
Why hasn't humanity been able to "conquer" cancer so far? Experts tell you the truth, so you might as well find out

author:Dr. Wang's popular science chat

Cancer cells refer to the situation that the gene cells in the body appear cancerous, its mutated cells are also the source of cancer, the spread of cancer cells is relatively fast, in the process of growth will absorb the nutrients of the human body, it can grow indefinitely, continuously transform, transfer to other cells, destroy the normal tissues of the human body, endanger the endocrine system and lymphoid organs.

Some people also call cancer cockroaches, kill one he will grow, after surgery or chemotherapy and other means, temporarily remove it now, after a period of time, he will grow again, infinite growth, occupy other body parts, let people be healthy.

Why hasn't humanity been able to "conquer" cancer so far? Experts tell you the truth, so you might as well find out

For human beings, conquering cancer is a complex and long work, which requires scientifically targeted research to alleviate the pain caused by diseases to patients and prolong their survival.

After continuous experiments, experts have found that the reason why cancer cells can continue to metastasize is that they are resistant to some drugs, which is also a key factor affecting the survival and life of patients.


Why hasn't humanity been able to "conquer" cancer so far? Experts tell you the truth, so you might as well find out

1. There are many metastatic pathways of cancer cells

Generally speaking, cancer cells need to go through several steps to achieve spread and metastasis, such as blood circulation, lymphatic system, etc. are their common metastases.

Why hasn't humanity been able to "conquer" cancer so far? Experts tell you the truth, so you might as well find out

At the beginning, it is necessary to detach from the tumor group, constantly enter the blood system and lymphatic organs, and the blood circulation no longer enters other tissues, and no longer reproduces in new parts. And in the process of production, he has to resist some immune cells in the body and kill him.

When effectively escaping, it can constantly spread and metastasize, occupy its own territory, and devour beneficial good cells. In the process of spreading and metastasis, cancer cells will cause patients to have some uncomfortable conditions, such as inexplicable fever, weight loss, lack of appetite, anemia, indigestion and so on.

If there are some cyst masses in the lymph organs, it is not painful or itchy to touch, which is likely to be a signal sent to you by the early metastasis of cancer cells, different physical fitness, pain sensation is also different, and also go to the hospital in time for examination.

2. Tumor cells appear resistant to drugs

Why hasn't humanity been able to "conquer" cancer so far? Experts tell you the truth, so you might as well find out

Cancer can recur because of resistance to some drugs, which is also a key factor, and cancer cells are resistant to drug components of different mechanisms, including acquired resistance, primary resistance and so on.

Other mechanisms of resistance, such as increased or decreased uptake of therapeutic drugs, mutations in targets, withering or defective cells, drug inactivation, altered signaling pathways, and altered appearance. The cause of drug resistance should first be identified, and under the action of the drug, cancer cells will have different motivations.

For patients with early stage cancer, cancer cells will continue to lengthen, according to the drug action and metabolism mode, improve the ability to counteract and spread, and effectively resist the drug components.

After continuous experiments by researchers, it has been found that some special drugs that are resistant to drugs should be developed, which is a very important work, which can block the metabolic pathway of cancer cells to a certain extent, avoid drug resistance, improve the cure rate of cancer, and reduce the pain of patients.

3. The internal microenvironment of cancer cells

Why hasn't humanity been able to "conquer" cancer so far? Experts tell you the truth, so you might as well find out

Sudden recurrence and metastasis of cancer cells is a very headache, once the cancer cells recur, it means that the patient's survival period and the difficulty of cure are constantly improving, why does the cancer in some patients not recur, but there are also individual patients who will have a large area of spread?

In the 1880s, a doctor made a seed soil theory for this study, sampling more than 700 women with breast cancer, and the results of the trial showed:

Cancer cells have their own specific symptoms when they spread and metastasize, not a common central spread, he likes to spread on the cell tissues that are far away from him, and he likes the liver and other internal organs, such as the lungs, stomach and so on.

Why hasn't humanity been able to "conquer" cancer so far? Experts tell you the truth, so you might as well find out

This pattern spreads, like a seed, constantly endangering the patient's health and causing irreversible damage to other organs. When the cancer cells spread, they will choose the internal environment of the organ, and when they see that there is something suitable for their survival, they will spread immediately, so this is also one of the reasons why there are patient cancer cells that do not recur.


Why do cancer cells metastasize?

1. The chemical tissue remnants on the surface of cancer cells may be more complex, strongly attached to other organ tissues, detached from other populations, and constantly spread.

2. Cancer cells can cause some special substances to appear in the blood clot in the process of spreading, and follow the blood circulation to attach to other tissues and the inner wall of blood vessels, and survive in large quantities.

3, cancer cells grow and multiply fast, the original plan of the organization can not store so many cells, he will be like some peripheral nerve tissue constantly compressing, engulfing good cells, occupying their own position.

4. Cancer cells can secrete some special substances to the body, dissolve cell tissue and engulf other cells, and open the way for their own spread and metastasis.


If cancer cells are conquered, how many years can people with cancer live?

American experts have done a professional investigation, attacked by cancer cells will lead to the age of patients appear around 65 years old, if the cancer cells can be overcome, the patient's life can be extended by 21.5 years, if you can overcome cancer cells, for the life of the human body plays a very important significance.

Why hasn't humanity been able to "conquer" cancer so far? Experts tell you the truth, so you might as well find out

This study is still constantly working hard, we should treat rationally, adjust their life schedules in time, strengthen their physique, improve resistance and immunity, and do a good job of intervention is the most effective.


A little trick to effectively prevent cancer cells!

1, may wish to do more housework

If you can take more than 5 hours a day to do housework, such as mopping the floor, washing dishes, washing clothes, watering flowers, etc., you can reduce the risk of breast cancer in female friends by 13%, and for male friends, doing more than three hours of housework a day can reduce the risk of other cancers by 20%.

2, do not eat spicy and irritating food

Why hasn't humanity been able to "conquer" cancer so far? Experts tell you the truth, so you might as well find out

If you eat some spicy and stimulating foods for a long time, it will cause damage to the digestive organs, and it will also increase the burden on the liver and kidneys, so that the body's metabolic capacity will be abnormal.

3. Meat and vegetarian collocation

The pursuit of nutrition to maintain meat and vegetarian collocation, more conducive to stomach cell tissue supplement some nutrients, to prevent malnutrition or overnutrition in the body.

4. Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits

In order to effectively prevent cancer, we can eat fresh melons and fruits as snacks, supplement vitamins and dietary fiber, not only to enhance the sense of protection of the stomach and intestines, but also to prevent physical obesity.

5, play less mobile phone

Why hasn't humanity been able to "conquer" cancer so far? Experts tell you the truth, so you might as well find out

Mobile phones will bring some radiation to our bodies, according to research surveys show that people who play less mobile phones will reduce the risk of carcinogenesis in the body, especially to keep the mobile phone away from the head.

6. Regular life

For example, staying up late, staying up late for a long time will aggravate dark circles, but also hinder blood circulation, reduce new metabolic capacity, can not discharge toxins and garbage in the body, and is more likely to suffer from cancer.

The little knowledge shared today ends here, what else do you need to add to this article? You can tell us what you think in the comments section, and we will discuss them one by one in the next issue.

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