
Why are the flowers so red

author:Guangming Daily
Why are the flowers so red

The office of the director of the restored Li Dazhao Library. Profile picture

Why are the flowers so red

Li Dazhao's Chronology. Profile picture

Why are the flowers so red

North masters and students lined up to lay flowers for the statue of Li Dazhao. Profile picture

These days, a "Flower, Why is it so red?" The video of "Peking University" was screened in the circle of friends of Peking University.

In just 2 minutes and 51 seconds of video, Peking University gives the texture and context of the development and inheritance of red genes.

Lu Xun said: "Peking University is always new, and it is necessary to make China go on the road of good and upward. ”

Yu Min, the "father of China's hydrogen bomb," said: "The country needs me, and I will definitely go all out." ”

"Daughter of Dunhuang" Fan Jinshi said: "The needs of the motherland are my wishes. ”

Economist Lin Yifu said: "China's intellectuals have always regarded the country as their responsibility. ”

"Flowers are always so red, because the flower of youth will always bloom where the party and the people need it most." The video concludes like this.

"The main founders of the Communist Party of China and some well-known early activists began to read Marxist works, spread Marxism, and promote the establishment of the Communist Party of China during their work or study at Peking University. This is the pride of Peking University, and it is also the glory of Peking University. On May 2, 2018, on the eve of the 120th anniversary of the founding of Peking University, General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected Peking University and delivered an important speech, profoundly pointing out the close relationship between Peking University and the Communist Party of China.

A hundred years of history, a hundred years of glory. On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, Peking University inherits the glory and pride of the past century, firmly establishes a sense of benchmarking in the study and education of party history, conscientiously repairs the compulsory course of party history study, obtains good results in the examination, inherits the red gene of Peking University in the past century, and strives to cultivate socialist builders and successors who can develop morally, intellectually, physically, aesthetically, and labor in an all-round way.

Bloom the flowers of youth

The time is set back to the spring of 2020, the most critical moment in the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in his reply letter to all the "post-90s" party members of the Peking University Medical Aid Team that together with the vast number of epidemic prevention and control personnel who are fighting bravely in the frontline, you are not afraid of hardships, charge ahead, and sacrifice your lives to forget death, showing the vigorous strength of youth and handing over qualified answers. General Secretary Xi Jinping also inspired them to "let youth bloom where the party and the people need it most." This has become a powerful spiritual driving force for North masters and students to unite against the epidemic. Peking University's medical workers and medical students who are fighting in the frontline of the fight against the epidemic have been encouraged and have more confidence to fight the new crown pneumonia virus to the end.

Lead, drive more people. This year, joining the party in the line of fire became their most urgent thing.

"Today is the day I gained my political life and I will always remember that day. I have 15 years of experience in nursing critically ill patients in respiratory medicine, and from then on, I can proudly say like my predecessors, 'I am a party member, I will come first'. On the day of joining the party on the front line in Wuhan, Li Na, a member of the national medical team of Peking University Third Hospital to aid the fight against the epidemic in Hubei, wrote such a paragraph.

On March 15, 2021, on the occasion of the first anniversary of General Secretary Xi Jinping's reply to all party members of the "post-90s" medical team of Peking University, Peking University held a party history study and education and a mobilization and deployment conference to celebrate the centenary of the founding of the party, issued an implementation plan, and quickly set off a boom in the whole school.

In the study and education of party history, Peking University combines the study of party history, enlightenment, practical things, and the opening of a new situation with the study of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and combines it with the implementation of the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important reply, not forgetting the original intention of the time and nurturing the new people of the times. Carry out the theme of "Learning Party History and Realizing the Initial Heart", invite the "post-90s" party members of the medical team to talk about the improvement of ideological awareness; invite Peking University graduates and students in the frontline of poverty alleviation, the frontline of anti-epidemic, and the frontline of the grass-roots level in the frontier, and talk about the strong appeal of the spirit of replying to the letter in combination with the study and education of party history...

"Let youth bloom brilliant flowers where the party and the people need it most" has become a common practice on the campus of Peking University.

Wu Chao, attending physician of Peking University Third Hospital, is one of the authors of the letter to General Secretary Xi Jinping. "The history of poverty alleviation and the history of the new crown pneumonia epidemic are all memorable histories written by the party leaders Chinese people in peacetime. The anti-epidemic experience in Wuhan and the earnest entrustment of General Secretary Xi Jinping have made us understand how important and glorious the work of the people's doctors is. Every consultation, every treatment, we need to care more about the patient and go into the patient's heart. Wu Chao said.

