
Every year, 709,000 people in our country die from alcohol! How much does it not hurt to drink? Tell you the safe drinking range


"Lao Wang, is it another time to drink alone at home?"

"Come in and sit down, old Li, let's both have a few drinks!"

"Don't drink the old brother, I quit a long time ago, my body is not young!"

"Drink less health, it's okay, I drink every day."

The dialogue between Lao Wang and Lao Li is believed that many people have heard, people's daily greetings and inviting friends to be guests usually through the medium of wine, that is, a person can drink two sips at home. If you encounter banquets and holidays, there will be more people who drink, and they will drink and eat while chatting, which are very familiar pictures in life.

If you ask the drinker to drink less, he will think that you look down on him, and in order to prove his alcohol consumption, drink a blushing neck. If you tell him that drinking alcohol is harmful to health, he will refute you, Uncle Wang drank all his life, and did not live to ninety-nine. Moreover, he is not alone in thinking so, and most people who can drink together think so.

Every year, 709,000 people in our country die from alcohol! How much does it not hurt to drink? Tell you the safe drinking range
Come and see the rumors about drinking, how many have you heard?

  • Small children can drink some wine and practice the amount of alcohol from an early age

Some people like to joke with children, trick children into their own cup is Sprite, let the child drink it, see the child is spicy to tears, but also scold a sentence did not come out, boys from a young age to practice alcohol. If you have such relatives around you, you must strictly stop it, because the child's drinking is very dangerous, it is easy to affect the intelligence and nerves, and there are risks such as alcoholism and ataxia.

  • Eat some mulberries, drink some milk and drink alcohol, and you won't get drunk

Mulberry and milk is not a miracle drug, there is no such effect, no matter what to eat, alcohol in the body will stimulate the stomach and intestines, the need for liver decomposition, as for the amount of alcohol, whether it will be drunk, it is related to the activity of an enzyme in the body, determined by innate genes. Therefore, even if you eat a lot of mulberries and milk, you are prone to getting drunk.

Every year, 709,000 people in our country die from alcohol! How much does it not hurt to drink? Tell you the safe drinking range
  • Durian is eaten with wine and will get sick

As long as you don't eat a lot at once, the impact on the body is very small, but durian and alcohol are really not suitable for eating together, and it is easy to get fat when eaten together often, and it will also raise blood sugar. To say that drinking alcohol will be sick, most of them are excessive drinking or drinking on an empty stomach, or they may have suffered from diseases, but they do not know that they have erupted under the stimulation of alcohol, such as acute pancreatitis, stomach ulcers, gallstones and so on.

  • Drinking more alcohol kills viruses and bacteria in the body

To be honest, drinking alcohol is not direct drinking essence, low concentrations of alcohol can not kill viruses and bacteria, alcohol into the body quickly decomposed into other substances, can not accurately kill the virus, and in vitro disinfection is not the same thing. If you drink a high concentration of alcohol, you may not wait for the virus to kill, and the organs, blood vessels, and nerves will collapse one step at a time.

Every year, 709,000 people in our country die from alcohol! How much does it not hurt to drink? Tell you the safe drinking range

In short, many of the statements about drinking alcohol are rumors, don't believe it casually, don't do it easily, it is easy to hurt the body. In fact, not a few people die every year from drinking alcohol, with 709,000 people dying from alcohol on the mainland alone, ranking first in the country. And many people also think that drinking alcohol is beneficial, false, exaggerated publicity, let people mistakenly think that they can drink in moderation, is this really the case?

How much to drink so as not to hurt your body? Is it true or false that moderate drinking is beneficial?

It is impossible for a person who loves to drink to completely give up drinking and eating, he will take a compromise approach, can I drink less? Doesn't it say that moderate drinking is good for the body?

In fact, no authoritative website has ever said that "moderate drinking is beneficial", most of them are people comforting themselves and finding reasons for drinking. Alcohol has an impact on the human body, never talk about more and less, as long as you drink, alcohol will enter the human body, open a tour called "harm", from the mouth to the intestines, from blood vessels to nerves, no place can escape its destruction.

Drinking alcohol can bring dozens of diseases to the body, long-term alcoholics and chronic suicide is no different, especially pregnant women, children, chronic disease patients, should be insulated from alcohol. The first two categories are easy to do, I believe that no one will joke about their children, but for chronic disease patients, because the disease is slow to develop, usually feel good about themselves, so it is difficult to control the mouth.

Every year, 709,000 people in our country die from alcohol! How much does it not hurt to drink? Tell you the safe drinking range

Can you drink less? How much to drink so as not to hurt your body? The answer is "0". A study of 28 million people tells us that only not drinking alcohol is safe, and if your heart has begun to waver and you are afraid of being harmed by alcohol, then don't step into the threshold of drinking. Don't let yourself drink extravagantly and take the doctor's advice as the wind in your ears. In addition, patients with liver disease and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases must abstain from alcohol to reduce the risk of liver cancer, atrial fibrillation, cerebral infarction and so on.

So now everyone should know that the people who keep trying to persuade you to drink at the wine table really have a good relationship with you? If you really want to think about your health, why do you keep pouring wine for you? However, some netizens said that Chinese always say that they are humane, understand etiquette, leaders and elders pour wine for themselves, they can not directly say not to drink, what should be done at this time?

Every year, 709,000 people in our country die from alcohol! How much does it not hurt to drink? Tell you the safe drinking range

If you don't want to get drunk and want to get drunk quickly, you may wish to learn these tricks

When pouring wine, pour yourself a glass of white water at the same time, drink the two liquids alternately, ensure that the alcohol concentration is not too high, and find opportunities to fake the truth and drink fewer sips of wine. Can not drink urgent wine, to give the body time to metabolize, small sips of slow drink is best. Drink for a while, talk for a while, eat some food, and don't let your stomach go hungry.

Eat more vegetables and fruits, which is conducive to promoting excretion, you can also say that you are hungry, drink some soup and eat some noodles, which is helpful for alleviating drunkenness and nausea. Give yourself a warning line before drinking, no more than how many times, for example, men, the height of the number of liquor can not exceed 60 ml, use a small wine glass to drink slowly, do not pour hard.

People who love to drink may have thousands of drinking understanding, but this can not hide the fact that drinking hurts the body, no matter how much you drink, as long as alcohol enters the body, it will increase the risk factor, if you do not want to face cancer, it is best to quit early.


[1] How many of the top ten rumors about drinking alcohol have you heard? Xiaoxiang Famous Doctor.2020-08-26

[2] What is the safest amount of alcohol to drink? · Guangming Network.2021-08-07

[3] Because of drinking, 700,000 people in China drink their lives every year! Alcoholism is suicide, persuasion is murder! · Health Times.2019-04-08

[4] Holiday parties, these drinking common sense to know . 2021-09-05

[5] This misleading Chinese decades of health care, there is no Qilu one point.2022-02-17