
The code of the I Ching: Emperor Zhao deep understanding, Ji Chang understanding, Confucius half enlightenment, Yu Qiuyu simple enlightenment

author:Tang Feng Song Yue

During the Yellow Emperor's reign, the Xia kingdom had a neighbor named Yu Guo. The State of Yu was a small state with its capital built in Pusaka, in present-day Yongji, Shanxi. The Yu people were tall and strong, using double-pointed spears and cowhide shields as weapons. They farmed their crops, grazed cattle and sheep, and lived idyllic life.

There was a priest in the kingdom of Yu, known as 喾 (pronounced Ruku). He was the great-grandson of the Yellow Emperor, who would say his own name at birth, and at the age of fifteen assisted his uncle Huan Huan and became the high priest of the Yu Kingdom, responsible for the sacrifice of the Yellow Emperor, the god of the Sun, receiving instructions from the gods, and conveying them to the monarch and the people.

Legend has it that at the beginning of its founding, there were four heavenly pillars between heaven and earth, and the gods could climb from the ground to the heavenly court along the heavenly pillar and drink wine and nag together. Unexpectedly, one year, the water god Gonggong and the fire god Zhu Rong went to war, gonggong was defeated, and he was unwilling to die, and he broke the northwest heavenly pillar buzhou mountain, the sky tilted to the northwest, and the earth fell to the southeast. The Yellow Emperor sent Nuwa to make up for the heavens, created many more people, and blocked the passage to heaven, and sent four nine-headed tigers to guard, who eats whom. He also sent the great god to divide the heavens into nine weights, and the great god Li Nether to divide human beings into a hundred surnames to facilitate management. Until now, the heavens are still nine times, and the people are still called Li Min.

Although there is no direct communication between man and god, the gods still need to convey oracles to the people of the earth, which requires professional intermediaries, who are called priests. Zhao was the best priest in the Kingdom of Yu.

Also don't ask the heavenly beings to ask the ghosts and gods, why can They stand out among the many priests? It turned out that he had mastered a set of codes for communicating the dialogue between man and god.

We can find the mystery by analyzing the word "喾" (嚳) itself. In the upper part of the word, two hands hold the "爻", that is, each line in the "卦". The second half of it is the word "confession" of prayer. Obviously, the word vividly describes a scene in which a priest prays to the gods in the form of a divination.

Through the clues provided by the word "喾", we will find that Zhao also learned the technique of using Gui from the earth god Dayu. The gui watch is made of hard wood and is shaped like a curved ruler, and when it is erected against the sun, the horizontal one is "Gui" and the vertical one is "table". When the sun shines on the table, it will form a shadow on the gui surface, and as the sun's position moves, the shadow will move on the gui surface. Zhao draws the trajectory of the change of the sun's shadow into a series of carved lines, and then according to these lines, the daily schedule is presumed, forming a daytime system, which is called "easy".

The code of the I Ching: Emperor Zhao deep understanding, Ji Chang understanding, Confucius half enlightenment, Yu Qiuyu simple enlightenment

The word "easy" belongs to a typical pictographic structure, with a sun above and a diagonal line representing daylight below to symbolize the movement of time. Those sun shadow scales left on the gui surface became the origin of the line. Zhao divides the carved lines into two kinds, long and short, and cooperates with each other, and the three lines form a combination, called "卦", and Zhao also names them qian, kun, li, kan, zhen, hui, xun, and gen respectively. He ordered the assistant priests to observe the position of the sunlight shining on the meter on time, and then beat the bells and drums in the palace. The bells represent the long ones, the drums represent the short ones, and the combination of the two sounds is enough to express the name of the gua, so that people inside and outside the palace can know the moment they are in. In order to prevent the bells and drums from being exposed to the sun and rain, Zhao ordered the construction of the bell tower and the drum tower, which were separated on both sides of the palace, sometimes at both ends of the city, like two giant spirits guarding time.

Unlocking the code of time, Zhao was sure to unlock the secret oracle of the gods. The biggest problem that priests face in their work is that they do not understand the oracle or misunderstand it, and once they cannot receive the oracle, and they are forced by the pressure of the monarch and the people to give an explanation, it is very easy to falsely pass on the oracle and make a statement on behalf of the god. It can be seen that there is an urgent need for a clearer and more definite way of communication between man and God. Therefore, Zhao invented Yi Gua on the basis of the line.

