you do this, the things you have been thinking about before will become less concerned.

In addition, women prefer to "contact each other" than men, believing that it is more important than anything else.

When the atmosphere is a little dangerous, more contact is the way not to argue with your girlfriend!

6. Express love in words

Did you tell her nicely that "I like you a lot" and "I want to be with you all the time"?

"Of course it was conveyed!" No matter what you think in your heart, maybe the woman on the other side doesn't feel it.

I say this because men are very bad at verbally expressing love.

It's also where she's cute, but I recommend the way not to argue with your girlfriend, which is to use words to show affection.

No matter what kind of action you use to express it, no matter what kind of surprise you use to please a woman, women want your words.

"I have obviously conveyed..." Even if I think so, I must express my love in words.

6 ways to avoid arguing with her


What do you think?

This time I introduced how not to argue with my girlfriend! Is there some reference value?

It is precisely because she is her favorite girlfriend that she tries not to quarrel and keeps loving all the time.

However, with a little attention, the number of collisions will be surprisingly reduced! So please cherish her more than before.