
Russia and Ukraine lingered before a more brutal war, and the second round of negotiations was unclear

Source: Global Times

Russia and Ukraine are on the brink of war and peace. On the afternoon of March 2, local time, Russian presidential press secretary Peskov said that the Russian delegation "will wait" for the Ukrainian delegation at the agreed place to prepare for the second round of Russian-Ukrainian negotiations that night. But Ukrainian Foreign Minister Haleba responded that Kiev was ready to negotiate with Russia, but was not prepared to accept Russia's "ultimatum." On the same day, the Russian army announced that it had "completely controlled" the city of Kherson, the capital of the Ukrainian Kherson Oblast, which was the first major Ukrainian city declared by the Russian side to be occupied in the Russian-Ukrainian war. "We have not slept for 7 nights," Ukrainian President Zelenskiy wrote on Twitter on the 2nd. On the day, brent crude prices soared above $113 a barrel, a new eight-year high. On the evening of March 1, local time, US President Biden delivered a State of the Union address in Congress, announcing that the US airspace would be closed to Russian flights, and he boasted that the United States has "provided more than $1 billion of direct assistance to Ukraine", but reiterated that the United States will not send troops to Ukraine.

Russia is waiting for Ukraine to negotiate on the Polish-Belarusian border

The second round of negotiations between Russia and Ukraine, which has attracted much attention, had not yet officially started when this newspaper was deadline this morning. The Russian satellite network quoted Mekzynsky, head of the Russian delegation, as saying in the early morning of the 3rd that the Ukrainian delegation had left Kiev and was now on the road, and they would arrive on the morning of the 3rd. According to the russian Tahragmatic news agency quoted by the source on the 2nd, the second round of negotiations will be held in the Belovezh Forest in the Brest region of Belarus on the Polish-Belarusian border. On December 8, 1991, the leaders of the three Soviet republics of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus signed the Agreement on the Establishment of the Commonwealth of Independent States here, declaring that "the existence of the USSR as a subject of international law and a geopolitical entity will cease".

Peskov said on the 2nd that the Russian delegation arrived at the negotiation site in the afternoon of the same day, waiting for the representatives of the Ukrainian side to prepare for the negotiations that night. Peskov expressed expectations for the outcome of the negotiations.

Subsequently, Ukraine sent a contradictory message about whether to participate in the negotiations. According to TASS reported on the 2nd, assistants to the Ukrainian presidential office confirmed that negotiations with Russia "will be carried out later in the day." Ukrainian Foreign Minister Cullieba did not confirm the news that the second round of negotiations with Russia will be held on the same day. In a video posted on Facebook, Culeba said: "It is not yet known when the new negotiations will take place. "We are ready to negotiate, we are open to diplomacy, but we are in no way prepared to accept a Russian ultimatum." ”

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov said in an interview with Al Jazeera TV channel on the 2nd that Moscow is ready to hold a second round of talks with Kiev, but Ukraine is "delaying time in accordance with the instructions of the United States." Lavrov also warned that if a third world war were to occur, it would be a "devastating nuclear war."

On the 2nd, the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the preparations for the negotiations between the Russian and Ukrainian delegations have entered the final stage, and Minsk is ready to make all necessary efforts. However, according to TASS, the head of the "Round Table of Democratic Forces" of the Belarusian information analysis agency said in Russia's "24-hour news" program that since March 1, the Belarusian side has lost contact with almost all members of the Ukrainian delegation that are supposed to attend the second round of Russian-Ukrainian negotiations, and their phones have been turned off.

Earlier, the Russian News Agency quoted sources as saying that one possible location for the second round of negotiations between the two countries is a villa in Belarus, 8 kilometers from the Polish-Belarusian border. Another Russian news agency quoted a senior official in the Turkish presidential office as saying that the talks are unlikely to take place on the 2nd and "may be postponed by a day or two".

At a regular press conference held by the Chinese Foreign Ministry on 2 July, spokesman Wang Wenbin said in response to a question on whether China is willing to take some concrete measures to mediate for the realization of the Ukrainian-Russian ceasefire that China has always supported and encouraged all diplomatic efforts conducive to the peaceful settlement of the Ukrainian crisis, welcomed the launch of peace talks between Russia and Ukraine, and hoped that the two sides would continue to maintain the process of dialogue and negotiation and seek a political solution that would take into account the legitimate security concerns of both sides. China will continue to play a constructive role in promoting the relaxation of the situation in Ukraine. He also said that "there is a smooth channel of communication between China and Ukraine."

Zelenskiy's hometown was attacked

According to Russian media reports, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Major General Konashenkov said on the 2nd that the Russian army has "complete control" of the capital of Kherson Oblast. Civilian infrastructure, residents' living support facilities, and urban transportation are all operating as usual, and there is no shortage of food and daily necessities. The Russian command and the administrative departments of the prefecture and the state are still negotiating on the issues of maintaining the operation of social infrastructure, maintaining law and order, and ensuring the safety of residents. He also said that in the past day, Russian aviation forces launched intensive aviation strikes on Ukraine's military infrastructure, destroying 67 targets. A total of 1502 Ukrainian military infrastructure targets were paralyzed during the special military operation.

