
Memory | Ye Zhishan: Remembering Liang Xiaosheng

I am not very familiar with Liang Xiaosheng, and I dare not say "My friend Liang Xiaosheng...", but I have had some personal and work relations, but I am not as restrained and strange as complete writers and readers. Recently, when I was collecting photos, I came across a photo of him and Chengbei smiling very naturally, on the back of which he was marked as planting trees in the writer Lin in a certain year; another picture was a mountain stream in the background, I was sitting on a large rock, and he was talking on the side of his back, with a rather serious expression. It should be a meeting in Guizhou in the late 1990s.

Memory | Ye Zhishan: Remembering Liang Xiaosheng

Recently, "The World of Man", adapted from Xiaosheng's works, has been screened, and the reaction is strong and even hot. Because my husband had just passed away, I was completely immersed in the memories of the past, and I could not extricate myself. But thanks to Xiaosheng, thanks to Xiaosheng's works, thanks to the suffering he has experienced and expressed, so that I can be liberated from personal suffering and have the desire to look up at the world, from "I" to "we", from the deep immersion in a person, the life and death of a family, to see the sorrow of others, the burden of the times and the great love of the world.

My work has some connection with Xiaosheng, and since about the 1980s and 1990s, we have had the opportunity to go out for meetings once a quarter, every time in a different city. Several comrades from Beijing gathered at the capital airport, whether in the VIP lounge or in the ordinary waiting hall, only Xiaosheng never used to pull a trolley box, never dressed in a straight suit, he took a cloth bag given by the most ordinary supermarket in this white, there was no miscellaneous items, there was a pillow that was known to have been used for a short time at a glance, and another round pillow for the neck was lifted in his hand or simply erected on the neck. No matter what the occasion, his clothing always gives a feeling of obsolescence or obsolescence. That shirt and coat that the first buttons are always fastened, not dashing! His hair was stiff and erect, and his eyes were resolute and cold, which did not match the temperament of soft whispering word by word. Almost at the same time, Zhang Xianliang, who survived from inhuman circumstances, always had a fashionable suit, ironed hairstyle, and an aristocratic figure. I believe that no matter what kind of good times and unbearable circumstances people have experienced, the imprint of the original family is like a shadow.

Before "The World of Man", I had a little understanding of his life and past, first, through Teacher Zong Jiang, I knew that the first time I entered Beijing after graduating from Fudan, I only had more than a dozen yuan in hand, and I had no food or lodging, so I rushed to the rescue of Teacher Zong Jiang, who was born in ordinary life. The kind teacher Ruan Ruoshan and Zong Jiang treated him kindly and protected his self-esteem! Later, he became a great writer, and he also wrote down this past in the book, full of gratitude.

Memory | Ye Zhishan: Remembering Liang Xiaosheng

In addition, his popular Zhiqing works, who have not seen the original work, must have seen the film and television, I joined the team in Shaanxi, and soon transferred to the Henan Ministry of Chemical Industry Where My Parents were located, the Five-Seven Cadre School, although there were hardships and hardships, but did not go through the harsh grinding and destruction of the "blizzard". Therefore, it is almost impossible to imagine that the hardships in his works were personally experienced by a person like him who talks about Sven. Speaking of the contact between our work later, the meeting is of course more for the discussion of learning, the combination of virtual and real, tepid, relaxed and stress-free, the hotel where we live is of course the best local conditions, so the meeting will be under the same system of new and old friends to get together, there is no identity, level of constraints. Although we are not literary and artistic youths, a few of us who are about the same age as Xiaosheng will naturally not miss the opportunity to communicate with him, that is not star chasing, it is completely a conversation between friends. Especially after dinner, I often called with another friend who had no interest in "Carla" and swimming entertainment, and he always had a gentle and even kind welcome. We sometimes lie until late at night. There, he recounted his birth environment and family members, affectionate and sincere. In the same big era, what I experienced was almost "smooth" compared to him, and at that time I saw a small corner of the "human world", but I only felt that it belonged to Liang Xiaosheng and his family, or to the "human world" that belonged to the class on which he depended. My birth experience and vision are limited, and I am completely incapable of reading that it is a microcosm of a big era. With my own emotion, I felt the pain of "not seeing my father in ten years" and "not seeing my mother for seven years", and I sighed that I could not understand the profound social significance. I remember that at that time, my common feeling with my friends who went with me was first of all "heartache", feeling that he was overwhelmed, and the heavy pressure hurt his cervical spine and his whole body and mind.

No matter how popular the computer is, no one can say that Liang Xiaosheng changed the pen. He stubbornly handwritten, out of respect, and more out of "heartache," we gave him cover for a limited extent, allowing him to make some time to write during the meeting where he could eat and live. Collect for him great papers that may be wasted, collect for him the inexhaustible number of pencils from the meeting, cut them, and send them in large bundles.

I once jokingly threatened him, "Liang Xiaosheng, as long as you don't give me a new book, I'll buy pirated copies." "Of course it was a joke, but I read his works in time and seriously except for film and television dramas: "My Life and Me", "We Are So In Love"... I don't know whether it is because he studied at Fudan University, or because he has a deep in his bones the genes of a writer, it can be seen in the works that he was deeply influenced by the ideological culture of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries Enlightenment, and the humanistic, humane and idealistic emotions revealed in the works, especially the clear suppression of human nature and the tragedy of deep love that exists in almost every work, can be seen faintly in Tolstoy, Roman Roland, Turgenev, How Dickens's work and ideas left a deep imprint on the heart of this impoverished writer. Reading Xiaosheng's works carefully, this trace can also be captured from the text and language style, whether it is to describe the extremely cold and bitter, insulted and damaged people at the bottom and the dirty and dirty environment, his words are hidden in a kind of self-respect "nobility" - the "expensive" of the text, the "expensive" of the style.

The conversation with him also has this experience, he is well-behaved, polite, decent, serious and focused, without the slightest anger or rudeness.

Xiaosheng's emotional life is clean and almost "barren", and his rationality makes the marriage he chooses accurately -- what suits him is the best. We have privately gossiped: the talented writer who writes delicately should be accompanied by the amorous beauty of the talent of the forest, extremely beautiful, extremely elegant! Or it should be "Mina" in John Krestov, or "Kitty" in Anna Karenina. No, it is suitable for Xiaosheng to be a reassuring family member, allowing her husband to write and forget to be "blind"; allowing her husband to support his parents with the income he has earned, caring for his mentally disabled brother for life, supporting younger siblings or even their offspring; allowing his husband to often "live alone" in order to write without interruption. This honorable and obscure wife should also be happy: Liang Xiaosheng has only done one thing in his life: writing; he has only loved one person in his life: Jiao Dan. (Ye Zhishan)