
What does the internet term Barbie q mean? What is Barbie Q Terrier?

Recently, the Internet language Barbie q suddenly caught fire, whether in the chat or in the game often hear someone say that barbie q has been, many people are confused, so what does Barbie q mean? Let's take a look at it with Xiaobian.

Barbie Q is a harmonic pronunciation of the English word barbare, this word means "barbecue", english will also be referred to as BBQ, Barbie Q is a word transformed from BBQ, so what does Barbie Q mean? Because BBQ has the meaning of barbecue, so "finished Barbie q" also has the meaning of finished eggs, because barbecue can also be equivalent to cremation, cremation also has the meaning of finished, so Barbie Q is the meaning of finished eggs.

What does the internet term Barbie q mean? What is Barbie Q Terrier?

Barbie Q this stem from the game up master, he just said that Barbie Q was killed by the enemy during a live game, and then someone released a video with his words in electric voice, one of which is "finished, finished, family, Barbie Q, finished, I lost, dig grass", this piece of audio is very brainwashed and funny, so it quickly caught fire, was known by many people, so many people will dubbing to do video BGM used in Douyin and other platforms.

What does the internet term Barbie q mean? What is Barbie Q Terrier?

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