"Unite and revitalize China!" Peking University young students shouted this loud slogan again in the short video, expressing the spirit of Peking University youth based on the new era, interpreting patriotism with their own deeds, and achieving self-achievement with inspirational dedication.

Make good use of red resources

"Click" a sound. At No. 8, Ji'anSuo Left Lane, Jingshan East Street, Kou Kunzhao, a doctoral student at Peking University's College of Education, took a photo in front of Mao Zedong's former residence. According to his plan, before the "July 1st", he should take a "passport photo" of all the cultural relics of the Peking University Revolution and send a birthday gift for the centennial birthday of the party.

"Revolutionary cultural relics carry the glorious history of the heroic struggle of the party and the people, record the great course and touching deeds of the Chinese revolution, are the precious wealth of the party and the state, and are vivid teaching materials for carrying forward revolutionary traditions and revolutionary culture, strengthening the building of socialist spiritual civilization, arousing patriotic enthusiasm, and invigorating the national spirit." The important instructions made by General Secretary Xi Jinping on the work of revolutionary cultural relics are an important guideline for Peking University to use the red school history resources and promote the study and education of party history.

"Peking University's party history study and education resources are very rich, and its advantages are unique, so it is necessary to dig deeply to make the party history study and education more vivid, so that the party history study and education can enter the ears, brains, and hearts." It is also necessary to make good use of the influence and radiation power of Peking University, serve as a good benchmark, and make contributions to the study and education of the whole party's party history. At the mobilization meeting of the whole school, Party Secretary Qiu Pingping made a request. Taking the study and education of party history as an opportunity, Peking University and the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Cultural Relics cooperated to sort out the "Report on the Investigation of Cultural Relics of Peking University", which sorted out the cultural relics related to Peking University in Beijing in a more detailed manner, and counted 39 red cultural relics resources including the Red House of Peking University, the former site of the Beijing Normal University Branch University, and the former residence of Lu Xun. These cultural relics all have the intuitive educational value of "a hundred heard is not as good as a sight".

In addition, in today's Peking University campus, there are still a large number of red cultural relics such as monuments, libraries and archives, and ruins. Standing on the campus of Peking University, you can feel the history of the CPC's century-long struggle and the original intention of generations of Communist Party members.

Peking University Library restored Li Dazhao's office of the director of the library and created the "Dazhao Reading Room" in the special reading area for party history study and education. Teachers and students come to visit and study every day.

On March 26, in the "Dazhao Reading Room", the Humanities Department of Peking University was carrying out on-site teaching for the students of the "Qiangji Project". Li Silong, a professor in the Department of Philosophy, used the deeds of Mr. Li Dazhao to educate students: "Aspiring is not in his old age, Mr. Li Dazhao was only 38 years old when he died, and he was only in his 20s when he wrote those articles, but he has influenced generations of Chinese. Therefore, contemporary young students must have a spirit of responsibility academically. ”

Speaking of the "Dazhao Reading Room", Zheng Qingwen, secretary of the party committee of the library, is very proud: "Peking University Library has a deep relationship with the founding of the Communist Party of China. Both Comrade Li Dazhao and Comrade Mao Zedong worked in the Peking University Library, and it was in the Peking University Red Building that the Beijing Communist Party Group was established in the Library Director's Office of the Red Building of Peking University. At present, Peking University Library is further optimizing the overall exhibition layout of the "Dazhao Reading Room" and continuously enriching and improving the educational connotation of revolutionary literature.

Give play to the role of teachers in "guiding the way"

On March 18th, Chen Jin, Chair Professor of the Marxist College of Peking University, Deputy Director of the Former Literature Research Office of the CPC Central Committee, and member of the Central Propaganda Group for The Study and Education of Party History, gave a special lecture on "Looking at the Party's Spirit and the Chinese Road from the Party's History" to the Theoretical Study Center Group of the Peking University Party Committee, the middle-level cadres of the whole university, and the secretaries of the party branches of teachers and students, and more than 1,800 people attended the meeting. This theoretical center group (expanded) study meeting is the first lecture of the party history study and education since the launch of the party history study and education, the whole school party members and leading cadres to carry out special training in party history, and it is also the largest collective study of Peking University in recent years. It is reported that the party committee of Peking University has incorporated the special content of party history study and education into the systematic study of the theoretical study center group of the party committee.

