
Design simulation industry software – a top priority

author:The Digital Enterprise

The following article is from The Headlines of Gongxin, written by Xie Keqiang

Design simulation industry software – a top priority

Introduction ( Text / Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Electronics Institute Five Xie Keqiang )

Design simulation software is one of the most dependent industrial software types in the mainland and occupies a core position in product development. From the perspective of the systematic development of industrial software, industrial applications are most urgently needed to break through the bottleneck of the industrial ecological chain.

Sino-US trade friction has aroused the people's widespread attention and in-depth thinking on mastering core technologies, and mainland industrial software is one of the topics. The industrial software system is complex, has many categories, involves a wide range, and faces many bottlenecks and shortcomings, such as capital dilemmas, technical dilemmas, market dilemmas, talent dilemmas, etc. However, from the most urgent point of view of the systematic development of industrial software and the application of industrialization, it is necessary to solve the bottleneck of the ecological chain of the industrial software industry. Because design simulation software is one of the most dependent industrial software types in the mainland, it occupies a core position in product development and is the key to industrial digital transformation.

The status quo and problems of the ecological chain of the design and simulation software industry

As an important part of the industrial software industry, design simulation software can be divided into six parts, such as government industry-university-research funds, from the perspective of the composition of relevant units in the industrial ecological chain. Among them, the government refers to the government-guided design simulation software industry planning and capital investment; use refers to the design of simulation software technology and software application units; production refers to enterprises engaged in the design of simulation software technology productization and commercial market promotion; science refers to the design of simulation software industry to provide talent training institutions; research refers to the design of simulation software industry related to the development of core technologies and algorithms; gold refers to the social funds to the design of simulation software industry investment resource units.


Beginning with the "dumping board" project in the 1990s, for more than two decades, governments at all levels have supported industrial software. A series of policy documents such as the Guiding Opinions on Deepening the Integration and Development of Manufacturing and the Internet, the Guiding Opinions on Deepening the Development of the Industrial Internet in the "Internet + Advanced Manufacturing Industry", the Development Plan for software and information technology service industry (2016-2020), and the "Guidelines for the Development of the Information Industry" will promote the development of industrial software as a key task. The state attaches great importance to the development of the software industry, and gives tax incentives to all kinds of software enterprises through double-software identification and other means, and at the same time takes many measures to indirectly support industrial software enterprises. However, due to many historical reasons, there are some situations such as "Domestic Software Encounters Three And Four Dilemmas".


The mainland design and simulation software application units can be mainly divided into three categories: one is a large state-owned enterprise in the military industry and equipment manufacturing, such as aviation, aerospace, ships, weapons, electronics, nuclear power, automobiles, etc.; the second is a market-oriented enterprise with strong innovation ability and a large demand for design simulation software, such as Gree and Huawei; and the third is a small and medium-sized technological innovation enterprise. Among them, the first type accounts for about 80% of the domestic design simulation software market, the main part is the state-funded technological transformation project; the second type accounts for about 15% of the market space, the main part is the enterprise's own funds; the third type of small and medium-sized enterprises, whether from software procurement, talent employment and other aspects can not invest more funds, the entire industry accounted for a weak proportion, did not form a benign market-led industrial demand system.

After the mid-1990s, the domestic industrial innovation demand for design simulation software increased, when the products launched by foreign commercial software companies were far superior to domestic products in terms of engineering practice, user experience, function, reliability, etc. At the same time, China opened the market for imported foreign design simulation software, and a large number of foreign software poured into the Chinese market. Application companies spend billions of dollars every year to introduce a large number of foreign design simulation software, of which there are also blind benchmarking foreign industrial giants and irrational purchase of foreign software. At that time, foreign design simulation technology and software did play a very important role in the innovative design of mainland industrial enterprises, some industries such as automobiles, aviation, aerospace, etc., digital design and simulation has become a key part of product development and design, but at the same time, the mainland technology innovation on foreign high-end industrial software completely dependent on the situation.

