
Ghosts have never harmed people, and it is people who kill people

author:Actual combat expert Bao Mingzhong

There are no ghosts in the world, but there are ghosts in people's hearts

"Water Monster 2" Director: Xiang Qiuliang Xiang Hesheng Actor: Wang Zhen'er Han Dong Liu Lincheng Wang Zhiwei Wei Ziqi Wang Jianguo Xu Shaohang Rong Weifeng Wang Hongqian Wu Hao Guo Jiayi Jiang Lie Wang Zhigang

Introduction: Her younger brother Du Jiahao (Han Dong) was brutally killed by water monkeys in Shangshui Town, and the Republic of China female forensic doctor Qingling (Wang Zhen'er) repeatedly solved strange cases in the Shanghai patrol house, and her only trouble was the mystery of her own life. A letter from the remote town of Sheung Shui kept her in nightmares. Qingling had to go to Shangshui Town to find out, and the remote and deserted and eerie villages, the "curse" about the revenge of the water monkeys was fulfilled one after another. The brave and decisive Qingling bravely carried a gun to brave the forbidden land of the water monster - the black wood forest, and all these cause and effect seemed to have been predestined.

Ghosts have never harmed people, and it is people who kill people

I think of the chronicle of Simon the Leopard:

When Wei Si (Wei Wenhou) was the prince of wei, Ximen Bao served as the commander of Yi (邺, in present-day northern Anyang, Henan, and west of Linzhang County, Hebei). When he went to Yi County, he would gather people of high moral standing in the local area and ask them about the suffering of the common people. These people said: "Suffering from marrying a daughter-in-law to Hebo, for this reason, the local people are exhausted." Ximen Leopard asked what was going on, and the men replied, "Every year the Three Elders and Ting tuan of Yi County have to levy taxes on the common people to loot money, and the money collected is several million, and they only use two or three hundred thousand of them to marry Hebo's daughter-in-law, and share the rest of the money with Zhu Wu and take it home." When it was time to marry a daughter-in-law for Hebo, the witch inspector saw a beautiful woman from a small household and said, 'This woman is suitable to be Hebo's daughter-in-law.' Marry immediately. Bathe and wash her hair, make her a new silk flower dress, let her live alone and bathe and fast; and for this reason make her a house for idle fasting by the river, and hang a red and red silk tent, where the woman lives and prepares beef wine for her. After more than ten days, everyone decorated and decorated the bed pillow like a married daughter, let the woman sit on it, and then floated it into the river. At first it floated on the surface of the water, but after floating for dozens of miles, it sank. The families of those who had beautiful women were worried that the great witch would marry them on behalf of the river, so most of them fled away with their daughters. For this reason, the city has become more and more empty, and even more impoverished, a situation that has been going on for a long time since the beginning. There is a saying among the common people that 'if you don't marry a daughter-in-law to the river uncle, there will be a flood and drown all the people'. Ximen Leopard said, "When it comes time to marry a daughter-in-law to Uncle He, I hope that the three elders, Wu Zhu, and father and elder will all go to the river to send the bride, and I have the honor to ask you to tell me about this matter, and I will also send this woman." These people said, "Yes." ”

When it was time to marry his daughter-in-law to The River, Ximen Leopard went to the river to meet the elders. The three elders, officials, rich and powerful people, and local fathers and elders will also gather here, and there are also two or three thousand ordinary people watching the bustle. The witch was an old woman, in her seventies. There were about a dozen female disciples who followed, all dressed in silk singles, standing behind the old witch. Ximen Leopard said, "Tell Hebo's daughter-in-law to come over, and I'll see if she looks pretty or not." The people immediately helped the woman out of the tent and walked over to Ximen Leopard. Ximen Leopard looked at the woman, turned back to the three elders, Wu Zhu, and the fathers and elders, and said, "This woman is not beautiful, and the troublesome witch will go to the river for me to repay the river, and I need to find a beautiful woman again, and send her a few days later." "So he asked the servants to pick up the great witch and throw her into the river." After a while, he said, "Why did the witch go so long?" Tell her disciple to urge her! Then he threw one of her disciples into the river. After a while, he said, "Why has this disciple taken so long?" Send another guy to urge them! "Throw another disciple into the river." A total of three disciples were thrown. Ximen Leopard said, "Witches and disciples, these are women, and they can't make things clear." Please ask the three elders to explain the situation for me. "And he threw the three elders into the river." Ximen Leopard had a hairpin in his hat, bent over, respectfully, and stood facing the river for a long time. The elders, Ting tuan, and others who were watching from the sidelines were all panicked and frightened. Ximen Leopard said, "If the witches and the three elders don't come back, what should I do?" "I want to send another courtman or elder to the river to urge them." These people were so frightened that they prostrated their heads on the ground, and they all broke their heads, and the blood on their foreheads flowed to the ground, and their faces looked like dead ash. Ximen Leopard said, "Okay, just stay and wait for them for a while." After a while, Ximen Leopard said, "Ting tuan can get up, it seems that the Hebo Liu guests will stay for a long time, you are all scattered, leave here and go home." The officials and ordinary people of Yi County were very frightened, and from then on, they did not dare to mention the matter of marrying a daughter-in-law for Hebo.

There are no ghosts in the world,,,

With guilt in his heart, a ghost was born

This "ghost" is not another "ghost"

The "ghost" you are referring to is what people call the "soul" after death.

What I want to say is that the ghost I believe, but the soul I cannot deny its existence

It is probably that people have strong desires before dying, and the brain is affected by strong desires, producing powerful brain waves,,,

When we read a book, we know that when a magnet separator sucks up the broken iron chips on the paper, the iron filings will form a certain shape

The brain waves are the same, existing around people, but in different intensities.

When it is strong to a certain extent, a large humanoid magnetic field similar to the shape of the human body is generated.

At this time, the magnetic field is gravitational, it adsorbs the dust floating in the air, so that this magnetic field can be seen by the naked eye

At this time, people can see the "soul" ,,,

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