
Tomorrow's Son 3 Xin Ruiqi who Xin Ruiqi profile age height Weibo introduction

author:Strait Net

Who is Tomorrow's Son 3 Shin Ruiqi

"Children of Tomorrow Season 3" will be launched, and the player Xin Ruiqi has received a lot of attention, who is she? It is understood that Xin Ruiqi is a film and television actress, and now there are many representatives such as "Double World Pet Princess", "Waves and Flowers", "Beauty Cannot Be Disappointed", etc. In addition, Xin Ruiqi is also from the class, the university is enrolled in the undergraduate class of the North Film Acting Department, and when she was in school, she has participated in many campus dramas such as "The Orphan of Zhao", "I Have a Date with Spring", and she has also served as a flat model with a height of 168CM.

Tomorrow's Son 3 Xin Ruiqi who Xin Ruiqi profile age height Weibo introduction

Judging from this introduction, Xin Ruiqi is indeed not simple, I don't know what kind of wonderful performance Xin Ruiqi will bring in "Tomorrow's Children Crystal Age"? The results of the initial interview will soon be revealed. The show has been finalized, and from June 22, every Saturday at 8 pm on Tencent Video, everyone will meet everyone. It is reported that the players in this season are all girls, and then the star push officer is Sun Yanzi, Hua Chenyu, Song Dandan, Long Danni, Mao Buyi, and Meng Meiqi.

Tomorrow's Son 3 Xin Ruiqi who Xin Ruiqi profile age height Weibo introduction

Looking at Xin Ruiqi's personal information, you can know that she is from Xi'an, Shaanxi, born on February 19, 1997, is an actor signed by Tongle Film and Television, and now participates in "Children of Tomorrow 3" has attracted much attention, it turns out that she still has a musical dream, I don't know how Xin Ruiqi's music level is? It is undeniable that through the show, Xin Ruiqi's exposure will increase, but what the final result is, then it will be wait and see.

Tomorrow's Son 3 Xin Ruiqi who Xin Ruiqi profile age height Weibo introduction

Xin Ruiqi profile age height Weibo introduction

Chinese name: Xin Ruiqi

Birthplace: Xi'an, Shaanxi

Date of birth: February, 19 1997

Agency: Children's Music Film and Television

Height: Children's Music Film

Weibo name: Xin Ruiqi

Xin Ruiqi, Chinese mainland actress, born on February 19, 1997 in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, graduated from the Beijing Film Academy with a bachelor's degree in acting at the 14th grade. In 2017, he took over the filming of Tencent's web drama "Double World Pet Princess" as the female second Zhao Qingyun. In the same year, he participated in the filming of the youth inspirational drama "Waves and Flowers", in which he played Lin Sang.