
Earn big! Harden changed teams to double harvest on and off the court, and social media brought goods to sell sports therapy products

On March 1, Beijing time, the first two games of joining the 76ers, Harden and the new owner seamlessly docked, and even brushed the record. And not only on the court, but also off the court Harden is also a big harvest.

Earn big! Harden changed teams to double harvest on and off the court, and social media brought goods to sell sports therapy products
Earn big! Harden changed teams to double harvest on and off the court, and social media brought goods to sell sports therapy products

Harden updated his personal ins, posted a photo of himself lying on the couch for body recovery, and incidentally promoted a sports theory product. "Wireless restore 'jet boots' just to win." Harden wrote.

After changing teams, Harden's popularity did not drop but rose, and many people originally thought that many people would resent him because the media kept reporting that he forced the palace to leave the team, but this was not the case. According to the data released by the sports equipment website not long ago, Harden's jersey and the 76ers jersey ranked first in the league in sales after the transaction occurred.

Earn big! Harden changed teams to double harvest on and off the court, and social media brought goods to sell sports therapy products

Popularity did not drop but rose, Harden also took the opportunity to promote the goods, presumably this time advertising revenue is also quite rich. It has to be said that Harden has a double harvest on and off the court.

On the court, Harden and the 76ers seamlessly docked, it can be said that the speed of light into the honeymoon period. In his debut, he had 27 points, 12 assists and 8 rebounds, and in a match with the Knicks, Harden directly exploded a super triple-double with 29 points, 16 assists and 10 rebounds, as well as 5 steals.

Earn big! Harden changed teams to double harvest on and off the court, and social media brought goods to sell sports therapy products

Harden is also quite happy, he has continuously shouted slogans to strive for the first in the social media. And, motivating teammates, "We still have a long way to go, we're far from the ceiling yet, but I like the direction we're going, especially on the defensive end." Defense is something we live on, and if we can defend well, the offense will become very easy. ”

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