
How does traditional culture tell the story of "Why China"?

Beijing, March 1, China News Network Title: How does traditional culture tell about "why China"?

Author Li Jingze Xie Yanbing Liang Xiaohui

After five thousand years of civilization, how did China become today's China? From the "Tang Palace Night Banquet" to "Only this green", in recent years, the increasingly popular traditional cultural IP has answered the question of "why China" from another level, and such discussion is also one of the hot topics of the two sessions every year.

Today, the China News Service invited NPC deputies, "traders" of popular cultural IP, and rong media center in Chibi City, Hubei Province, to discuss with experts and scholars how traditional culture tells "why China", and talk about the inheritance, protection, innovation and utilization of traditional culture.

From the Tang Palace Night Feast to the Lantern Wonderful Tour: "Not a porter of traditional culture"

In recent years, with the revival of the national tide, blockbuster programs based on traditional culture have emerged in an endless stream. If you want to say which programs are particularly impressive, Henan Radio and Television Station's "China Festivals" series of programs is among them.

Data map: The Tang figurines exhibited at the Henan Museum attract tourists. China News Service reporter Kan Li photographed

From the scene restoration of the Tang Palace Night Banquet, to the underwater aesthetic and romantic Dunhuang Flying Sky, and then to the Lantern Festival of this year's Lantern Festival, the "Chinese Festival" series vividly and vividly shows the charm of traditional culture.

"It's easier to make a relatively blockbuster show, but it's really, very difficult to keep a hit." Xu Na, executive planner of Henan Radio and Television's "China Festival" series, said frankly that the content output of this series of programs really made her and her team struggle.

The so-called one minute on stage, ten years offstage. Behind almost every program created by Xu Na and the team contains an in-depth exploration of traditional culture, they are not the porters of traditional culture, but the two-dimensional processor, combining their own thinking and modern skills to make traditional culture "alive".

With a simple example, we may be able to feel the "cold" thinking behind the "hot" show. The song and dance drama "Five Stars Out of the East" that came out of the circle during the Lantern Festival was inspired by a Piece of Han Dynasty Tapestry Arm guard. In October 1995, members of the Sino-Japanese Niya site academic expedition found this Han Dynasty Shu land tapestry in an ancient tomb in the Hotan region of Xinjiang, which is not large in length, but has eight seal Chinese characters: "Five stars out of the East and China".

What's the story behind this arm guard? What age was it born in? What happened in the end? It was the problem that Xu Na and the team had to solve at the beginning of getting this work. After learning about the history, they decided to combine traditional culture with modern audiovisual means to show the prosperous scene of the Han Dynasty Palace.

Yang Lanjie, a researcher at the Humanities Beijing (Humanistic Olympics) Research Center of Chinese University and a teacher at the School of Philosophy of Chinese Min University, pointed out that the "Chinese Festival" and similar programs have established a realistic connection between everyone and cultural traditions, which can arouse people's empathy and then arouse collective resonance.

If there is no relic carefully protected, how can you see the "Red Cliff in the Snow"?

"The great river goes east, the waves are exhausted, and the characters of the ages are flowing." To the west of the old fortress, humanity is, three kingdoms Zhou Lang Chibi. "Chibi City, Hubei Province, has gained a place in China's historical and cultural cities because of the classic story of the Three Kingdoms. How do they protect cultural monuments? How to tell the story of the Three Kingdoms well? In the snow, Wang Li, a reporter from the Chibi Rong Media Center, led everyone into the ancient battlefield of Chibi and into the vivid cases of Cultural Protection in Chibi.

Wang Li said that as the only ancient battlefield site in the seven major battles of the ancient mainland that "won more with less and more with the weak to win the strong", the Chibi ancient battlefield has many landscapes. Wang Li introduced that on the cliff of Chibi Jitou river here, the word "Chibi" is carved in stone, which is said to be written by Zhou Yu and is the earliest surviving cultural relic in Chibi.

