
Benchmarking | Guo Wenbiao: Ten years of perseverance Happy to seek happiness for the villagers To build a garden and build roads to benefit the villagers Let the pepper tree become a big industry and be a caring person for the people

author:Fugu publicity

In the pepper field of Guojiazhuangze Village, Wangjiadun Convenience Service Center, villagers often see a simple, humble and busy figure. He is Guo Wenbiao, the secretary of the party branch of Guojiazhuangze Village.

Benchmarking | Guo Wenbiao: Ten years of perseverance Happy to seek happiness for the villagers To build a garden and build roads to benefit the villagers Let the pepper tree become a big industry and be a caring person for the people

Guo Wenbiao, born in 1965, has been the secretary of the party branch of Guojiazhuangze Village since July 2008, leading the whole village to actively adjust the industrial structure, develop the characteristic pepper planting industry, and form a set of good methods for enriching the people and strengthening the village with the purpose of common prosperity. He often said: "The villagers chose me to be the secretary of the party branch because they trust me, and if I can't do a good job, I am sorry for the party, and I am sorry for the fathers and villagers of the whole village, and I will be responsible for the party and the fathers and villagers of the whole village." ”

<h1>Building parks and roads to benefit villagers</h1>

"Raising children and preventing the elderly" is the traditional concept of many rural elderly people, but now many elderly people have to live alone because their children go out to work and other reasons. "The reason why we want to build a happiness garden is because there are many five-insured households, empty nesters and left-behind elderly people in the village, considering that the elderly are reluctant to leave the village and live scattered, they think of centralized pension." Guo Wenbiao said that this year, he raised more than 800,000 yuan through multi-party efforts to renovate the old school that had been idle for many years into the "Guojiazhuang Happiness Hospital", which was officially completed in September this year. At present, there are 13 houses, 16 beds, restaurants, washing and bathing bathrooms, fitness equipment and other supporting facilities.

"I think it is particularly good to build this happiness home, usually the elderly who have no one to take care of in the village can live, and everyone can live together and have multiple talking companions." Uncle Guo of Guojiazhuang's village said that he had been working outside the home for many years, and his mother had no one to take care of him, which had always been his heart disease. After living in the happiness house, small things have neighbors to help, big things have management personnel to deal with, they are more at ease outside.

Benchmarking | Guo Wenbiao: Ten years of perseverance Happy to seek happiness for the villagers To build a garden and build roads to benefit the villagers Let the pepper tree become a big industry and be a caring person for the people

The flat and wide cement road leads directly to the doorstep of the home, and there is no need to step on the red mud to travel, which is something that the villagers of Guojiazhuang village in the past did not dare to dream of, but now it has become a reality. Guo Wenbiao was most impressed by the road into the village here, as long as it rained, it was potholes and difficult to pass, as the villager's "family", he looked in his eyes and was anxious in his heart. In 2012, Guo Wenbiao began to run relevant business units, tirelessly explaining the situation, and finally repaired and transformed the 3.7-kilometer tongcun road in Malianping at the end of 2016 and 2017, and built a 4.7-kilometer cement road from Guojiazhuangze Village to Wangjiadun Convenience Service Center. The road is open, the masses are convenient to travel, the transportation of agricultural products is convenient, and the people have more hope for the days ahead. In order to make the villagers travel unimpeded, the applications in my family are almost piled up into a hill, Guo Wenbiao said with a smile, the road is open, the heart is wider, the world is bigger, and the villagers' strength to get rid of poverty and get rich is also more sufficient.

<h1>Let the pepper tree become a big industry</h1>

One person is not rich, but the whole village is rich. Guo Wenbiao also took the responsibility of taking the lead in getting rich, and after many investigations, he decided to lead the villagers to vigorously develop the pepper industry. Due to the lack of understanding and support of some villagers for the peppercorn industry, they encountered difficulties in the early stage of preparation. In order to mobilize the enthusiasm of all villagers to participate together, Guo Wenbiao once went door to door to publicize the considerable benefits of peppercorns, and under his painstaking persuasion, the villagers accepted this idea and began to actively grow peppercorns. Peppercorn trees were planted, but how to sell them became a problem. After many trips, Guo Wenbiao decided to set up a peppercorn cooperative, he used 300 yuan to buy peppercorns from growers, and then sold them at a price of 300 yuan, without making any fees, and also provided free packaging for them. In this way, with the joint efforts of everyone, the pepper industry in the village has begun to take shape, and the enthusiasm of the villagers is also very strong.

