
Electric lights spend a distant memory

author:Shallow clouds

Lamp flower, perennial winding herb, calyx lobes wide, nearly round, bell-shaped, greenish-purple gradually turning purple.

Electric lantern flower alias foxglove yellow leaf hanging bell willow. It is distributed in Mexico and China.

Electric lights spend a distant memory
Electric lights spend a distant memory
Electric lights spend a distant memory
Electric lights spend a distant memory
Electric lights spend a distant memory
Electric lights spend a distant memory
Electric lights spend a distant memory
Electric lights spend a distant memory
Electric lights spend a distant memory
Electric lights spend a distant memory
Electric lights spend a distant memory
Electric lights spend a distant memory
Electric lights spend a distant memory
Electric lights spend a distant memory
Electric lights spend a distant memory
Electric lights spend a distant memory
Electric lights spend a distant memory
Electric lights spend a distant memory
Electric lights spend a distant memory
Electric lights spend a distant memory
Electric lights spend a distant memory

The flower language of the electric lamp flower is a distant memory.

(Image from the Internet)