
Create a miracle on earth in the annals of history (striving for a new journey and building a new era of merit)

author:Tianjin cooperation and exchange

People are diligent in spring and early. In the greenhouse of Yuanlong Village, Minning Town, Yongning County, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, Feng Xiuqing, a poverty alleviation household, was very busy, "Relying on good policies, I now earn more than 4,000 yuan a month, and my life is sweet!" "Not only the original Long Village, but also with the help of Fujian, Minning Town has changed from a dry beach with no grass in the field to a vibrant golden beach."

Minning Town is a vivid example of poverty alleviation cooperation and counterpart support in the east and west, and also a microcosm of the great changes brought about by poverty alleviation.

Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has placed poverty alleviation in a prominent position in governing the country and organized a huge people's war against poverty. Through the continuous struggle of the whole party and the people of all ethnic groups in the country, we have won the battle against poverty as scheduled, built a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way on schedule, and achieved the first centenary goal.

Looking at today's Shenzhou, one after another in the former poor counties and poor villages, the industry has flourished, the environment has become beautiful, the popularity has become strong, and the broad masses of the people are full of vigor and spirit, and they are making great strides toward the second centenary goal.

In 8 years, nearly 100 million people have been reduced in poverty, and poverty alleviation has written a great legend

"I'll come to the old house to hang out and talk to the tourists about the changes!" Gu Baoqing, a villager in Luotuowan Village, Longquanguan Town, Fuping County, Hebei Province, took out two photos: one was a dilapidated and low-slung old earthen house, and the other was a group photo of Gu Baoqing and his children standing in front of a new two-story building.

The two photos condense the extraordinary journey of poverty alleviation.

In December 2012, General Secretary Xi Jinping braved the wind and snow to come to Fuping County, went into the village to see the real poverty, and issued a mobilization order to the whole party and the whole country to get rid of poverty.

General Secretary Xi Jinping reads here: "What I am most concerned about is the people in difficulty", "Poverty alleviation is a major event in my heart", "Building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, one can not be less" "It is our party's solemn commitment to let the poor people and poor areas enter a well-off society in an all-round way together with the whole country"... The words full of affection reflect the people's leader's pure heart for the people, and highlight the mission and responsibility of the century-old party!

Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has braved the wind and snow, braved the heat, stepped on the mud, conducted more than 50 investigations on poverty alleviation work, and traveled to 14 concentrated and contiguous areas of extreme poverty. At every important juncture and major juncture in poverty alleviation, General Secretary Xi Jinping has personally taken command, personally marched, and personally supervised the battle, leading the poverty alleviation battle step by step towards comprehensive victory.

-- This is a national action to concentrate on doing great things.

Secretaries at the fifth level grasp poverty alleviation, and the whole party mobilizes to promote tough problems. A total of 255,000 village-based task forces, more than 3 million first secretaries and village-based cadres have been selected and dispatched across the country, fighting side by side with nearly 2 million township and town cadres and millions of village cadres, and the bright red party flag has always been flying high on the main battlefield of poverty alleviation.

Poverty alleviation, the whole country is a chess game; all-round well-off, decisive victory in the joint force. "Beijing Doctor", "Guangdong Expert", "Zhejiang Engineer"... A support force from the eastern region is busy in the front line of poverty alleviation in the central and western regions. The pattern of special poverty alleviation, industry poverty alleviation, and social poverty alleviation complementing each other has brought together the strength to attack the mountains and the sea, and the institutional advantages of socialism in concentrating forces on major events have been fully demonstrated.

-- This is a great victory for the strategy of precise poverty alleviation.

Returning college students live-streamed goods and brought fire to the village's specialties; a large number of tourists flocked to bring prosperity to the days of the villagers. Last year, the per capita net income of eighteen-hole villages in Huayuan County, Hunan Province, exceeded 20,000 yuan, and the village's collective economic income reached 2.6 million yuan.

The fact that Eighteen-Hole Village can have today's good days fully confirms the scientific nature of the precise poverty alleviation strategy. From achieving "six precisions" to implementing "five batches", from helping the real poor to really getting rid of poverty, the precise poverty alleviation strategy guides the fight against poverty to continuously overcome difficulties, use development methods to eliminate the root causes of poverty, and nearly 100 million poor people across the country have thrown off the "poor hat".