Benchmarking | Guo Wenbiao: Ten years of perseverance Happy to seek happiness for the villagers To build a garden and build roads to benefit the villagers Let the pepper tree become a big industry and be a caring person for the people

While driving the development of the peppercorn industry in the village, Guo Wenbiao will also go to the Agricultural High Council and the Western Fair every year to sell and display products, so that Fugu peppercorns will be recognized by more people. At present, the economic benefits of this characteristic industry are very significant, and the income of farmers has also been improved. "Villager Guo Naize is now a big pepper grower in the village, planting more than 2,000 plants." Guo Wenbiao said that planting peppercorns has made everyone see hope, and the villagers have begun to trust the village party secretary who "speaks with actions and facts". Now Guo Wenbiao has become the backbone of the villagers, and he says that everyone will follow what they do. "It's better to have a good branch than to have a son." Villagers praised.

After the hurried years of wind and rain, we have ushered in the fruits of spring and autumn. In more than three years, Guo Wenbiao has made the pepper industry in the village develop rapidly, and the planting area of peppercorns in the village has changed from 5,000 to 34,000 plants, the output value has changed from 150,000 yuan to 900,000 yuan, and the per capita income of pepper growers has exceeded 9,500 yuan. Nowadays, looking around, the peppercorn trees are red, looking at the good growth of peppercorns, Guo Wenbiao said: "The efforts have not been in vain, and now that the peppercorns are harvested every year, our farmers cannot only stay in the traditional agricultural thinking, always thinking about how to cultivate the fields and how to support their families, but to learn to change their minds and become modern farmers, which is a new way out to get rich." ”

<h1>Be a caring person for the people</h1>

Spring wind and rain, moisturizing things silent. Today's Guojiazhuang Ze Village under the leadership of Guo Wenbiao, all kinds of work are ranked in the forefront of the Wangjiadun Convenience Service Center villages, not only Guojiazhuang Ze Village Party Branch is the "Five Good" branch, Guo Wenbiao himself has been repeatedly rated as "Yulin Good Man", "Fugu Good Man", "Poverty Alleviation Advanced Individual" and excellent party members and many other honors.

Benchmarking | Guo Wenbiao: Ten years of perseverance Happy to seek happiness for the villagers To build a garden and build roads to benefit the villagers Let the pepper tree become a big industry and be a caring person for the people

The ultimate purpose of economic development is to let the people enjoy the fruits of development, under the leadership of Guo Wenbiao, Guojiazhuang Village began to improve the living standards of villagers and improve infrastructure construction, and effectively did practical things for the masses to relieve the people's worries. Guo Wenbiao has successively implemented the expansion of 96 square meters of office space of the village committee, the Wujia'an pepper reservoir and supporting facilities, and the new construction of three dry wells in Guojiazhuangze, Nanwa and Malianping Village. Guo Wenbiao brought a new look, a new atmosphere and a new life to the village, and also won the support of the villagers. "As much as you give to the villagers, the villagers will give you as much as you want, a few days ago every family in the village was killing pigs, everyone told me to eat, I was too busy to take care of it, they left me, as long as I was in the village, everyone surrounded me and said everything to me." Guo Wenbiao said quite successfully.

They all say that things in the countryside are difficult to handle, and a penny forces the hero to fall. In 2017, the per capita income of Guojiazhuang Village reached more than 9,500 yuan, becoming the fastest village to grow peppercorns and get rich, and he became the leader of "rich to the masses, with the masses to do" to get rich. Guo Wenbiao said: "In the next step, I plan to further develop the peppercorn industry, dig a well on the bank of the Yellow River, and then use the reservoir of Wujia'an to pump up the high-level pool, which not only solves the problem of drinking by people in the two villages, but also solves the problem of pepper irrigation, and promotes the increase of farmers' income." (Bai Jing, Sun Yining)

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