
How important is Russian gas to Europe?

author:Pudding Pink Panther

According to the annual report released by BP, Russia has proven natural gas savings totaling 37.4 trillion cubic meters, and its natural gas reserves currently rank first in the world.

The sedimentary environment of natural gas is mainly in the type of lake swamp, while Russia is rich in oil and gas in the multi-swampy areas near the Siberian Plain and the Caspian Sea.

How important is Russian gas to Europe?

Why is Russian gas important to Europe and its importance?

Since the 1973 oil crisis, European countries have gradually adjusted their energy strategies to require:

  1. Ability to supply with diversity and security
  2. Enhance energy independence
  3. Economical and reasonable use
  4. environmental protection

These requirements have prompted the European country to gradually use natural gas and nuclear energy.

How important is Russian gas to Europe?

In 2020, Europe's proven natural gas reserves are about 86.15 trillion cubic feet, accounting for only 1% of global gas savings. Europe's natural gas capacity has entered a period of exhaustion, and local supply has been greatly reduced. Although the production of natural gas in Europe has dropped significantly, the overall consumption level of natural gas in EU countries has continued to be stable, and local production cannot meet the demand for consumption, so the external dependence of the EU's natural gas has increased.

Norway, North Africa and Russia are the main importers of natural gas from the European Union. In 2020, EU member states imported a total of about 152.65 billion cubic meters of natural gas from Russia, accounting for 38% of total imports, and Russia can be said to be a major importer of natural gas, and Russian gas is of great importance to Europe.

How important is Russian gas to Europe?

But why can't the EU import more gas from other countries to replace Russia?

First, Russia has the world's largest reserves, and its abundance allows it to meet the demand for natural gas in the European market.

Secondly, Russia's oil and gas fields have certain geographical advantages. Russia's oil and gas fields have the advantage of being close to the market compared to other countries in North Africa. The transmission of natural gas takes years and a lot of money to lay pipelines, and it is not easy to easily change the supply country of natural gas.

If Russia cuts off the energy supply to the EU, it will have a great impact on Europe's electricity and heating, and the gap in the European energy market caused by the Russian energy supply cut is currently impossible for eu countries to make up, so Russia cutting off energy will have a great impact on these EU countries.

Attached: Chaffers said, "A complete cut-off of Russia's energy exports would be 'disastrous' (of the thing)." Europe cannot replace these volumes in any meaningful way. ”

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