
controversy! Former teammates and current teammates have spoken out, Harden left the Nets because of his leadership status?

On March 3, Beijing time, Harden ushered in the home debut after joining the 76ers, before the start of the game, Harden showed his unparalleled influence, the ticket price tripled, but still a ticket is difficult to find, Harden appeared when he ushered in a mountain tsunami-like welcome, and Harden also used a perfect performance to give back to the fans, the whole game efficiently cut 26 points, 9 rebounds and 9 assists of the quasi-triple-double data, leading the 76ers to complete a 16-point reversal, the throne of the first place in the East is close at hand.

controversy! Former teammates and current teammates have spoken out, Harden left the Nets because of his leadership status?

At least for now, the 76ers' deal is perfect, Harden's average performance of 25+10 in the first three battles has been comparable to Iverson's, and the team really has the strength to impact the championship. And for Harden's transaction, his performance in the Nets is not up to expectations on the one hand, another reason is that Harden himself wants to leave, according to the media reports before and after the transaction, Harden did not have a satisfactory life in the Nets, his playing time is high, but always in order to lose and take responsibility, in addition, Harden is very dissatisfied with Irving, because Harden came to the Nets for the championship, but can only watch Irving's wayward unvaccinated and unable to play, coupled with Durant's injury, Harden's desire to win the championship seems to be impossible to achieve This also gave him the idea of leaving.

controversy! Former teammates and current teammates have spoken out, Harden left the Nets because of his leadership status?

Recently, Former Teammate Carter, who has left the Nets, once again broke the news, saying that Harden should be a natural leader, but Nash has always used Durant to suppress him, whether in the game or in the locker room, Harden has not been given the status of leader, and requires Durant to play at all times. Carter's remarks seem to allow us to find the root cause of Harden's departure, this Nets is Durant and Irving's team, not Harden's team, when Durant and Jordan Jr. jointly decided to come to the Nets, and called together Irving, who has a good personal relationship, to join, they are the initiators of this Nets, but also the real core.

controversy! Former teammates and current teammates have spoken out, Harden left the Nets because of his leadership status?

Durant is still supporting Irving when he is determined not to play this season, and even when the team uses the ban to pressure Irving, it is Durant who puts pressure on the Management of the Nets to allow Irving to play away games. After all, Harden joined halfway, although they have the same goal, but still close to each other, so when the Nets are not good, there has never been an Irving transaction, but constantly broke hardened trading rumors, the most time to play, the most conscientious Harden has become a back pot man, is any star is difficult to accept, Harden's desire to gain leadership should also be one of the biggest reasons for his resolute departure.

controversy! Former teammates and current teammates have spoken out, Harden left the Nets because of his leadership status?

Today's teammate Maxie's post-game interview also proved this, Maxi in the first half of the judgment of two people, the first half only scored 4 points, and the second half of the explosion cut 21 points, once rushed to the National Hot Search, and The reason for Maxie's outbreak in the second half was Harden's encouragement, he said: Harden came to me and asked me if I still wanted to play today. And this sentence actually proves a lot, proving that Harden is one of the real leaders in this 76ers, and is recognized in the team, otherwise as an outsider who has only played three games, in the case of the core Embiid of the team has not spoken, Harden actually used such a harsh tone to educate the most promising young players in the team, not the real leader of the team.

controversy! Former teammates and current teammates have spoken out, Harden left the Nets because of his leadership status?

Harden's performance in the 76ers is indeed much more positive than in the Nets period, it seems that the 76ers have promised Harden a lot at the time of the trade, Embiid has also made sacrifices, Harden is at least the same status as Embiid in the 76ers, the rest of the team, including the top salary Harris can not pose a threat to him, the leadership status of Harden's status and enthusiasm has also rebounded, coupled with the team has the strength to impact the championship, this transaction can be called a mutual achievement.

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