
Dedicate a love! Convey a true feeling and help farmers to drink pesticides

author:Western Charity Network

(Correspondent Liu Changzhong) On the afternoon of February 28, a group of people wearing red vests and wearing little red hats came from the wheat field of Li Fengling in Xiangwang Village, Luling Town, with the green and oily wheat field in the wheat field really red flowers and green leaves, which was particularly bright, adding a beautiful scenery to the farmer's wheat field, several pesticide sprayers, and several volunteers were helping Li Fengling's family to spray pesticides on the wheat seedlings.

Dedicate a love! Convey a true feeling and help farmers to drink pesticides

After the beginning of spring, everything is recovering, it is also overgrown with weeds and insects, and it is also the period of wheat returning to the Green Festival, and the wheat blight, stem rot and total erosion disease also occur gradually.

Dedicate a love! Convey a true feeling and help farmers to drink pesticides

In order to ensure a good harvest this year's noon season. The Luling Volunteer Service Squadron of the Red Cross Yixing Volunteer Service Brigade in Wanqiao District has been doing volunteer activities for several consecutive days without stopping.

Dedicate a love! Convey a true feeling and help farmers to drink pesticides

On the afternoon of the 28th, we came to the farm field, volunteers surveyed the disease of wheat field weeds and insects, to see that it is a wheat with gratifying growth, if it is not managed in time, it may directly affect her family's hard work, experienced volunteers and other farming experts help villagers to control wheat field weeds and insect pests.

Dedicate a love! Convey a true feeling and help farmers to drink pesticides

As soon as the Red Cross volunteers arrived at the place, they began to divide the work clearly, some of them made water, some of them got medicine, cut the medicine, poured the medicine, diluted it, and then diluted it twice. The volunteers walked on their shoulders in the green wheat fields, walking side by side by three people, seriously, carefully, one after another, after several hours of hard work, finally finished beating a few acres of wheat.

——Li Guilian, correspondent Liu Changzhong.