
The Lushui traffic police have taken many measures to pay close attention to the management of campus traffic safety in the spring of 2022

author:Lushui police

In order to effectively do a good job in campus traffic safety management in the spring of 2022 and ensure the safety and orderly traffic on campus and surrounding roads, the traffic police brigade of Lushui City Public Security Bureau has taken multiple measures to ensure campus traffic safety during the opening season.


Strengthen ideological understanding

In order to solidly carry out the traffic safety management work of the new semester in the spring of 2022, the traffic police brigade held a meeting on the deployment of campus traffic security work for the new semester, requiring all police officers to strengthen their risk awareness, adjust the service mode in a timely manner, implement work responsibilities, maintain a good road traffic order, and make every effort to create a good road traffic environment for the opening of primary and secondary schools.


Strengthen research and analysis

The first is to take the initiative to contact the education department to understand the opening of the school, combine the actual situation of the jurisdiction, carefully analyze the road traffic situation involved in the current student travel, conduct scientific research and judgment on the traffic safety situation, and formulate targeted work measures. The second is to make overall plans in advance, actively strengthen communication and cooperation with educational administration, transportation, schools and other units, and coordinate the staggered opening of primary and secondary schools in the rainy and snowy weather jurisdiction. The third is to strictly implement the work tasks of the "nursing post", set the post, the person, and the responsibility, increase the investment of the "nursing post" police force, arrive at the post early during the peak period of the upper school to guide, maintain traffic order, correct traffic violations, and carry out "face-to-face" traffic safety publicity.


Strengthen investigation and rectification

The first is to comprehensively strengthen the vehicle performance and driver qualification review of key vehicles such as "two passengers, one danger and one cargo side", mini vans, student chartered cars, passenger vehicles, etc., check the safety facilities such as fire extinguishers and safety hammers of key vehicles such as passenger vehicles and rural passenger vehicles that transport students, and require the person in charge of the vehicle to carry out system maintenance and maintenance of the vehicle. The second is to deepen the rectification of road traffic order around the campus, conscientiously regulate the parking order of the vehicles picking up and dropping off students in front of the school and in the surrounding sections of the campus, ban and dissuade the mobile vendors from occupying the road, strictly investigate and deal with traffic violations such as random parking and driving in the opposite direction of the occupied highway, eliminate all kinds of traffic safety hazards, and strive to improve the road traffic environment around the campus. The third is to strengthen patrol control and control, give play to the mobile patrol work mechanism, increase the patrol and control of the concentrated key road sections of the townships and towns along the jurisdiction, strictly investigate the overcrowding of vehicles transporting students, illegal loading of trucks, unlicensed driving, drunk driving, speeding, fatigue driving and other traffic violations, and effectively prevent road traffic accidents.

The Lushui traffic police have taken many measures to pay close attention to the management of campus traffic safety in the spring of 2022
The Lushui traffic police have taken many measures to pay close attention to the management of campus traffic safety in the spring of 2022


Strengthen the governance of potential safety hazards

The first is to concentrate on the special rectification of campus safety, strictly investigate and strictly control the overcrowding of school buses and vehicles that pick up and drop off students, speeding, failing to obtain school bus signs, and not driving according to the audit line. The second is to carry out centralized investigation and rectification of potential safety hazards in traffic facilities such as traffic signs and signals around the campus, as well as pedestrian crossings and speed bumps.

The Lushui traffic police have taken many measures to pay close attention to the management of campus traffic safety in the spring of 2022
The Lushui traffic police have taken many measures to pay close attention to the management of campus traffic safety in the spring of 2022
The Lushui traffic police have taken many measures to pay close attention to the management of campus traffic safety in the spring of 2022


Strengthen publicity and education

The first is to contact the responsible persons of villages and towns along the jurisdiction, link up with each other, and actively publicize traffic safety knowledge to parents and students who pick up and drop off students through oral propaganda and distribution of publicity materials, guide the masses and primary and secondary school students to truly understand the danger and seriousness of dangerous vehicles such as overcrowding, speeding, "black cars", "sick cars", etc., popularize the harm of prominent traffic violations such as unlicensed driving, overcrowding, fatigue driving, drunk driving, and not wearing safety helmets, and effectively improve self-protection capabilities. Comprehensively improve the consciousness of the majority of traffic participants to comply with traffic laws. The second is to actively carry out the "first lesson of school" of traffic safety, widely publicize students' knowledge of walking, cycling, and riding traffic safety, guide teachers, students, and parents to study, understand, and abide by the law, establish a sense of safe and civilized travel, create a strong publicity atmosphere, improve the traffic safety quality and self-protection ability of teachers and students, and avoid traffic accidents to the greatest extent. Third, because the epidemic control can not be gathered on a large scale, the traffic police brigade will distribute the propaganda courseware to the school, the class teacher will organize the class to watch and learn, and make a letter to the parents and students of the students, contact the Municipal Education and Sports Bureau, distribute a letter to the school, and then forward it to the parent group for learning and publicity, increasing the publicity of safety knowledge.

The Lushui traffic police have taken many measures to pay close attention to the management of campus traffic safety in the spring of 2022
The Lushui traffic police have taken many measures to pay close attention to the management of campus traffic safety in the spring of 2022

Since February 25, a total of 38 primary and secondary schools and kindergartens have been investigated, 3 school buses have been checked, 2 school bus drivers have been checked, 43 signs and signs have been checked, 3 traffic safety "first lessons of school opening" have been carried out, 1192 various traffic violations have been investigated and handled, including 4 cases without licenses, 6 cases of overcrowding (5 cases involving overcrowding of vehicles involving picking up and dropping off students), Lushui police WeChat public account released 1 "A Letter to Students' Parents and Students", and distributed 6500 copies of students' road traffic safety knowledge publicity leaflets. In the next step, the traffic police brigade will solidly carry out the publicity and education management of school traffic safety, and improve the traffic safety awareness and self-protection ability of teachers and students in school.

The Lushui traffic police have taken many measures to pay close attention to the management of campus traffic safety in the spring of 2022
The Lushui traffic police have taken many measures to pay close attention to the management of campus traffic safety in the spring of 2022
The Lushui traffic police have taken many measures to pay close attention to the management of campus traffic safety in the spring of 2022