
Filial piety comes first! Reading Chairman Chen Maochun's book "Remembering My Mother" has a feeling

Filial piety comes first! Reading Chairman Chen Maochun's book "Remembering My Mother" has a feeling


"Remembering My Mother" is an essay written by Chen Maochun, chairman of Schmidt Wealth Group, in 2015 to remember his mother. The verse says, "The Father gave birth to me, and the Mother bowed to me." Caress me, nurture me, take care of me, go in and out of me. The virtue of wanting to repay. Hao Tian yi ji! ”。 Chairman Chen Maochun wrote an article in his own handwriting, made a preface and a picture, and used simple language, ordinary deeds, and affectionate nostalgia. It shows us an ordinary and great mother image, with simple language, concise writing, and true feelings everywhere.

Chairman Chen Maochun's filial piety culture of "filial piety is great, great respect for relatives" and other aspects are worthy of our serious study. In October, the fetus is heavy, and the three lives are repaid lightly! After carefully reading this book, the Shaanxi drum people felt very deeply...


It is our lifelong teacher

Wang Lijun

After perusing the six-chapter "Remembering My Mother", I couldn't help but cry.

I have read many articles about remembering my mother, but I did not expect that this whole text did not have flowery words, but only a flat and direct, eloquent text, but touched the softest part of my heart. The description of many details in the text makes people feel the sincere feelings and endless thoughts of a son for his mother. And through the accumulation of these simple words, my eyes also flashed such a mother: industrious, wise, kind, idyllic, optimistic.

Filial piety comes first! Reading Chairman Chen Maochun's book "Remembering My Mother" has a feeling

She did not go to school for a day, but she was sensible and tolerant of fraternity; she went up the mountain during the day to cut firewood, pick tea and grow vegetables, go home at night to feed pigs, wash and cook, and sew clothes and shoes under the kerosene lamp, but she never complained at all, and calmly faced the various tribulations of life; she raised a total of 8 children, although life was poor, but the spirit was rich, and she used extremely limited ingredients to make sweet potato powder, pumpkin cake, rice cake, peanut candy for her children, which increased nutrition for her family at the same time, and also made life a little bright She always maintained a kind nature in the days of poverty, educated her children to have etiquette and understand the rules, exchanged hard work for harvest, when her children achieved achievements, she was still pampered and asked her children to help the villagers do more things with actions; her greatest hope in life was to look forward to the health and safety of her children, she believed in "home and everything"; she never drank alcohol, but she could brew fragrant rice wine for everyone to drink, she did not eat mutton, but she could make soup delicious medicinal mutton for everyone to remember...

There are also several details in the book that moved me very much.

Detail 1: The mother had cataracts in her right eye, and in order to save money, she went to a private clinic for treatment, but unfortunately she was cured. When the children learned that their mother's right eye was blind and angrily wanted to tear down the clinic, the mother hurriedly stopped her and said, "This is my bad life, no wonder people!" In fact, this is the old man's confession, which she wants to calm the anger of her children. She knew that the other party did not do it on purpose, and she knew that tearing down the clinic would not help... This is her inclusiveness and open-mindedness.

Detail two: Whenever there is good food in the family, the mother lets the elders eat it first, but the grandfather is reluctant to eat it, thinking of leaving it for the grandchildren to relieve their hunger. So there was such an interesting scene in the yard of his own family: the mother chased after the grandfather to eat meat, the grandfather ran in front, and finally the mother caught up with the grandfather, smeared the meat on the grandfather's mouth, saying that this is dirty, others can not eat it, so the grandfather had to eat the meat ... This is the mother's filial piety to the elders.

Detail three: Seeing her son start a business, she instructed: "I have lived a poor life in my life, and after you have the ability, you must do good things for society, help the poor more, and do your best for your hometown." So, when the company he started was not yet profitable, he began to build roads for the village, and later donated money to build two Hope Primary Schools. Subsequently, the mother remembered that there was no bridge on a river in the next village, and the villagers were inconvenient to cross the river, so they raised 20,000 yuan within the family, plus the 100,000 yuan that her son took out, and finally built the bridge and completed the old man's long-cherished wish... This is the kindness and fraternity of a mother.

Filial piety comes first! Reading Chairman Chen Maochun's book "Remembering My Mother" has a feeling

Chairman Chen Maochun said that there are three teachers in a person's life, and parents are the first, raising you to adulthood and accompanying you to success; the second is a campus teacher, there may be dozens of teachers from kindergarten to postdoctoral fellows, teaching you knowledge and helping you become a talent; the third is a post teacher after entering the society, teaching you experience. Of the three teachers, the only teacher who will remain unchanged for life is your parents.

Parents are there, life still has a place to come; parents are dead, life is only the way home. Therefore, if your parents are still alive, you should honor "the lifelong teacher who raised us to adulthood and accompanied us to success", and there will be no regrets. This should be a common inspiration for all of us after reading this article.

