
The hidden phase makes people shiver World of Warcraft 9.2 Warcraft

When the Shadowland expansion pack was opened, many people were wondering how powerful the Warden was. Many would even say that the warden was more powerful than Sagras. Now, with the 9.2 version on, this result is finally about to be revealed.

The hidden phase makes people shiver World of Warcraft 9.2 Warcraft

In the first battle of the new map Zareyantis, the warden still won again. Only this time he was in a hurry to enter the Holy Sepulchre of the FirstBorn, so he had no time to love the war, and the port of Tranquility escaped the disaster. However, once the Warden has obtained the primordial power in the Holy Sepulchre, he can reshape the entire universe as he wishes, just like Thanos.

The hidden phase makes people shiver World of Warcraft 9.2 Warcraft

Because of this, version 9.2 will definitely usher in the final showdown with the warden. However, there are also many old friends in the Holy Sepulchre, such as Anduin Urien. The Little King of Man will become the 8th boss in the quest, and the cutscenes about it have been released, and varian, king Of Sarufar, and the souls of Alsace will appear after the battle.

The hidden phase makes people shiver World of Warcraft 9.2 Warcraft

Although Anduin was under the complete rule of the warden, with the appearance of Varian and King Sarufar, Anduin was completely redeemed and finally freed from the warden's control. At this time, Sylvanas has also been completely whitewashed, and she finds that Alsace's soul is running out, which means that Alsace will not be resurrected, and Sylvanas is likely to become the new Witch Demon King!

The hidden phase makes people shiver World of Warcraft 9.2 Warcraft

The 3 bosses after Anduin are undoubtedly the real highlights, and the challenge can only be carried out on the 3rd CD. Boss 9, Marganis, was all too familiar to have led Alsace to Northend, but that was just a conspiracy by the warden, who was working for the warden. It is worth mentioning that Marganis also has a female dread demon to accompany him, named Kintaisha.

The hidden phase makes people shiver World of Warcraft 9.2 Warcraft

Boss 10 is a Star Saint like Olgaron, but due to the Warden's power, this Star Saint has been completely controlled by it. Presumably, this is enough to reflect that the warden's power is stronger than Thathalon's, and Olgaron was not controlled at that time.

The warden in M mode will definitely have a hidden stage trigger, which is also a matter of great attention, and many people think that this will be an extremely difficult stage, which also means that the world's first kill can be spent on whoever.

The hidden phase makes people shiver World of Warcraft 9.2 Warcraft

Not only is the team quest, but the new map, Zareyntis, is also a very beautiful presence, which is a dream-like world, both suddenly open and dreamlike. New prestige enlightened people also have rich rewards, and both stags and wombats are pretty good-looking mounts.

The opening of version 9.2 also means that the plot of the shadow world will usher in a grand finale, and even many clues for the next expansion pack will surface!