The software provided by foreign countries for Chinese enterprises is basically general software. In the past ten years, with the continuous increase in the demand for domestic independent innovation, the functions and experiences of foreign general software have been unable to meet the needs of the domestic market for professional customization, while the domestic agency companies or branches of foreign software have no ability to carry out customized development and creation. Creating customized software in the industry has gradually gained a certain market, and independent commercial design simulation software research and development enterprises have gradually developed. The industry-leading design simulation technology application units in Mainland China have gradually increased the demand for customized development of industry-specific design simulation platforms, models and databases.

give birth

At present, the domestic design simulation software productization units are generally weak and small, and there is no outstanding main force, mainly including the following three categories: one is the market-oriented design simulation software product research and development enterprises; the other is the design simulation software research and development units derived from universities and research institutes; and the third is the foreign design simulation software product agent and technical consulting company.

Universities and research institutes: Since the 1970s and 1980s and until the mid-1990s, the university has accumulated a lot of software achievements in the field of design simulation, such as the DEVELOPMENT OF JIGFEX FINID ANALYSIS SOFTWARE BY DALIAN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY; THE SAP-84 DEVELOPED BY PROFESSOR YUAN MINGWU OF PEKING UNIVERSITY; AND THE FLYING ARROW SOFTWARE OF LIANG Guoping OF THE CHINESE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. There are also some research results, such as hajif, an aerostructural analysis software launched by aviation industry strength, and aerodynamic analysis "wind mine" software launched by the China Aerodynamic Development Center. Most of these software technologies and products are still operated in the mode of the academy, and they have not fully operated the business model, and have not formed a real commercial product, but stopped at "academic achievements" or internal achievements of the unit.

Foreign software and technology agents: After the mid-1980s and 1990s, the domestic industrial innovation demand for design simulation software technology increased, and the products launched by foreign commercial software companies opened up the market for Chinese design simulation software, and a large number of foreign software poured in, resulting in a number of foreign software agents and technical consulting services.

Independent design simulation companies: Domestic design simulation companies are divided into pure private enterprises and enterprises affiliated with large central enterprises. Around 2000, a number of enterprises began to build a domestic commercial design simulation software brand with commercialization as the core, and some agency companies also gradually realized the commercial drawbacks of selling foreign software and began to try to take the road of independent development, and commercial independent design simulation software research and development enterprises gradually emerged. The design and simulation software industry has gradually developed an industrial agglomeration trend, and there are also some representative enterprises and products. However, due to the maturity of products and the "lock-in effect" barriers of the market, corporate operation and market promotion are also difficult. The scale and market share of independent research and development enterprises designing simulation software are very small, showing "small scatter and weakness". "Small" is reflected in the current design of simulation software enterprises technology is relatively weak, the technology is relatively single, resulting in a single software product, enterprises are difficult to form a scale advantage, it is difficult to make the enterprise bigger; "scattered" is reflected in the industrial software involved in many industries, professional division, resulting in the deepening of industrial software for specific professional industries in all walks of life; "weak" is reflected in the domestic enterprises in the core technology of industrial software and foreign enterprises have a very large gap, the core competitiveness is weak.


At present, a considerable proportion of the R&D talents of mainstream design and simulation software companies in Mainland China are cultivated by Mainland China in the 1980s and 1990s. Since the mid-1990s, domestic universities have shifted from developing software and algorithm technology to using foreign software for horizontal technical service projects. Since 2000, the training of domestic design simulation software research and development talents has entered a depressed period. At present, the traditional design simulation software technology and algorithms are gradually mature, breakthrough fields and topics are gradually decreasing, the country's R & D investment is also declining, university talent training and research has passed the golden period, which is also the continent like the design simulation software industry to make up for the history of the lessons, but also to re-attract talents and resources into research and development and innovation of the common challenge.


At present, there are two situations in the design simulation technology and software research and development positioning of domestic research institutes, one is a project-oriented design simulation technology and software research and development unit, and the other is a unit led by algorithm research.

Project-oriented product research and development: The core goal of the first case is to obtain national project support, obtain project funds, once the project is completed, software research and development is basically stopped, no products and industrialization have been formed, and the results of the project team are fully attributed to the team, and even different laboratories in the same unit cannot be shared, resulting in national financial investment not being transformed into social wealth. Such units often also propose product planning, but often because of the system, mechanism, performance and other reasons, the developed software products are difficult to promote and use in the unit, let alone in the industry and social promotion.