Parents are the mountains of children

Grown up under the nurturing of mountain spring water

Chen Fei

"The virtue of moving the heavens is greater than filial piety". Opening Chairman Chen Maochun's book "Remembering My Mother", the affection that naturally flows between the lines and the motherly love that is poured out word by word jumps on the paper, which makes people feel touched and thoughtful. In today's fast-paced development of society, it is a "charge" to have the honor to calm down and read such a simple text. As an important traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, the culture of filial piety and gratitude is not only a powerful driving force guiding our personal progress, but also the source of the well-ordered development of the entire society.

Filial piety comes first! Reading Chairman Chen Maochun's book "Remembering My Mother" has a feeling

In the pen of Chairman Chen Maochun, his mother is a hard-working, simple, ordinary and great mother, his observation of his mother is meticulous, the figure of sewing clothes and shoes, the faltering pace... After he became a graduate, he did not forget his mother's teachings and became a person with feelings and gratitude; no matter how busy he was at work, he did not forget to take time to accompany his mother. After reading it carefully, I can't help but sigh: How many people can do this? How many people can actually do it? In today's ever-changing world, many people only remember to bury their heads in the past, but forget why they set out.

"Filial piety, toku no Motoya." Only when a person has filial piety can he extend the feelings of loving his parents and family to the great love of loving others, loving society, and loving the country. Chairman Chen Maochun, as an influential entrepreneur, leads by example, honors parents, cares for the vulnerable, gives back to his hometown, founded the "Maochun Foundation", donates funds, donates money, donates materials, earthquake relief... with personal strength to influence more people to participate in the practice of filial piety, and spread the light of filial piety to the corners that need help, which is the embodiment of the spirit of great love and the embodiment of a strong sense of social responsibility. Schmidt Wealth Group's corporate purpose is "to create wealth, sustainable development, benefit the people, contribute to the society", under the leadership of Chairman Chen Maochun, filial piety culture has become an indispensable spiritual force and moral code for the development of Schmidt Wealth Group.

Filial piety comes first! Reading Chairman Chen Maochun's book "Remembering My Mother" has a feeling

Only those who know how to honor their parents and have the heart to feed back can be respected; enterprises that know how to be grateful and know how to create and share are likely to go a long way. The traditional filial piety culture still has important practical significance in the new era, as a new youth in the new era, what we need to do is not to forget the original heart, be down-to-earth, look to the future, practice filial piety, know gratitude, and constantly draw positive energy from the filial piety culture and gratitude culture, and move forward steadily on the road of struggle!

Great mother

Nurture exceptional entrepreneurs

Yuan Yunchong

Chairman Chen Maochun is an entrepreneur we admire. I recently had the pleasure of reading his book "Remembering My Mother." The deep affection and filial piety displayed between the lines make people move and make people cry.

If I had to sum up "Remembering My Mother" in one word, it would be love. If summed up in one sentence, it should be that great mothers have nurtured excellent children and outstanding entrepreneurs with their tenacity, kindness and love.

Filial piety comes first! Reading Chairman Chen Maochun's book "Remembering My Mother" has a feeling

In the book, Chairman Chen Maochun uses simple and unpretentious words to connect vivid details one by one, and narrates the life of his mother and the growth story of his children with a pen touch full of thoughts. In the process of reading, the mother's words and deeds, every wisp of her children, for the family, and for others, all reflect her wisdom. Chairman Chen Maochun's narration is true and concrete, making people immersed in the scene, just like this mother standing in front of you, showing you an ordinary but great mother image.

Mother's Tenacity —

In the book, Chairman Chen Maochun recalls the story of his mother's hard work in raising eight brothers and sisters. Under the extremely difficult conditions of survival, the mother supported a world with her own tenacity, guarding the family and guarding the growth of her children. When the mother has a child, she delivers herself, and the next day after giving birth, she goes out to work, she picks tea during the day and collects the soles and clothes for the children under the oil lamp at night. In the face of heavy housework and a hard life, the love and tenacity shown by his mother deeply affected Chairman Chen Maochun.

Chairman Chen Maochun recorded a sentence from his mother: "Do things outside, don't worry about people, let people take a step in everything." If someone spits on your face, you wipe it off and don't argue with him. Later, in the process of entrepreneurship, Chairman Chen Maochun from tourism transportation to refrigeration equipment to industry to merger of steel enterprises, he constantly tried to break through, innovate and forge ahead, and make the enterprise stronger and bigger, which showed his tenacity. Chairman Chen Maochun said that his diligent and down-to-earth work attitude and open-mindedness to the world are all from his mother's sincere teaching, but also from the noble qualities embodied in his mother.

