
Science and technology morning news is coming 丨2022-2-28

Science and technology morning news is coming 丨2022-2-28

【Today's Cover】

Recently, the Thirty-Six Quxi Wetland Park located in the Qiongshan District of Haikou is full of spring. The winding river channels intertwine with the waseda fields on both sides, exuding spring life everywhere. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Pu Xiaoxu

Message stations

Science and technology morning news is coming 丨2022-2-28

Photo by Tu Haichao

●On February 27, the mainland used the Long March 8 carrier rocket at the Wenchang launch site to successfully launch 22 satellites in the taijing-3 01 satellite and the Hainan-1 01/02 satellite in the form of "1 arrow and 22 satellites". The satellite successfully entered the predetermined orbit, and the launch mission was a complete success, setting a record for the highest number of multiple satellite launches on the mainland. (Source: Science and Technology Daily)

Science and technology morning news is coming 丨2022-2-28

Photo by Zhang Yang

●On February 27, the mainland successfully launched the L-SAR 01 B-star with the Long March 4 C carrier rocket at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center. The satellite successfully entered the predetermined orbit and the launch mission was a complete success. The satellite is mainly used for effective monitoring of the geological environment, landslides, earthquake disasters, etc. (Source: Science and Technology Daily)

Science and technology morning news is coming 丨2022-2-28

Lu Xin, a deputy to the National People's Congress and a professor at Jinan University, said a few days ago that childbirth is still one of the bottlenecks in the development of women in the workplace, "not only extending maternity leave is enough, but also multi-dimensional consideration and formulating policy supporting measures." "It is recommended to appropriately extend male parental leave and establish a flexible leave system, and male paternity and childcare leave can not be taken at one time, but a flexible leave system of holiday division and sharing should be established." (Source: Guangzhou Daily)

New discoveries

Science and technology morning news is coming 丨2022-2-28

This is a pet dog photographed at a pet show in Lisbon, Portugal, on February 1, 2019. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Liyun

●A study recently released by the American Academy of Neurology showed that researchers at the University of Michigan analyzed health data from 1369 elderly people with an average age of 65 years. It was found that after 6 years, the cognitive score of older adults who owned pets declined more slowly compared with older adults who did not have pets, and this difference was more pronounced in older adults who had long-term pets. (Source: Xinhua News Agency)

Pure technology

Science and technology morning news is coming 丨2022-2-28

Wang Meixiang Image source: Science Network

●The 0.2-gram "rope" can lift objects weighing 5 kilograms, and the stretch length can reach 600%, and it is also very tough. Recently, Wang Meixiang, a postdoctoral fellow in dickkey Laboratory at North Carolina State University, published a paper in Nature Materials as the first author to introduce this new material. It is a type of ionic liquid gel, which has set the highest record for tensile properties and toughness of this material, and also shows a broader application prospect than hydrogels. (Source: Science Network)

Science and technology morning news is coming 丨2022-2-28

Figure according to the paper

Recently, the research group of Professor Sun Daoyuan of the University of Science and Technology of China and Dan J. Bower of the University of Bern in Switzerland have made important progress in the study of the structure of large-scale ultra-low-speed anomalies at the boundary of the Earth's nuclear mantle, and obtained the three-dimensional structure of the largest scale ultra-low-speed zone found so far in the Pacific Ocean. The results were published in Nature Communications on February 24. (Source: Science and Technology Daily)

Look at the world

Science and technology morning news is coming 丨2022-2-28

File photo: Regional road at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Xinhua News Agency

● The International Atomic Energy Agency said on the 26th local time that the Ukrainian nuclear power plant is currently not abnormal and is operating normally. On the 25th, the Ukrainian side reported that the radiation level of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant had increased, which may be due to the dust contaminated with radioactive materials by heavy military vehicles. The IAEA said the assessment concluded that the radiation value was not high and "did not pose any danger to the public" and that the facility continued to operate normally. (Source: CCTV News)

Science and technology morning news is coming 丨2022-2-28

Image source: Visual China

● On the 26th local time, the United States and the European Union, the United Kingdom and Canada issued a joint statement announcing that several major banks in Russia are prohibited from using the International Settlement System of the Association for Financial Telecommunications of Global Interbanks (SWIFT) as the latest sanctions against Russia. (Source: CCTV News)

Editor: Liu Yiyang

Review: Julie

Final Judge: He Yi