
Doctors no longer hide, the body grows 3 kinds of moles, may not be far from cancer, do not be careless

author:Doctors say health

Cancer, a demon that destroys the health of millions of people, is actually very close to everyone, some people think that they are young, physically good, far from cancer, that is wrong! Cancer is no longer a "patent" for the elderly.

Liver cancer, digestive tract cancer, cervical cancer, etc. have a trend of rejuvenation, so can these cancers be detected early before they arrive?

Medical studies have shown that many cancers have precursors in the body before they appear, such as moles that appear for no reason!

Doctors no longer hide, the body grows 3 kinds of moles, may not be far from cancer, do not be careless

In general, moles are benign growths of melanocytes in the human body. Pigmented nevi are the most common, everyone has them, and they increase with age.

So what moles appear, which means that people are at risk of cancer? Let's take a closer look.

In 2009, Hong Kong actor Nicholas Tse, when filming "October Siege", the agent found that he had a significant black mole on his head, and after examination, he learned that it was melanoma.

Mainland actor Sun Honglei also found black moles on his feet while filming the film, which was later confirmed as melanoma. So what is melanoma?

Doctors no longer hide, the body grows 3 kinds of moles, may not be far from cancer, do not be careless

Melanoma is a worldwide disease, a malignant disease caused by the malignant transformation of melanocytes in the human body, causing cancerous changes in the skin, mucous membranes, and other organs.

Commonly known as the "king of cancer". Let's talk about how to distinguish melanoma from ordinary moles.

1. Appearance: Ordinary moles are regular in shape and symmetrical on both sides. Melanoma is irregularly shaped with serrated edges.

2, color: most of the ordinary moles are brown or black, melanoma in addition to the common black, there are black blue, pink, brownish yellow and so on.

Doctors no longer hide, the body grows 3 kinds of moles, may not be far from cancer, do not be careless

3. Area: Ordinary moles may disappear after forming, but they will never grow, and melanoma will grow and spread in a short period of time, and the color will change with growth.

Mastering these differences makes it easy to identify whether you have melanoma, especially those who work outdoors and have had melanoma in their families.

Doctors no longer hide, the body grows 3 kinds of moles, may not be far from cancer, do not be careless

The second type of nevus is spider nevi, which is more common on the face and neck, and is also present on the back of the hand.

Spider angiomas are easily recognizable, red in color, resembling spiders, caused by the expansion of the branches at the end of the arterioles of the skin, and belong to vascular nevi.

The appearance of spider anvils in the body can cause symptoms of ascites, wasting, and weakness. Clinically, spider angiomas have a great relationship with hepatitis and cirrhosis, and if not treated in time, the probability of liver cancer is very high.

Doctors no longer hide, the body grows 3 kinds of moles, may not be far from cancer, do not be careless

The last is dimpolytic polyp syndrome, which is the main manifestation of dark spots near the lips, which resemble moles. It is a signal that the gastrointestinal polyps in the human body become cancerous.

If there is a mole on the lips, accompanied by abdominal pain and bleeding in the stool, it is likely to be colorectal cancer. However, dime-spotted polyp syndrome is an autosomal dominant genetic disease and is clinically rare.

Doctors no longer hide, the body grows 3 kinds of moles, may not be far from cancer, do not be careless

There are 3 types of moles above, all of which are manifestations of the body's possible cancer. In addition, there are also many women who blindly choose laser removal in order to pursue beauty, which is also wrong.

First of all, you should first determine whether the moles that appear in the body are benign or malignant, and there are many diseases that will appear in the form of moles before they arrive, such as erythroderma and myeloma.

In short, in the current rapid development of society, the pursuit of a better life at the same time, but also always pay attention to their own body, adhere to the regular eating habits, health habits, improve their immunity, is good for the prevention of various cancers.

At the same time, don't ignore the small changes in the body, just like the 3 types of moles mentioned above, one is not careful, it will be taken advantage of by cancer!