Filial piety comes first! Reading Chairman Chen Maochun's book "Remembering My Mother" has a feeling

Mother's Kindness —

In the early days of entrepreneurship, her mother mobilized Chen Maochun to build a road and build a school for the village. The mother said that when the road is open, the villagers can get rich, and only when schools are built can children go to school. Chen Maochun followed his mother's proposal, and the village had the first machine ploughing road leading to the town. Two hope primary schools were also funded, and children in nearby villages no longer had to get up early every day to trek more than a dozen miles of mountain roads to school. Chen Maochun also set up the "Maochun Foundation" in his hometown, and has donated more than 30 million yuan to the society to improve the appearance of his hometown.

Fengqin to filial piety, 40 years do not abandon the mountains and rural backcountry; and also help the family and the country, the total investment of tens of billions of huge funds, to feed the rural revitalization. Chairman Chen Maochun has never forgotten the nurturing feelings of his hometown after his career has been successful, and with the identity of "private entrepreneur", he has gone all the way from donating funds to education to devoting himself to the cause of rural revitalization, helping rural revitalization with his own way and concept, and sprinkling love on this hot land he loves. Chairman Chen Maochun is rich and able to practice benevolence, not by accident, but by family style and as a result of his mother's good education. He said that it was his mother's kindness that set an example for him to be a man.

Mother's Love—

Chairman Chen Maochun wrote affectionately in the preface of the book, "Grateful Parents, Inheriting Filial Piety": Parents are the mountains of their children, and under the nurturing of mountain springs and waters, they become adults, "grace is as heavy as a mountain"; parents are the sea of children, growing up under the guidance of the waves of the ocean, "love is as deep as the sea"; parents are the Buddhas of their children, and under the protection of the Buddha, they are the gods of their children, and they are successful under God's gravity.

Filial piety is the foundation of people, and Chairman Chen Maochun's perception and thinking on filial piety have given us new inspiration. It is believed that under the leadership of such an entrepreneur with a strong sense of social responsibility, adhering to the purpose of "creating wealth, sustainable development, benefiting the people and contributing to society", Schmidt Wealth Group will develop better and better, creating more wealth and beauty.

Respect the mother and love the mother, and stand up with filial piety

Li Ying

The pair of dappled hands that shuttle between the needles and threads in the dim light, the eyes full of reluctance and concern in the surging crowd, the language that slowly flows into the heart to soothe the tired language between the troubles, the warm embrace that has already been ushered in when returning home... The fragments in my mind are like a marquee, gradually flowing with Chairman Chen Maochun's simple but affectionate words.

Filial piety comes first! Reading Chairman Chen Maochun's book "Remembering My Mother" has a feeling

In the book "Remembering My Mother", Chairman Chen Maochun recalled the bits and pieces with his mother. Born in a chaotic world, for the mother is strong, the weak body, but never by the heavy responsibility of the crushing, the body of the stoop, desperately do their best to support a vast blue sky for their children. From the moment she fell to the ground, her mother set an example by being kind to others, repaying grievances with virtue, and serving her relatives with filial piety. These most simple, sincere and virtuous characters deeply affected the life of Chairman Chen Maochun.

Under the influence of his mother, Chairman Chen Maochun established the ideal of serving the country since he was a child, resolutely joined the Chinese People's Liberation Army, did not forget to study while training hard, obtained the "third class merit" and obtained a bachelor's degree from the School of Economics and Management. When he returned home from a visit to his relatives, he was heartbroken to see the backward situation in his hometown, so he voluntarily changed his profession to help his hometown become rich. He started from scratch, with an indomitable blood and perseverance in the difficulties to break out the way to success, the one-handed founding of Schmidt Wealth Group has long become China's top 500 manufacturing enterprises and China's top 500 private enterprises, high-quality product performance and intimate service are well-known in the market at home and abroad. For the sake of wealth and benevolence, Chairman Chen Maochun started a business for the people, and he also read Sang Zi's father and elder all the time, he always remembered his mother's words: "The road is open, and the villagers can get rich." "From road construction, bridge building, donations and material donations to industrial investment, from fujian hometown to all parts of the country, Xinghua Wealth is to create wealth and share wealth, but also to give back to the society and pass on happiness."

Filial piety comes first! Reading Chairman Chen Maochun's book "Remembering My Mother" has a feeling

As a long-standing traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, "filial piety" is the source of all morality, gratitude, kindness and love. The book "Remembering My Mother" is a heartfelt remembrance and affectionate remembrance of mothers, and also the most vivid interpretation and most moving depiction of "filial piety" culture. Chairman Chen Maochun said that her mother gave us life, nursed us with hard work, gave us everything she had, her life, no amount of words can say the mother's love for us.

Therefore, no amount of thanks in the world can not express our gratitude to our mother. The most bitter thing in the world is that the son wants to raise and not to be loved. For children and daughters, when the word "filial piety" comes first, cherish every moment with your mother, start from the side bit by bit, and interpret the love for your mother with actions. As a Shaanxi Drum employee, we must learn from Chairman Chen Maochun, learn from the kind and benevolent heart, and learn the meaning of respecting the mother and loving the mother!

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