The mountains and townships have undergone tremendous changes, the mountains and rivers have been splendid, and the sense of gain, happiness and security of the people who have been lifted out of poverty has been continuously enhanced

"Trapped in poverty for a long time, hoping to be well-off", the Chinese nation's thousand-year dream of getting rid of poverty and living a well-off life is now a dream come true.

General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out that "the achievements in poverty alleviation that have attracted worldwide attention have relied on the strong leadership of the party, the spiritual quality of the Chinese nation's self-reliance and arduous struggle, the solid material foundation accumulated since the founding of New China, especially since the reform and opening up, the persistence of one term after another, and the unity and struggle of the whole party and the people of all ethnic groups in the country." ”

-- The "two worries and three guarantees" have been fully realized, and the lives of the people who have been lifted out of poverty have become increasingly high.

"Last year, the income from raising sheep was more than 40,000 yuan, and now the water, electricity and transportation in the village are very good, everyone has something to do and an income, and we have caught up with the good times." The simple words of Cai Wenming, a poverty-alleviated household in Duan Village, Mengnian Town, Fenxi County, Shanxi Province, expressed his sincere heart.

The sense of gain, happiness and security of the people who have been lifted out of poverty has been continuously enhanced. Whether it is the snowy plateau, the Gobi Desert, or the cliff cliffs and the big rocky mountains, the sunshine of poverty alleviation has shone to every corner, and the fate of countless people has changed, the dreams of countless people have been realized, and the happiness of countless people has been achieved!

-- The great changes in mountains and townships, the splendid scenery of mountains and rivers, and the great strides in the economic and social development of poverty-alleviated areas have caught up.

In the evening, in the store of the Kangsang Stone Pot Processing and Sales Cooperative in Metuo County, Tibet Autonomous Region, Ba Zhen was conducting an online live broadcast, "The village has a 4G network, and it is convenient to send express delivery, and the average live broadcast can sell more than 20 stone pots." "As the last county in the country to have access to highways, e-commerce has injected new momentum into the development of Metuo.

The development conditions in poverty-alleviated areas have been greatly improved, and the vitality of development has continued to burst forth. All qualified townships and organized villages are connected to hardened roads, buses, and postal roads, and the proportion of "express delivery into villages" exceeds 80%. Each poverty-alleviated county in the country has formed 2 to 3 leading industries, and the economic development growth rate is higher than the national rural average.

-- The spiritual outlook of the masses who have been lifted out of poverty has been renewed, and the relationship between the party and the masses and between cadres and the masses is getting closer and closer.

Open the poverty alleviation data bag of Guo Yufa in No. 23 Village, Chengguan Town, Xinghe County, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region: the proportion of production and operation income has increased year by year, and the ability to develop independently has been continuously enhanced. Today, Guo Yufa is already the leader of the village to get rich.

One by one, the information bag records the unremitting efforts of the people who have been lifted out of poverty to create a happy life with their hands. More than 2/3 of the people who have been lifted out of poverty mainly rely on going out to work and developing industries to live a good life, and the vast number of people who have been lifted out of poverty have stronger confidence, more lively brains, and more energetic hearts.

In the battle against poverty, the majority of party members and cadres have done practical things and solved problems for the villagers with their hearts and feelings, and the ability of grass-roots organizations to govern rural areas has been continuously improved. The broad masses of the people who have been lifted out of poverty have not forgotten the people who dig wells, and they have not forgotten the Communist Party in getting rid of poverty, and the relationship between the party and the masses and between cadres and the masses has been greatly consolidated and developed.

The struggle will continue to be carried out at a new starting point, and the lives of the people who have been lifted out of poverty will be raised to a higher level

Poverty alleviation is not the end, but the starting point of a new life and a new struggle.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "After the victory in poverty alleviation, it is necessary to comprehensively promote rural revitalization, which is a historic shift in the focus of the 'three rural areas' work." "The premise of rural revitalization is to consolidate the results of poverty alleviation, and we must continue to pay close attention to it and let the lives of the people who have been lifted out of poverty go to a higher level." "We must continue to struggle at a new starting point and make more obvious substantive progress in promoting the common prosperity of all people."