CNN said on the 2nd that screenshots and videos released on social media seem to show that the Russian army controlled the center of Kherson, and people saw military vehicles driving on a circular road in the north of the city. The New York Times said that if Russia did occupy Kherson, a strategic location at the mouth of the Dnieper River, it would be the first major Ukrainian city occupied by Russia. But Ukrainian officials said Russian forces had simply surrounded the city and that the battle for control was continuing. Britain's Defense Intelligence Agency also said that the Progress made by Russian forces in Kherson was limited.

According to Reuters reported on the 2nd, Krychenko, the mayor of Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, posted on social networking sites that the Russian army is gathering troops and approaching the capital step by step. He said: "We are preparing for war and will defend Kiev!" Kiev will not fall. According to the New York Times, on March 2, explosions occurred in many parts of Kiev, and air raid sirens sounded frequently. A huge Russian tank and mechanized force continues to advance "slowly but firmly" toward Kiev, with Ukrainian officials fearing the city, home to nearly 3 million people, will face a "brutal and protracted siege." The General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces said on the 2nd that the Russian army is trying to "advance in all directions", but they have encountered stubborn resistance.

In addition, the New York Times said on the 2nd that the Russian army is attacking the city of Krivorrog, 100 miles northeast of Kherson, which is Zelenskiy's hometown. The Associated Press said on the 2nd that the three Ukrainian cities of Kharkov, Kherson and Mariupol have been surrounded by Russian troops. According to the New York Times, in Kharkiv, a city of 1.5 million people, food and water supplies are inadequate, and people hide in bunkers day and night.

The West is still "sanctioning but not sending troops"

CNN reported on the 2nd: "Despite Ukraine's desperate request for more international assistance, the country is basically facing Moscow's attack alone." On the 1st local time, in a "heavily guarded bunker" in Kiev, Zelenskiy was interviewed by CNN. Asked if he regretted denying U.S. intelligence about the "Russian invasion," Zelenskiy said Ukraine was "prepared" and said it was fighting for the values of "democracy and freedom." Zelenskiy also urged the international community to do more, calling on the United States and NATO to establish no-fly zones over Ukraine or to send ground troops. The CNN host noticed that Zelenskiy looked rather tired, pale and untrimmed, and cnn reporters said zelenskiy seemed to be under "tremendous pressure" to hide in kiev's underground bunkers: "He believes he is being hunted down." ”

NATO Secretary-General Stoltenberg appeared in Poland on March 1 local time to meet with Polish President Duda. At a joint press conference held after the meeting, he stressed that "NATO stands with Ukraine", but will not send troops to the local area, nor will he send fighters into Ukrainian airspace. At a news conference, Stoltenberg said NATO's sanctions had "made Russia pay a heavy price for its invasion of Ukraine," and that NATO had provided Ukraine with different kinds of military support. He reiterated that NATO is not part of the conflict and therefore will not send troops or warplanes to Ukraine. Mr. Duda said Poland would not send any warplanes to Ukraine to prevent a military intervention, but would provide humanitarian assistance.

According to the "New York Times" reporter reported on the 2nd, Kiev citizen Natasha is "preparing for a possible protracted war." She taped the windows, closed the curtains, and filled the bathtub with emergency water. CNN reporters described what they saw in Odessa, Ukraine's third-largest city. "For several days, Odessa residents have been warned of a possible Russian amphibious landing ... Sandbags set up barricades... A canteen was hastily refurbished with the aim of providing medicines and other necessities to the public ... The train was crowded with people — young mothers fleeing with their children."

Following the British announcement of sanctions against Belarus on March 1, the French presidency of the European Union announced on the 2nd local time that the European Union decided to impose sanctions on Belarus on the grounds of supporting Russia's special military operations against Ukraine. The sanctions are mainly to prohibit the export of products such as wood, steel and potash fertilizers from Belarus to EU countries. The EU also said white officials involved in Russia's military campaign against Ukraine would also be sanctioned.

After Biden announced the closure of airspace to Russian flights, according to the Russian Satellite News Agency reported on the 2nd, a Russian aircraft was intercepted in the US airspace, and the captain and crew members were detained.

The United Kingdom announced on the 2nd that it will impose new sanctions on Russia, including prohibiting ships with ties to Russia from entering British ports. Uk's Transport Secretary Shapps issued a statement saying: "By banning Russian ships from entering our ports, we are further isolating Russia and destroying its economic capabilities, leaving Putin's war machine 'starving'." ”

Russian Ambassador to britain Klin said on the same day that after being cancelled by the British government, he said that the possibility of completely severing diplomatic relations with the United Kingdom was not ruled out. In response to a question from a reporter from Russia 24 about whether diplomatic relations between the two countries could break down completely, he said: "This possibility has always existed, but we are not in a state of war. The severance of diplomatic relations will mean that not only will we leave here, but British diplomats in Moscow will also be forced to leave. ”