
Liu Mingli: A piece of initial heart reflects "Danxia"

author:New Anren

In the eyes of many tourists, the beauty of Danxia Mountain in the ferry port lies in the soul given to it by the rape flowers in spring, and in the heart of local villager Liu Mingli, the beauty of Danxia Mountain is hidden in every inch of the land under the red skin, and he wants to work hard for many years with the villagers to inject more vitality and vitality into the beauty of Danxia.

Liu Mingli: A piece of initial heart reflects "Danxia"

This is the Songlin Village of Dukou Township, sleeping in the fields between danxia mountains, silently waiting for a day of rejuvenation. Liu Mingli is a native of Songlin Village. After graduating from the teacher's college in 2000, he worked in a home appliance company, and then distributed home appliances and set up a hosting center, and his career was booming. At the beginning of 2017, he went home to see the idle fields in the village, where the villagers lived in poverty without financial resources. A bold idea came to mind, go home and invest in entrepreneurship, and lead the villagers to get rich together.

Liu Mingli: A piece of initial heart reflects "Danxia"

Liu Mingli, Songlin Village, Dukou Township: I have this local feeling, and I see that many of the former fertile fields in my family have slowly gone to the city to work due to labor, and many good fields have become wasteland, wasteland, and barren mountains.

Liu Mingli: A piece of initial heart reflects "Danxia"

Liu Mingli learned that a large number of fields are idle because the villagers have no funds, lack of technology, and do not know how to revitalize the land. He took out more than 200,000 yuan at a time to lease more than 100 mu of land from the villagers, and invested more than 100,000 yuan to build roads, open canals, reclaim and plough, and after several months of hard work, all the weedy fields were sorted out. At the beginning of this year, chrysanthemum planting technicians were hired at high salaries to be responsible for the planting management and technical guidance of chrysanthemums in the field.

Liu Mingli: A piece of initial heart reflects "Danxia"

Technician Guo Chonghua: Here belongs to the mountains on all sides, a field in the middle of the concave, the climate is cold at night, the day is not so hot, the most ideal environment for planting chrysanthemums, the quality is superior to the entire area outside.

Liu Mingli: A piece of initial heart reflects "Danxia"

Liu Mingli said that a person is not rich, and only when a villager is rich can he be considered rich. Planting chrysanthemums requires a lot of labor, so he gathered the poor households in the village who had the ability to work to work in his chrysanthemum base, and paid the villagers 70 yuan a day to give the villagers a stable income.

Liu Mingli: This year, in general, there are still more chrysanthemum workers, with an average of 2,000 yuan per mu, and the most they earn should be 4,000 yuan, and the least is more than 2,000 yuan per month.

Liu Mingli: A piece of initial heart reflects "Danxia"

The remaining labor force in the village has come to Liu Mingli's chrysanthemum base to work, from chrysanthemum planting to field management to current chrysanthemum picking, more than 20 migrant workers every day, the villagers are happy in their hearts, thank Liu Mingli for doing a good thing.

Liu Mingli: A piece of initial heart reflects "Danxia"

Liu Qiumei, a villager in Songlin Village, Dukou Township: Picking this flower is not bitter, I can also pick it when I am in my 70s.

Reporter: So it's good to have this job?

Villager: Hmm

Liu Mingli: A piece of initial heart reflects "Danxia"

Liu Zhenmei, a villager in Songlin Village, Dukou Township: Here 70 yuan a day, every day to do things here, go home and work at home, feel very good.

Liu Mingli: A piece of initial heart reflects "Danxia"

It was the critical period of chrysanthemum picking, although he did not support Liu Mingli, his wife Cai Xinhui still took the time to come here to help, and saw that the hillside and the bottom of the ditch were full of golden chrysanthemums, and his face was full of joy.

Liu Mingli: A piece of initial heart reflects "Danxia"

Liu Mingli's wife Cai Xinhui: I was a little opposed from the beginning, and slowly I still supported him, and in the first half of the year, his investment was still quite large, fertilization, pesticides, personnel hoeing, and the wages were still quite large. Slowly wait until September, the flowers are still blooming well, like this harvest now, the heart still feels more satisfied.

Liu Mingli: A piece of initial heart reflects "Danxia"

The golden silk emperor chrysanthemum is beautiful, elegant and noble, its taste is sweet and bitter, and it has the effect of evacuating wind and heat, calming the liver and yang, clearing the liver and eyes, clearing the heat and detoxification. The average market price is more than 100 yuan per kilogram of dried chrysanthemums. Liu Mingli said that his golden silk imperial chrysanthemum can produce more than 100 catties of dried chrysanthemum per mu, and the benefits are better. They can make money themselves, and they can also drive the villagers to get rich, and the road is getting wider and wider.

Liu Mingli: A piece of initial heart reflects "Danxia"

Chen Qingsheng, secretary of the Songlin Village Branch of Dukou Township: It has played a very good role in poverty alleviation and income increase. In the morning, I can cook in the house and do housework, and the children are brought in, and the salary is earned. I think it is necessary to promote it even more and develop it as a village and a product.

Liu Mingli: A piece of initial heart reflects "Danxia"

Chen Xiaomao, first secretary of the team leader stationed in the village: In the past, Songlin Village used to grow rice and rice oil, but other industries did not have one. As a way for the development of cash crops, this chrysanthemum is the broadest way for Songlin Village in the future, and its poverty alleviation effect will be better.

Liu Mingli: A piece of initial heart reflects "Danxia"

When a place's backwardness needs to change its appearance and must meet the challenges of a harsh environment, it is always necessary for some pioneers to sacrifice their individual advantages in exchange for new development opportunities for the whole place. This is a sentence that Liu Mingli often says, and it is also his original intention.

Liu Mingli: A piece of initial heart reflects "Danxia"

So far, there are more than 100 acres of land in circulation. I'm going to turn the other side around. Next year, all the chrysanthemums will be planted, and then some income will be added to the poor households here and the poor households in neighboring villages.

Liu Mingli: A piece of initial heart reflects "Danxia"

Liu Mingli gave up his career to return to his hometown to start a business and led the villagers to increase their income and become rich. It has been praised by the villagers, and at the same time, it has also been affirmed and supported by the township party committee and government.

Liu Mingli: A piece of initial heart reflects "Danxia"

Yan Dongming, deputy secretary of the Dukou Township Party Committee: With party building to help alleviate poverty and grasp the industry, it provides a better platform for all successful people who have returned to their hometowns to start a business. He is a typical example of the party branch in our village carrying out party building activities to lead economic talents to return to their hometowns and start a business. We do some basic services for them at the rural level in terms of infrastructure, land circulation, industrial guidance, technical guidance, and coordination.

Liu Mingli: A piece of initial heart reflects "Danxia"

A branch, a flag, a party member, a star. From Liu Mingli, we see the original intention and strong will of rural entrepreneurs. He used practical actions to lead and influence the surrounding villagers to develop industries and embarked on a road to prosperity.

Author: Zhou Wanzhen Hou Jian

Supervisor: Tan Rubin, Liu Chang, Xiao Shiquan