
Memories of the past – Slippery Eggs

We have gone through spring, summer, autumn and winter, through the four seasons of life, along the way, when recalling the past years, childhood is the most important journey in my life. Speaking of childhood, I still remember my childhood as I was born in the late 1980s and early 1990s.

Memories of the past – Slippery Eggs

The years have worn away our faces, but they cannot erase our happy memories. The society of the nineties was not as rich as it is now, nor was it as colorful as it is now, with its dazzling array of toys, fantastic online games, and colorful entertainment life. For people living in mountain villages, electrical items are tight luxuries, not to mention high-end appliances such as computers and televisions. Although there was no variety of entertainment at that time, for that generation, it was also possible to have fun and have fun.

Memories of the past – Slippery Eggs

In the nineties, I was in my childhood, there were almost no toys, from kindergarten to elementary school, the games that could be played were not enough, such as jumping leather bands, catching thieves, hide-and-seek, playing four clips, playing slippery eggs, which was the most played by the children in our mountain villages.

Memories of the past – Slippery Eggs

Slippery egg is our vernacular there, in fact, it is a kind of glass ball, and some places are also called glass balls. Yo-yo eggs are varied, with large and small balls. We first played with the yo-yo egg as a bare glass ball, and then there were flower balls with bright patterns and different colors, crystal clear and beautiful. Later, a white ceramic, inlaid with a pattern in the village shop became my most desired toy. At that time, for me as a child, due to the limited conditions, I would not open my mouth to ask my parents for money to buy the yo-yo that could not be used as food or water, and the only source of obtaining it was to play with my childhood friends to win the ceramic yo-yo that I wanted.

Memories of the past – Slippery Eggs

For peers in the same era, how to play with slippery eggs is known, but for contemporary children, they may not have heard of it. Playing with yo-yo eggs is also called playing yo-yo eggs in our place, and in some places it is also called playing beads or playing glass balls. In fact, its gameplay is very simple, a few playmates dig a pit on the playground or dirt road, the pit can not be too large, can not be too small, and the depth should be appropriate. For the sake of fairness, several playmates first use scissors to hammer the winner, the winner comes first, and the loser continues until the order is discharged. A few playmates, who first bounce the yo-yo egg into the pit, who has the opportunity to take the yo-yo egg to hit other playmate yo-yo eggs, hit, the playmate's yo-yo egg belongs to themselves, can't hit, according to the order to play into the pit.

Memories of the past – Slippery Eggs

At that time, whether we were in class or after school, whenever we had the opportunity, we would play with a few playmates, some just playing together, and some needed to win or lose. When I was a child, I had no money to buy, and the only few yo-yo eggs, except for those sent by playmates, the rest were won. I remember that at that time, I was not attentive in class, in order to get the favorite ceramic glass ball, I pulled my classmates to the playground after class, until the class bell rang, I quickly ran back, and I was tired and breathless.

Memories of the past – Slippery Eggs

With the passage of time, we grow up in order to live, we are working in the north and south of the world, we can't see each other a year, occasionally meet childhood playmates, recalling our childhood, laughter will always linger in our ears.

Memories of the past – Slippery Eggs

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