The word "Gui" plus the word "Bu" becomes the word "卦", which means that "卦" is a kind of witchcraft that uses the long and short lines of "Gui" to carry out divination, and can be used to infer the will of the gods, so as to predict the misfortunes of the world. This great invention has smoothed the communication between man and God, and the fate of mankind has since turned. This kind of first-generation divination is "Yi Yi". Due to the need for the heavenly opportunity not to be revealed, the "Yi Yi" has always been in the hands of a very small number of high priests.

Unfortunately, with the passage of time, the world changed, and the "YiYi" eventually evaporated in the human world, until the Shang Dynasty a thousand years later, some people found some fragments of it and sorted them out, called "Lianshan" or "Guizang". After another hundred years, Ji Chang, the king of Western Zhou, rediscovered and sorted out this long-lost secret art, and used it to deduce the fate of the entire nation. After Ji Chang's death, his son Ji Fa led the Zhou people to defeat the King of Sui, overthrow the huge Yin Shang Empire, establish a new state and civilization, and let his father's research results be rearranged and processed by the fourth brother Ji Dan, "Zhao Yi" so that the Zhou Dynasty was reborn, known as "Zhou Yi".

The code of the I Ching: Emperor Zhao deep understanding, Ji Chang understanding, Confucius half enlightenment, Yu Qiuyu simple enlightenment

A thousand years after the Zhou Yi was written, Confucius, a descendant of Yin Shang, studied the book. Confucius said, "I learned it easily at fifty." Teacher Kong only began to study Zhou Yi at the age of fifty when he knew the Destiny of Heaven, and studied it for twenty years until he was seventy years old, seeing that there were not many days, and he did not understand it, and sighed, False Wu for several years, can be easy to say. If God could give me a few more years, I could tell you about this book. Unfortunately, only three years later, Teacher Kong passed away, and his easy-to-learn research finally did not survive.

Two thousand five hundred years after Confucius, Mr. Yu Qiuyu, a famous cultural master who was nearly ancient, also immersed himself in the study of Zhou Yi. From the winter of the year of Haihai to the spring of the year of Gengzi, the whole people stayed at home to prevent the epidemic, and the road outside the window was quiet every day. This made him think of more classical years in the classical days.

He said: Academically, I have frequently entered the jungles of the pre-Qin, and even the very difficult Laozi, Confucius, Zhuangzi, and Qu Yuan have all translated and interpreted, so which other pre-Qin mountain has yet to be climbed again? The answer is "Zhou Yi". It has always been known as the "first of the group", and it is a mysterious hill with a very high reputation. Climbing this hill should be very quiet, and it is quiet for a long time without harassment. The epidemic prevention at home for the whole people provides this opportunity. My attitude in this climb is extremely religious.

He said: First of all, we must understand a simple fact, that is, "Zhou Yi" originated from divination. The ancestors of the ancient times believed in the difficult survival that the evil luck and misfortune of the world were arranged by the heavens, so they had to use some special methods to inquire into the heavens. Their usual method is to first ask a question, then drill holes in the tortoiseshell and animal bones, and then use fire to judge the answer from the cracks that burn out. Sometimes, I also pinch and transform in a handful of yarrow to find the answer. These practices are called divination.

At first glance, this method is very primitive, even very blind. However, the more the information of divination accumulated, the more a certain law was gradually revealed. Much like modern probability theory and big data, in a whole bunch of combinations of behavioral causes and effects without logic, big logic emerges and some unexpected magical secrets are discovered. The reason has not yet been found, the reason has not yet been presented, and the facts are mysteriously repeated. The higher the probability of repetition, the more attention it attracts, and in contrast, "reason" and "reason" are less important. If you insist on finding "reasons" and "reasons", you should also slowly ponder in the face of big data and build a set of special theoretical models.

The code of the I Ching: Emperor Zhao deep understanding, Ji Chang understanding, Confucius half enlightenment, Yu Qiuyu simple enlightenment

Mr. Yu Qiuyu wrote very wonderfully, and he would like to pick a few of them to feast on the kings.

First, do not use the hidden dragon.