Sci-based design simulation software technology development: With the rapid release of SCI papers as the core goal, due to the pursuit of speed and simple to start, most of them are students based on MATLAB development or secondary development based on foreign commercial software, and the continuous accumulation of independent design simulation software research and development has become a paper talk. As a result, the products developed by research institutes and universities lack continuous investment, incomplete functions, no user experience or a huge gap with foreign products, and cannot be productized or even cooperated with enterprises to transform results.


Industrial software, especially the design of simulation software, has high risks, high investment, and a long return cycle, and the social capital oriented to obtain short-term returns is more willing to invest in "short and fast" projects, and invests very little in industrial software. With the increase in domestic market demand for industrial software, in recent years, many investment companies have also paid attention to design simulation software research and development enterprises, and a number of domestic design simulation software companies have obtained investment. However, some investment companies and invested enterprises do not fully understand the characteristics of the industry and the stage they are in, because they have not completed the performance requirements of the VAM, and finally the enterprises are kidnapped by capital, which affects the healthy development of the enterprise.

The fact that an organic whole has not yet formed between various elements of the industrial chain is the biggest problem. At least until 2018, all kinds of elements are relatively scattered and independent, lack of in-depth cooperation between each other, failure to effectively complement resources, value co-creation, and difficult to build systematic development capabilities. Specifically, the procurement of military industrial units and state-owned enterprises with incomplete market behavior occupies the absolute main body of the application market, and the market share of small and medium-sized innovative enterprises with strong market behavior is very limited. Driven by the demand for foreign software by application units, most of the national funds flow into domestic agents and foreign software suppliers. The design and simulation software productization unit cannot form the ability of productization and commercialization in institutes and foreign software agents, and the survival of independent research and development enterprises has almost become the lower end of the ecological chain. Domestic production and use are disconnected, the application unit believes that the domestic software is not mature enough and is unwilling to use, and the domestic software lacks the opportunity to optimize and mature in the application unit, forming a vicious circle. The design and simulation technology research units are guided by government projects rather than products, the research capabilities of the core technology of design and simulation are lacking, and the industry talents cultivated by the university are mainly based on the secondary development and use of foreign software, which can neither transfer the research technology to software enterprises for commercialization, nor can it form an effective supply of R & D personnel, and social capital is almost outside the entire industrial ecological chain.

Design simulation industry software – a top priority

Thinking on the ecological chain of construction design simulation software industry

Fortunately, in the past two years, with the increase in the importance of industrial software from all walks of life, the multiple superposition of policy dividends, industrial trends, technological changes and other factors, relevant government departments are actively acting, the "spring of industrial software" has arrived, and the construction of industrial ecological chains has also ushered in a new dawn.

Through the cooperation and joint operation of the factor units in the industrial ecological chain, the law of energy transmission in the ecological chain can be fully exerted, so that the operating costs of the upstream and downstream of the industry are more economical and economical. Through policy guidance, the decisive role of various markets in allocating resources, and strengthening the innovation of technology and management will create new vitality for the entire industry through policy guidance, and the resulting overall reform behavior of the factor unit will create new vitality for the entire industry.

The construction of the design and simulation software industry ecological chain requires the government, enterprises, research institutions, colleges and universities and users to accurately position and play their own functions. At the same time, all links need to be interdependent, cooperate with each other and develop in a coordinated manner. If we want to build our own design simulation software industry ecological chain, we must be based on the specific national conditions of the mainland, and lead the development of the design simulation software industry through policy guidance, resource drainage, service guarantee and encouragement of innovation.

For example, guided by the actual engineering needs of application units, we will build a production-use collaboration hub with commercial software independent research and development enterprises as the main body, gather various types of resources to form a closed-loop iteration of research and development and application, improve the interoperability and openness of industrial software, and promote software productization, marketization and systematization. The products and projects of software enterprises drive the addition of "learning" and "research", so that "learning" and "research" become the main body of R&D talent training, product and demand-driven core technology and algorithm research. Give play to the role of third-party institutions in organizing production and use docking, resource aggregation, collaborative research, testing and verification, standard formulation, etc., and form a healthy industrial environment oriented by productization and marketization.

The government plays a coordinating and guiding role in the industrial ecological chain. It is recommended to wield the baton of industrial software development, break the institutional and institutional problems that restrict the development of the industry, create a good policy environment, carry out the system layout, pay attention to the accumulation of "unlimited resources" in the market through the government's "limited resources" investment, and give play to the advantages of ecological integration.