Earnest advice and turning them into resolute actions to really grasp solid work.

-- Consolidating the achievements and lifting the lives of the people out of poverty to a higher level.

"The days are more solid!" Li Taiguo, a poverty-alleviated household in Yaopoli Village, Nuoshuihe Town, Tongjiang County, Sichuan Province, smiled happily. Not long ago, his physical examination found that the necrosis of the femoral head deteriorated, the dynamic monitoring and support mechanism to prevent returning to poverty was found in time, medical insurance and low insurance assistance allowed him to see a doctor with peace of mind, and industrial assistance allowed the family to have a stable income.

Liu Huanxin, deputy director of the Central Agricultural Office and director of the National Rural Revitalization Bureau, introduced that all localities have improved the dynamic monitoring and support mechanism for preventing the return to poverty, and the anti-poverty network has become more and more densely woven, and the groups that are prone to returning to poverty have been detected, intervened early, and helped early. The central government has clearly established a 5-year transition period to maintain the overall stability of the main support policies. The central government adjusted the original special poverty alleviation funds to the subsidy funds for promoting rural revitalization, and the scale increased by 10 billion yuan last year compared with the previous year. Multiple measures have been taken to consolidate the results of poverty alleviation and maintain the bottom line of not returning to poverty on a large scale.

"The facilities in the community are perfect, it is convenient to see a doctor and go to school, employment at the doorstep of the family, and money for the family." Talking about the new life after the relocation of poverty alleviation, Chen Fang of Siyuan Community in Maodian Town, Ganxian District, Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province, was full of happiness.

Last year, the per capita net income of the people who were lifted out of poverty in the country exceeded 12,500 yuan, an increase of more than 16.9% over the previous year.

-- Continue to struggle and strive to paint a magnificent picture of rural revitalization.

Early in the morning, Yan Zhaowu, a villager in Sanchahe Village, Dayu Town, Jiyuan City, Henan Province, began to work on the farm. He used small loans to expand the scale of breeding, built septic tanks, and the organic fertilizer fermented by manure was used to grow crops, and last year's income was more than 90,000 yuan.

"Grow green, earn more, and beautify the environment." Cheng Chuanwen, the first secretary of Sanchahe Village, said that after poverty alleviation, the rural revitalization task force led everyone to do a large vegetable production and green breeding industry, and the village's collective economic income reached 880,000 yuan last year.

Good life, beautiful environment, rich culture, and the grand blueprint for rural revitalization is slowly unfolding. More than 80% of the poverty alleviation counties completed the preparation of characteristic industrial development plans, and the central government arranged 11 billion yuan to invest in agricultural industry integration development projects last year, and the rural enrichment industry is becoming increasingly prosperous. Rural construction actions have been fully launched, and the shortcomings of development have been accelerated to make up for them. The public cultural system is more sound, and the civilized rural wind blows the vast fields.

-- Hand in hand, we will steadily move forward toward common prosperity.

"Tianjin organized group medical assistance to speed up Gannan to make up for medical and health shortcomings, and the patient referral rate in our hospital dropped from 56% to 9%." Dao Jicao, vice president of the Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture People's Hospital in Gansu Province, sighed.

"On the road to common prosperity, Tianjin and Long are hand in hand and work together." Zhang Qingen, director of the Tianjin Municipal Cooperation and Exchange Office, introduced that when the "Tianjin Enterprises Long Uplink" activity was carried out, a group of leading enterprises in Tianjin invested in Gansu and injected strong momentum into local development. Carry out skills training, organize labor import, assist in the construction of workshops, and do everything possible to help Gansu's poverty alleviation labor force stabilize employment.

Solidly promote a new step toward common prosperity. 14 aspects of high gold content policies, to help 160 national rural revitalization key help counties to accelerate development, "ten thousand enterprises to help ten thousand villages" upgraded to "ten thousand enterprises to prosper ten thousand villages", private enterprises to help counties with villages to run a common wealth.

Achievements stand in the annals of history, and missions reveal the future. Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, hundreds of millions of Chinese people who have created a great miracle in the history of human poverty reduction will surely create new and greater miracles on the new journey!