"Teachers at Peking University should integrate the results of party history study and education into the classroom and daily exchanges with students, and give full play to the role of teachers as 'guides'." Peking University's humanities and social sciences department is strong, and it is necessary to make good use of these resources to open a series of lectures on the history of the party and the country and do a good job in the study of the 'four histories'. President Hao Ping put forward requirements for the teaching and research of party history.

This year, party history courses and lectures are popular courses for Peking University students. The information of 22 courses and lectures, such as "History of the Communist Party of China", "Theory and Practice of the Great Rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation", "Special Topics in Party History in the Past", "Lecture Series on Party History and National History", and "Ten Lectures on Party History Study", has been frequently forwarded and liked in the WeChat groups and circles of friends of Masters and Students of Beijing.

These courses, which are offered by the Xi Jinping Institute of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and the Department of History, integrate the study and education of party history into all ideological and political courses and courses, and invite famous teachers in the field of party history inside and outside the school to the front line of the classroom to teach in person.

The recently popular revolutionary historical THEME TV series "The Age of Awakening" has aroused a warm response among the masters and students in The North. Teachers from the School of International Relations, the School of Marxism and other departments combined the history of Peking University in the film and television drama to carry out classroom teaching, explaining the important historical events between the New Culture Movement and the founding of the Communist Party of China, which was warmly welcomed by the students.

"The introduction of Peking University history materials in classroom teaching, students are very intimate, more likely to be touched, and the effect of the curriculum is very significant." Professor Zhai Kun of the School of International Relations shared his lecture experience.

Not only that, the May Fourth Movement Research Center of Peking University and the Research Center for the History of the People's Republic of China have been established, and the Institute of Party History is stepping up preparations. The research work of the Major Project of the State Social Science Foundation " A Hundred Years of History of the Communist Party Newspaper and Party Periodicals (Multi-volume) " is being intensively promoted, and a number of important publications such as "Li Dazhao's Chronicle" and "May Fourth Spirit" have been launched successively...

Written over a period of 20 years and with a total of 1.35 million words, Li Dazhao's Chronicle of Li Dazhao, an associate researcher at the Peking University History Museum, objectively and truthfully records Li Dazhao's difficult explorations in his early years, his activities to disseminate democratic science and Marxism during the May Fourth Movement, and the revolutionary practical activities of founding the Communist Party of China and leading the Chinese revolution. At present, a number of film and television works reflecting the entrepreneurial experience of the early founder of the Communist Party of China, Yanlu Lanyi, are being broadcast, and the majority of teachers and students are very interested in learning. The publication of "Li Dazhao's Chronology" can provide richer reading materials for teachers and students to study the century-old party history and understand the spirit of revolutionaries. Yang Hu said.

Dig out the touching deeds of the ancestors

On the Qingming Festival in 2021, Peking University once again organized teachers and students to pay tribute to the bronze statue of Mr. Li Dazhao and the monument to the revolutionary martyrs on campus, which is a memorial to the revolutionary martyrs and an encouragement to teachers, students and employees. According to statistics, during the period of the New Democratic Revolution alone, 90 martyrs of Peking University died.

"Advocating heroes will produce heroes, and striving to be heroes can produce heroes." How to better let the masters and students of Peking University learn the spirit of the predecessors, Peking University has made sufficient efforts. After the party history study and education was launched, Peking University sorted out and excavated the touching deeds of the people around it, vigorously carried forward the red tradition, and let teachers, students, and workers learn from examples, benchmarks, learn and practice, and integrate knowledge and action.

On March 11, "The Power of Faith" premiered on the online platform, once a week. This is a precious image of 100 old teachers of Peking University on their ideals and beliefs, photographed by a young student organization. Yang Fuqing, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chen Kunluan, one of the main designers of Chinese character laser illumination technology, and Pan Wenshi, the "father of pandas", have become the protagonists. They all threw themselves into the revolutionary cause during the period of the new-democratic revolution and established very early on the unshakable and powerful belief of "following the party." On the day of the launch of the first episode, it received more than 500,000 hits on the official WeChat platform of Peking University. The short video version of "The Power of Faith" was launched less than 3 days ago and received more than 2 million hits.

The old teachers' eloquent narration made the masters and students of The North feel their deep feelings for the party and the country. "It's education, it's infection, it's leadership."

They deeply felt that it was under the leadership of the party that Peking University's history turned a new page, had a bright prospect for realizing its mission and dreams, and became an important vanguard force in China's modernization. Today's Peking University has stood at a new historical starting point and is in the best and fastest period of development in history, and the dreams of generations of Peking University people have gradually become a reality.

(Reporter Jin Haotian, correspondent of this newspaper, Jin Ge, Han Fang)