
Is the Chechen army really mighty: will it help the Russians capture the first important city?


At noon on March 2, a social media account said to be from Russia posted a picture of Chechen troops "cutting off their heads" on the Ukrainian front, of course, this picture is too bloody for us to mention, it is said that the Ukrainian soldier who was beheaded by the Chechen soldiers is the famous Neo-Nazi organization "Azov Battalion" soldiers in Ukraine, all this shows that the Chechen soldiers who are called "half-orcs" by Zelenskiy have arrived on the battlefield.

Is the Chechen army really mighty: will it help the Russians capture the first important city?

So why would the Chechen military be called a "half-orc" by the Ukrainian army? What kind of impact may these soldiers have on the war situation when they arrive on the battlefield? When will Mariupol, which is said to have already been fought by Chechen troops, be officially taken by the Russian army? In fact, how to say it, the various barbaric customs of the Chechen people, which were handed down all the way from the time of the Roman Empire, according to the Records of the Romans, in the South Russian steppe, that is, the area from the present-day Dnieper River to the Rostov Oblast of Russia, there was a hospitable, ah no, brave and cruel nomadic Nomadic People Ofshoya. This nomadic people have two preferences in battle, one is to cut off the opponent's head, decorate the skull as a bowl, and the other is to peel off the opponent's face and then hang it on their own war horses. In the Caucasus mountains further south of the south russian steppe, due to the harsher environment and various ethnic disputes, the barbarism of these mountain peoples is even worse than that of the nomadic peoples on the steppe.

Is the Chechen army really mighty: will it help the Russians capture the first important city?

For example, in the first and second Chechen wars, the Chechen rebels' methods of dealing with Russian soldiers, including but not limited to head hunting, dismemberment, and burial alive, and some more disgusting things we will not talk about, these are completely inconsistent with the provisions of engagement, let alone in line with the Geneva Conventions, which seem incomprehensible to others, but are completely normal in the eyes of Chechens. All in all, the cruelty and toughness of the Chechens, even the Terrorists in the Middle East have to bow to the wind, compared with the Chechens, the Taliban have become harmless little white rabbits, of course, fortunately, the Chechens have been subdued by Putin in 2000, they have now submitted to the Russian central government, but also active in the anti-terrorism battlefield in Syria and eastern Ukraine, and even went to China to help China train anti-terrorism troops, and their excellent technical and tactical level has left a very deep impression on China's anti-terrorism special forces.

Since the Chechen troops have reached Ukraine and arrived in Mariupol, how long it will take for Mariupol to be taken should be the most concerned by everyone. In fact, we think that although the equipment of the Chechen troops is good and the combat effectiveness is relatively strong, in large-scale urban operations, the combat skills of individual soldiers can only play a secondary role, which is a plus point for the troops, and the real key is how much truth the Russian army has prepared for Mariupol, how many cannon barrels have been prepared, and how many cannon barrels have been prepared to convince people with reason.

Is the Chechen army really mighty: will it help the Russians capture the first important city?

After all, judging from the situation on the front line of Mariupol, at least four brigades of the Ukrainian army have been surrounded in the encirclement, including three regular army brigades and a Nazi force, and there is also an artillery brigade and a motorcycle brigade that are currently being pinned down by the Donbas militia in front of Volnovaha, and the previous Donbas militia leader said that the 53rd Mobu Brigade of the Ukrainian Army has not been confirmed, but it can be determined that the Ukrainian troops in Volnovaha have suffered a major blow and are currently desperately breaking through to the east. Because it is said that the road to the west to break through was blocked by the Ukrainian army itself. In any case, this time four or five brigade-level units of the Ukrainian army were trapped in the small encirclement of Mariupol, and the Russian army and the Donbas militia concentrated on fighting the war of annihilation fighters had appeared.

Is the Chechen army really mighty: will it help the Russians capture the first important city?

However, Mariupol is not a good place to fight, although the city is not too large, the east and west are five or six kilometers long, but on the one hand, it has been operated by the Ukrainian army for many years, and there is a relatively perfect defense; on the other hand, the Ukrainian army troops in the city are too many, it is estimated that there are few thousands of people, and there may be tens of thousands of troops.

Is the Chechen army really mighty: will it help the Russians capture the first important city?

At the same time, in Mariupol, the most crucial thing is the Nazis, in fact, in addition to the infamous Azov battalion, there is another Nazi armed Donbas battalion on the front of Donetsk, which is said to have been hit hard by the Donetsk militia during the fighting near Volnovaha yesterday and today, but there are still some troops that can break through. The morale of the Ukrainian army may not be high, and there have been many scenes of Ukrainian soldiers surrendering on the front line, but the morale of these Nazis may not be high, but it is certainly not high, because if it is not high, the Russian army, the Donbass militia and the Chechen troops will come in, but they will beat these people to the head. It is said that the Azov battalion has already fortified the stations and steel factories in Mariupol, stockpiled a large number of weapons and ammunition, and even kidnapped a large number of people as human shields, waiting to die with the Russian army.

Is the Chechen army really mighty: will it help the Russians capture the first important city?

Therefore, in general, at present in the direction of Mariupol, the Russian troops have the advantage, but there should be a group of rather stubborn Ukrainian Nazis in the city, and the next offensive of the Russian army, mainly through continuous shelling and bombing, first of all to break the sharpness of the Ukrainian regular army, it is best to frighten these people, and then concentrate on the neo-Nazis. But even so, it is estimated that in Mariupol, there will be a rather tragic street battle, house-by-house competition, optimistically, it may be able to be completed within five days, if the Russian army can complete this task, then Mariupol will become the first war of annihilation in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the Russian army to obtain the first greater victory.

When we talk about this, there is news in front of us that the Russian shelling of Mariupol has not stopped since the early hours of this morning, and the leaders of Mariupol have also called for help on social media, saying that the Russian shelling caused a large number of casualties among the defenders, the dead could not be buried, and the wounded could not be transported away. What this says is that the Russian army and the Donbass militia forces, after a few days of fainting ahead, do not know whether they are fighting a police operation or a regular war, and now they finally basically understand what they are going to do.

Is the Chechen army really mighty: will it help the Russians capture the first important city?

Finally, it is worth mentioning that the Russian troops attacking Mariupol, in addition to the Chechen and Donbas militias, are currently determined to be the Russian Guards Eighth Army, which has won the title of "Guards" because it, under the leadership of Trikov, fought bloodily in the ruins of Stalingrad and prevented the fascist German army from invading the city, and now, for the Russian Army Group Nearly Eight, it is time to recreate the glorious history of Stalingrad.