
Half-Demon Night Fork Ji: On the foreshadowing circle, all yokai will be destroyed by Shirinri

author:Ah Li said anime

Netizens who have watched "InuYasha", presumably they are very curious about one thing, that is, why there were many monsters in the Warring States Period, and in modern times, one of them did not see it? Is it because of something that causes all the yokai to leave the human world, or to be isolated and sealed, etc., this answer is given in "Half-Demon's Night Fork Ji".

Half-Demon Night Fork Ji: On the foreshadowing circle, all yokai will be destroyed by Shirinri

After the three Night Fork Hime came to modern times, because they could not destroy the Demon Spirit Star, at that time, kirin maru's right arm took it upon himself to decide to pull the Demon Spirit Star to the Warring States Era, and use the Demon Spirit Star to get rid of all the Yokai in the Warring States Era, and if Xi Linli succeeded, this showed that there would be no Yokai in the future after the Sengoku Period, which echoed the modern situation.

Half-Demon Night Fork Ji: On the foreshadowing circle, all yokai will be destroyed by Shirinri

After Xi Linli came to the Warring States Era, there was also a picture of him letting the yokai attack the Warring States Era, it is very likely that the yokai ate the yokai of the Warring States era first, and then let them come back and become the nourishment of the demon spirit star, and there is another thing inside the demon star, which is most likely the life conceived by the demon spirit star, and finally as long as Xi Linli destroys the life in the demon star, then there will be no yokai in this era.

Half-Demon Night Fork Ji: On the foreshadowing circle, all yokai will be destroyed by Shirinri

And when it comes to destroying all the youkai, it also reminds people of two familiar characters, that is, InuYasha and The Killing Pill, InuYasha is currently with Govi, just to save the Maple Mother-in-law who was attacked by the youkai, and then Inuyasha and Govi will fight for this era, to destroy the Demon Spirit Star, but it is very likely that it will not succeed, and may even be killed by Xi Linli with the help of the Demon Spirit Star!

Half-Demon Night Fork Ji: On the foreshadowing circle, all yokai will be destroyed by Shirinri

As for the killing pill, the situation is not optimistic, before the Kirin Pill burned off the soul with a demon fire, now there is almost a body left, Suzu has been taking care of him inside the Time Tree, but even if he hides here, there is no way to retrieve the soul of the Killing Pill, save the Killing Pill, it seems that freedom waits for the Kirin Pill to die and then see the situation.

Half-Demon Night Fork Ji: On the foreshadowing circle, all yokai will be destroyed by Shirinri

Before, I always thought that Kirin Maru was the final boss, but from the current situation, Xi Linli was more like the final BOSS, because he wanted to destroy all the yokai in the Sengoku Period, including Shippo, Takechiyo, InuYasha and Killing Pill, these characters were all in the protagonist group camp, naturally it was impossible to die, and the only one who stood against them could only be the villain!

If the plot really goes on like this, will it be staged inuyasha and Kirin Maru joining forces to fight against Xi Linli and the Demon Spirit Star, I think it is still possible, because there is a saying called "I am not afraid of the strength of the youkai, I am afraid that the youkai have read the book!" ”

Half-Demon Night Fork Ji: On the foreshadowing circle, all yokai will be destroyed by Shirinri

This is the plot of the current "Half-Demon's Night Fork Ji", this scene also just answers why there are no yokai in modern times, it seems that it is really possible to be destroyed by Hillary, so do you agree with Hillingley to destroy all youkai, or do the protagonist group solve Hillary?