A hidden dragon is a dragon that lurks in the mire of a deep well. At this time, the dragon should not be in the limelight, but should be obscure and wait for the opportunity. When Yu Qiuyu was thirty years old, he was a hidden dragon. The school was taught by everyone, and his wife thought that he was not out of work and went south to do business. He lived alone in a cabin of more than ten square meters, mosquito bites in the summer, hot to death; in the winter, the wind and rain, freezing to death, eating in the canteen every day, tired to death, neighbors and neighbors barked five to drink six, pointed out mulberry locusts, beat chickens and dogs, stirred up six gods, annoyed to death. Lonely body and mind, confused future, difficult environment, people who have not experienced it will not understand. After several years, he finally wrote several masterpieces about drama, became famous, became CEO (principal), married Bai Meifu, and embarked on the peak of his life, "flying dragon in the sky".

The key to the Hidden Dragon is "do not use". Although many people are hidden dragons, they are not willing to "do not use", every day with the three-legged cat kung fu out of the limelight, think that they do not meet, resent god has no eyes, scold the world for injustice, and finally from angry youth to greasy middle-aged, endure to see their peers become upstarts, complain too much ambition to dissipate.

If you think you're a hidden dragon, the most important thing you should do is to accumulate strength, improve yourself, and wait for the right moment.

Second, the house of accumulation of goodness will be celebrated.

Shan's original meaning is a sheep with a rope around its neck and saying auspicious words, and Qing's original intention is to hold a patterned deer skin as a gift for engagement. In the house of Ji Shan, there will be Yu Qing, which means that if there are more good sheep in the family, you can exchange a few deer skins to marry your daughter-in-law. Therefore, in our daily lives, we must be kind to people, and colleagues, friends, classmates, and neighbors, so we must make good relations, and doing good deeds will accumulate virtue, and Dechang will be prosperous.

Third, the inner villain and the outer gentleman.

As the saying goes, when you say three points to a person, you can't throw away all your hearts. It is difficult to draw a tiger and paint a skin, and it is difficult to draw a bone, and it is difficult to know the face of the person and not the heart. There are straight trees in the mountains, and there are no straight people in the world. The heart of harming others must not be there, and the heart of preventing people must not be without. It is to warn us that the world is dangerous and the people's hearts are unpredictable, and we must be cautious in our dealings with the world, and we must be cautious in our words and deeds. Manifested in daily life, it is "the inner villain, the outer gentleman." "Some people say, isn't this teaching people to be hypocrites? Not really. The hypocrite's gentleman is pretended, but the gentleman's gentleman is real. The outer gentleman is good to people, and the inner villain is to protect himself, and both are indispensable.

Fourth, the two women live together, and their aspirations are different. Men and women and their zhi tong also.

The word 睽 means that the two look at each other unfavorably. This sentence is to say that two women living together, even if the relationship is good, their ambitions are different, and they will go their separate ways. A man and a woman living together, even if they look at each other unfavorably, will continue to walk, because their ambitions are the same. The I Ching emphasizes the harmony of yin and yang, so it encourages men and women to live together, and does not encourage women and women, because that will make yin and yang out of harmony, which is not in line with the way of heaven and earth. This is for those older leftover women who are not married but are tired of playing together all day, no matter how good the girlfriend is, it is better to find a boyfriend.

Fifth, the adult tiger changes, the gentleman leopard changes, and the villain leather face.

Adults refer to big people who are in high positions and control the situation, and gentlemen refer to subordinates of adults, middle-level cadres, and small people who expect to go by the wind. The tiger is majestic, with the word king engraved on its head, don't look at the usual sickness, if you are angry, you will eat people. Leopards are quick to react, and when it comes to it, they can eat people.

When something happens, the adult must be as threatening as a tiger, the gentleman should react like a leopard, and the villain must change his face and wash his heart, correct his attitude, and accept the orders and dispatches of the gentleman.

Every company has adults, there are gentlemen, there are villains, it depends on what kind of identity we are, we need to change the tiger, the leopard, or the leather face. Different identities require different reactions.

Clouds and so on, and so on.

The code of the I Ching: Emperor Zhao deep understanding, Ji Chang understanding, Confucius half enlightenment, Yu Qiuyu simple enlightenment

Mr. Yu Qiuyu's "Brief Interpretation of Zhou Yi" "solves the big pain point of contemporary people reading Zhou Yi: it is difficult to understand; it refines the great value of contemporary people reading Zhou Yi: strain". Using modern concepts to teach you to grasp the core values of Zhou Yi's cognitive methods, pluralism, ideal personality and so on. Only by understanding the way of change can we calmly cope with the future.

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