Of course, there is also a stone statue of Zhou Lang proud of the Yangtze River, full of ambition to point out the picturesque country and mountains; on the Baifeng Platform, Zhuge Liang's lupine fan gently shakes, cleverly borrows the East Wind, and lends out the new pattern of the Three Kingdoms...

Chibi cultural scholar Feng Xiaoguang said that in recent years, the Chibi Municipal Government and the competent departments for cultural relics have established rules and regulations, implemented the responsibility for the safety of cultural relics, and actively developed the cultural industry. Over the years, Chibi City has cooperated with production and life construction projects, and the Hubei Provincial Archaeological Research Institute has carried out rescue archaeological excavations on the protection scope and construction control zone for many times, and has unearthed 2,005 sets of military cultural relics of the three countries, including 12 national first-class cultural relics.

He said that in order to tell the story of the Three Kingdoms represented by the Battle of Chibi, Chibi has held a "walking classroom" for 13 consecutive years, sent cultural relics and exhibitions to the campus, and more than 100,000 primary and secondary school students received research activities. It has organized academic seminars related to Chibi, which has contributed to the revision of the "Battle of Chibi" in Chibi and the "Chibi" entry and the "identification" of the Chibi cliff carvings.

How does traditional culture tell the story of "Why China"?

Data map: Three Kingdoms Chibi Ancient Battlefield Site Park Scenic Area. Photo by Cao Xufeng

Leng Wei, secretary general and researcher of the World Media Research Center of the Institute of Journalism and Communication of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said that culture and tourism come together like poetry and distant places together, traditional tourism is called food, clothing, housing, travel, shopping and entertainment, modern tourism keeps pace with the times, and it is more advocated for culture, commerce, and leisure. He believes that activities such as the development of learning-oriented tourism and the holding of the Ancient Wind Crossing Festival may add impetus to the inheritance and development of Chibi culture.

Yang Lanjie said that these also need to be promoted by local top-level design and mechanism, if presented in a scattered manner, it is not conducive to integration and the sharing of experience.

Npc Deputies SuggestEd, Traditional Culture "Why China"

In fact, the practice of institutionalizing the protection of traditional culture is worth forming a norm and forming a demonstration effect, and even forming a law to normalize and systematize the protection and development of traditional culture.

Wang Binmei, a deputy to the 13th National People's Congress and president of the Zhejiang Xiaobaihuayue Theater, who has long been committed to the inheritance of traditional culture, has done many research in various places in view of the difficulties faced by the current national opera theater troupe, and put forward suggestions such as establishing and improving the performance wage incentive mechanism for opera workers, increasing the investment in the creation of literary and art academy troupe projects, and reforming the academy and troupe.

Wang Binmei mentioned that she had suggested that the classification and guidance of the protection and inheritance of opera should be done well, and according to the survival status of different opera genres, the drama genres should be divided into three categories, and different support and protection measures should be adopted, so that the popular dramas in Zhejiang Province have been effectively revitalized, and the endangered dramas have also been effectively protected.

At this year's two sessions, she put forward two specific suggestions on how to disseminate traditional culture more scientifically and professionally:

First, online, it is suggested that the government should put forward requirements for major platforms such as Douyin and Kuaishou to increase the flow of excellent traditional cultural content.

Second, offline, it is recommended that the government increase the guidance and supervision of outdoor advertising in the public sector, and increase the proportion and coverage of excellent traditional cultural publicity content.

Talking about the protection and utilization of traditional culture, Leng Wei pointed out that protection and utilization is a means, the real purpose is to inherit, and it is an innovative inheritance. "Let the classics become popular again, and let the inheritance go to the world."

Yang Lanjie believes that culture should be beautiful and common, and we must respect the unique form of each culture. From this point of view, respecting Traditional Chinese culture and respecting Chinese history is actually contributing to the world, "I hope that world civilization will show a beautiful and wonderful appearance." (End)