
"To do a good job in the report, we must do a good job in supporting the procuratorial work of the report!"

author:Ankang iron inspection
"To do a good job in the report, we must do a good job in supporting the procuratorial work of the report!"

Whether procuratorial work is done well or not depends on whether the masses of the people are satisfied or dissatisfied.

"The people's supervision of procuratorial work is the greatest support for procuratorial work!" In order to better report its work to the NPC, the Supreme People's Procuratorate recently held a forum of representatives of people from all walks of life to solicit opinions and suggestions on the draft report on the work of the Supreme People's Procuratorate and on procuratorial work. Representatives of education, science and technology, law, medical affairs, media and other industries participated in the forum, as well as private entrepreneurs, e-hailing drivers, community workers, and more parties to the case, with a wide range of representatives. Zhang Jun, secretary of the party group and chief procurator of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, conducted in-depth exchanges with people from all walks of life on the implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law and strengthening the legal supervision of procuratorial organs in the new era.

"Why is it called the People's Procuratorate?" Because she speaks for the people and does things for the people."

Tao Li does not speak, and the next is a mystery.

At the beginning of the meeting, Liu Jiuru, a villager from Zhao Jiawu Village, Donggaocun Town, Pinggu District, Beijing, took the lead in speaking, "I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to the procuratorate for supporting the prosecution of migrant workers. ”

It turned out that the contractor Zhang was in arrears with the wages of 11 migrant workers, including Liu Jiuru, and the court ordered Zhang to return them, but the implementation was not smooth. During the execution, it was prompted that if Zhang's divorce was after owing money, it should be counted as a joint debt of the husband and wife, and Zhang's ex-wife could be sued. "We, the old peasants in our sixties and seventies, can neither afford to hire a lawyer to fight a lawsuit, nor can we fight a lawsuit ourselves, but the procurators of the Pinggu District Procuratorate support the prosecution and help us solve the big trouble." Liu Jiuru said that the chief procurator of the local procuratorate not only personally received them, but also the procurator handling the case also asked them many times to understand the situation. "After supporting the success of the prosecution, Zhang's ex-wife did not want to pay back the money, and it was the prosecutor and the judge who worked together, and we got paid."

Liu Jiuru believes that now legal aid and procuratorate support prosecution, spending the state's money. Even if the migrant workers win the lawsuit, they can only get the wages they deserve, and they will also occupy the time and money of part-time work, delaying part-time work to make money. "If we can legally stipulate that malicious wage arrears bosses need to pay double wages and pay lost work fees, they will not dare to maliciously owe money to migrant workers."

"Why does the procuratorate call the people's procuratorate because she speaks for the people and does things for the people." Tang Xilan, coach of the Third Amateur Sports School of the Chaoyang District Sports Bureau of Beijing Municipality and a people's supervisor of the Beijing Municipal Procuratorate, said that she noticed that in the recent "case of homeless people stealing a box lunch for the belly of the homeless man", a decision not to prosecute the homeless man was finally made.

Tang Xilan said that in recent years, he has often participated in public hearings presided over by the procuratorate, and he obviously feels that the procuratorial hearing system has been continuously improved and the rights of the people's supervisors have been guaranteed. "During the hearing, the procurator fully guarantees that the people's supervisors can understand the case in a timely manner, and that the people's supervisors can fully exercise their rights. All this shows that the procuratorate's awareness of accepting supervision is being implemented and enhanced. ”

Du Kun, director of the Medical Insurance Office and director of the Medical Affairs Department of Beijing Municipal Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said, "The rapid response of the procuratorial organs in cases of violent injuries to doctors has given us a reassuring pill for the majority of medical workers. For example, he said, after Dr. Yang Wen of the Civil Aviation General Hospital was violently injured, the Beijing Municipal Procuratorate concentrated its case-handling efforts, and only took two days to approve the arrest according to law and prosecute according to law in four days, such a "procuratorial speed" reflects not only the majesty of the rule of law, but also provides a guarantee for the safe, safe and reasonable practice of the majority of medical workers.

"General Secretary Xi Jinping has said that the people are the jiangshan and the jiangshan is the people. There are no small things around the masses, and every case is connected to the hearts of the people. I think the work of the Supreme People's Procuratorate has been done in the hearts and minds of the people. "Guan Xiaoqing, secretary of the party committee and director of the neighborhood committee of Zhide Community in Donghuamen Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing, noticed a case of substantive resolution of an administrative dispute issued by the Supreme People's Procuratorate, and the procuratorial organs were able to perform their duties and revoke the wrong marriage registration, reflecting the feeling of doing practical things for the people." Children going to school and wrong marriage registration are big things for ordinary people, and the procuratorial organs have solved the big problems of ordinary people! ”

"Everything for the healthy growth of children"

"Everything for the healthy growth of children!" During the forum, strengthening the protection of minors was an issue of common concern to representatives from all walks of life.