The product development and marketing unit is the main body of the ecology, the main participant in the ecological chain of the design and simulation software industry, and undertakes product research and development innovation and supply. The design and simulation software development and productization units should form new industrial characteristics with software independent research and development as the mainstay and technical services as the supplement, and need to be guided by product marketization and adopt market-oriented enterprise business models to locate products and enterprise business models. Independent R & D software enterprises need to absorb all kinds of resources into market-oriented product research and development, while setting up projects for research institutes and universities, integrating and transforming the results of universities and research institutes, becoming the main force for the healthy development of the entire design simulation software industry, and not becoming the service unit of the project undertaken by the institute. When applying for government projects, it is necessary to take the development strategy of the company's products as the first priority and highlight the technical advantages of the unit. Improve the treatment of R&D engineers and attract talents to join. Software companies cooperate around specific businesses, deepen understanding between the two sides through cooperation, promote business integration, enhance business capabilities, and on this basis, promote enterprises to carry out mergers through equity exchange and other means. Qualified enterprises should actively carry out overseas mergers and acquisitions, and make every effort to build enterprises into industry leaders and small giant enterprises with large market share.

The application unit is the main demander of design simulation software, the undertaker of software iterative optimization, and the traction of the circular development of the industrial ecological chain, which can provide application demand feedback and stimulate the industry to improve supply capacity. Industry leading application units should combine their own enterprise needs, and cooperate with domestic design simulation software research and development companies to jointly create and promote industry-specific design simulation software and industry standards. From the point to the line to the surface, firm direction, tolerate the immaturity of the growth stage of domestic software, realize joint development and gradual substitution, and take the lead in replacing foreign shelf generic products such as industry-specific simulation platforms, models, and databases. Small and medium-sized innovative enterprises should use the government to guide funds and other ways to reduce the pressure of initial investment and gradually become the main unit of market demand.

Universities promote basic theoretical research, develop and export industrial knowledge and software knowledge, and cultivate talents who design simulation software, which is an important driving force for the growth of the industrial ecological chain. Based on the research of mathematics and physics underlying algorithms, universities use domestic industrial software platforms to carry out scientific research projects, strengthen exchanges and cooperation with enterprises, and promote the research and development and application of domestic design simulation software technology. In view of the fact that the traditional design simulation technology has been relatively mature, it is more difficult to make a large-scale technological breakthrough, and it is necessary to reposition and sort out the direction of the basic research and development of design simulation in universities and research institutes, and to enhance the new vitality of traditional disciplines from the aspects of new application breakthroughs in traditional design simulation technology, breakthroughs in combination with new technical fields, and attracting talents to join the research and development of design simulation technology.

Scientific research institutes play a guiding and supporting role in the industrial ecological chain. Professional institutes lead the design of simulation software standards, quality, safety, intellectual property rights and other research, and promote the industrialization of research results. Research institutes affiliated with research and development conditions affiliated with military and central enterprises pay attention to the research and development of core technologies and algorithms, the transformation of the achievements of module products, etc., open up the technology and software achievements supported by government projects into socialized wealth, pay attention to the openness of technological achievements and social wealth, and cooperate with commercial software companies to promote the transformation and industrialization of achievements.

Social capital plays a catalytic and leveraging role in the industrial ecological chain. Give play to the role of multi-level capital markets, establish market-oriented and diversified funding mechanisms such as industrial software funds, introduce venture capital, venture capital and other funds to promote enterprise innovation, participate in the development of the industrial software industry by social capital, and support enterprises to become stronger and bigger through overseas mergers and acquisitions and listing financing.

The symbiotic and win-win ecological chain is the foundation of competition

Creating an industrial ecological chain with circulating hematopoietic function is of great significance to the current development of the industrial software industry represented by design simulation software. Collaboration is the value of the future, joint venture is the structure of the future, and symbiosis and win-win are the foundation of future competition. The construction of the industrial ecological chain is not a single fight, it is necessary to coordinate the resources of all parties, apply traction, production and use coordination, industry-finance interaction, complementary advantages, mutual complement, open up the main artery, dredge the small cycle, and create a large ecology.

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