"As an educator, I see that the work report reflects the attention and attention to minors between the lines." Xiao Jianguo, general secretary of the party branch and principal of Beijing Haidian Sending (Work)School, said that his school is the first work-study (special) school in New China and has made contributions to the prevention of juvenile delinquency, which is inseparable from the long-term support of the procuratorate. "Especially in recent years, the chief prosecutor has served as the vice principal of the rule of law in the school, and the special procuratorial team has given the school professional knowledge help, which has further helped and deepened the results of the school's education and transformation work." I hope to further expand the breadth and depth of cooperation on the basis of the original inspection and school co-construction. ”

Xiao Jianguo mentioned that in January 2022, the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Promotion of Family Education has been officially implemented, and family education has changed from a family affair to a state affair, opening an era in which parents bring their babies according to law. It is hoped that the procuratorial organs can establish special institutions or mechanisms with government departments, led by special departments, to intervene in parents who have not implemented the main responsibility of family education, have poor family education, and have played a serious counter-role in home-school cooperation, so that these parents can cooperate with schools to manage the education of minors, so that the "Family Education Promotion Law" can be truly implemented.

Ji Hongjie, also an educator and assistant principal of Beijing No. 2 Middle School, also praised the measures of joint construction of the inspection school. "Procurator Zhang Jun is the vice principal of the rule of law in our second middle school, and every time he carefully teaches us based on the actual problems of students, the confusion of teachers, and the difficulties of parents. Our students have also participated in special activities organized by the Supreme People's Procuratorate, which helps students to respect the law and abide by the law from the bottom of their hearts. Ji Hongjie said that with the implementation of the "Personal Information Protection Law of the People's Republic of China", it is hoped that the procuratorial organs can pay more attention to the protection of minors' personal information and severely punish the crime of selling juvenile information.

Xu Dengfeng, a parent of a student at the Fengtai Experimental School affiliated to the Beijing Institute of Education, deeply agreed with the views of the two education practitioners, "The No. 1 procuratorial recommendation and the vice president of the rule of law enter the campus these measures allow our parents to see the procuratorial organs' rule of law escort for the healthy growth of minors." Xu Dengfeng believes that the interaction between schools, families and the judiciary can be strengthened to jointly protect the safe and healthy growth of children.

"The greatest fairness to private enterprises is the fairness of the rule of law"

"The greatest fairness to private enterprises is the fairness of the rule of law!" In recent years, procuratorial organs have implemented the concept of "equal protection" and taken the initiative to create a good rule of law environment for various market entities to win the affirmation of representatives from all walks of life.

Wei Lidong, executive committee member of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, president of the All-Union Mergers and Acquisitions Association, founder and managing partner of ShangFengben, said: "The Supreme People's Procuratorate has repeatedly mentioned that the procuratorial organs are the 'old mothers-in-law' of private enterprises, and the package of measures taken by the procuratorial organs has played a good role in escorting the high-quality development of private enterprises. For the future procuratorial work, Wei Lidong has three expectations: first, he expects the procuratorial organs to continue to play their procuratorial functions and escort the development of the private economy; second, he expects the procuratorial organs to further implement the criminal justice policy of reducing arrests, prosecuting and detaining cautiously, strictly controlling the facts and evidence, fully considering the impact of the case on the development of private enterprises, and prudently applying compulsory measures; third, looking forward to further giving play to the role of the third-party supervision and evaluation mechanism for the compliance of the enterprises involved in the case.

Liu Benquan, executive director of the China Association of Small and Medium-sized Commercial Enterprises and chairman of Youshi Mingzhuo (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd., also expressed his views on corporate compliance reform: "Corporate compliance is the only way for small and medium-sized enterprises, and it is hoped that a legal risk prevention and control self-discipline system suitable for the scale of enterprises can be established as soon as possible, and a corporate compliance mechanism covering the whole chain before, during and after the event is built." The China Association of Small and Medium-sized Commercial Enterprises also hopes to cooperate with the Supreme People's Procuratorate. ”

"As a science and technology enterprise that cooperates with the procuratorial organs for many years, I deeply appreciate the importance that the procuratorial organs attach to scientific and technological work. Combined with its own positioning, the Supreme People's Procuratorate has continuously promoted the innovative development of procuratorial work in the new era, and has consistently carried out strong inspection with science and technology. Shen Shiguang, secretary of the party committee and deputy director of the 706 Institute of the Second Academy of Aerospace, said that science and technology enterprises are now facing many legal problems, and suggested that procuratorial organs innovate the ways and methods of intellectual property protection, while promoting the establishment of a fault-tolerant mechanism for scientific and technological innovation from the level of the legal system, encouraging the enthusiasm of scientific research workers to innovate, improving the transformation system of scientific research achievements, and forming a virtuous circle mechanism to promote research and development innovation.

"Procuratorial measures are like warm sunshine outside the window at this moment"

The safety of online ride-hailing is related to the interests of the majority of consumers, and naturally has become the focus of the Supreme People's Procuratorate.

Zhu Yan, a full-time driver of the online ride-hailing platform, brought the opinions gathered from his peers to the Supreme People's Procuratorate: "At present, there are two problems with online ride-hailing. First, the regulatory system of the platform is not perfect. The way Internet companies operate on ride-hailing platforms is very different from traditional enterprises, and traditional regulatory measures sometimes face failure. After the safety problems of online ride-hailing, although multiple departments formed inspection teams to enter the enterprise to inspect, this is not a long-term strategy. Second, the platform's review of vehicles is inadequate. Whether the vehicle performance is qualified or not seriously affects the operation safety of the vehicle, because the platform does not have a special offline vehicle review place, but only conducts online review, some vehicles with major traffic responsibilities or serious problems are put into use, and the phenomenon of asymmetric information between drivers and vehicles or vehicle decks also exists. ”

In this regard, Zhu Yan suggested that first of all, we should clarify the nature of online ride-hailing, and formulate and improve relevant laws and regulations. At the same time, drivers who apply for registration are strictly reviewed. "For example, registered drivers should be reviewed and screened for whether they have criminal records, whether they have been criminally punished, and whether there are large amounts of arrears, and regularly review and review the registered drivers on the platform, and timely cancel drivers who do not meet the qualification conditions."

As a representative from the media circles, Meng Lingyue, member of the All-China Youth Federation, deputy to the Beijing Municipal People's Congress, and chairman of Beijing Wuji Culture and Media Co., Ltd., resonated with everyone: "The people's livelihood sentiments and measures for the people in procuratorial work are like the sun shining on the face outside the window at this moment, and it feels particularly warm." He said that as a senior netizen, he can feel that the procuratorial work has not been easy in recent years. In the face of cases of public concern, the procuratorate's approach not only reflects the authority of the law, but also makes the people feel fairness and justice. He suggested that procuratorial propaganda can enrich the communication carrier, use easy-to-understand language to tell procuratorial stories, and enhance the sense of existence among the people.

Huang Shengyou, a well-known commentator, author of international current political issues, Internet information blogger, and Internet culture scholar, also said that through these several activities of following the Supreme Procuratorate into the procuratorate, he truly saw the people's procuratorate performing its duties for the people. "In particular, the public interest litigation work of the procuratorate is really for the benefit of future generations."

As a representative of the legal profession and the last speaker, Liu Ting, director of Beijing Geyun Law Firm, first said: "The comprehensive pilot of lawyers' Internet file reading has brought great convenience to our work. "In response to the plea leniency system that has attracted much attention in recent years, Liu Ting put forward her own thoughts on whether in joint crime cases, the procurator can explain the sentencing recommendations of other co-offenders to the criminal suspect and his defender." In practice, procurators generally do not inform lawyers of sentencing recommendations for co-offenders, which is to some extent not conducive to the realization of plea bargaining. Liu Ting said that many times, when the case reaches the trial stage, the defendant who admits guilt and accepts punishment knows the sentencing situation of the co-offender, which will produce resistance formed by the relatively inferior and lack of effective communication.

"Today, I invite you to come here to understand how the masses of people from different industries and all walks of life feel about the procuratorial organs' implementation of comprehensive rule of law and the persistence of the judiciary for the people, and pay more attention to what aspects of the work of the procuratorial organs, so that we can fully listen to opinions and suggestions, and strengthen and improve procuratorial work with the help of the wisdom of the people." The problems we have talked about are all problems encountered in the construction and development of the rule of law, and it is precisely the problems that we must actively perform our duties and handle cases through procuratorial work and strive to promote solutions! Zhang Jun said that in their speeches, they also put forward many targeted opinions and suggestions to the procuratorial organs on behalf of their relatives, friends, colleagues and neighbors, which are very valuable. The Supreme People's Procuratorate will fully study and absorb it, reflect it in the Supreme People's Procuratorate's work report and daily procuratorial work, and strive to achieve better political, social, and legal effects in procuratorial supervision and handling of cases.

"We must live up to everyone's expectations, live up to the voices of the masses, write the report well, do a good job in the procuratorial work that supports the report, do a better and stronger job in the procuratorial cause of the party and the people, satisfy everyone, satisfy the masses of the people, and greet the victorious convening of the Twentieth National Congress of the Party with better procuratorial achievements!" At the end of the discussion, Zhang Jun spoke sincerely.

Tong Jianming, deputy secretary of the Party Group of the Supreme People's Procuratorate and executive deputy procurator general, presided over the meeting. Pan Yiqin, member of the party group of the Supreme People's Procuratorate and director of the Political Department, and Wan Chun, full-time member of the Supreme Procuratorate and Inspection Commission, attended the meeting.

Source: Justice Network Headline Number