
Flow Reading Notes 3

author:Haruko reading

Title: Flow

Reading Progress: 3 chapters

Reading time: 40 minutes

Excerpts from the golden sentence:

1. What other people think of us or what we have is not directly related to the quality of life, what really matters is how we interpret ourselves and what happens to us.

2. Money can increase or decrease happiness, the key depends on how you use it.

3. Instead of worrying about how to make $1 million or make powerful friends, focus on making everyday life more harmonious and fulfilling.

4. What really brings pleasure to people is not the control itself, but the feeling of formal control in difficult situations.

Reading Insights:

1. What is the difference between pleasure and pleasure?

Hedonism is a sense of satisfaction that arises when information in consciousness tells us that we have met the requirements of the social constraints of biological procedures.

Pleasure is an important part of a high level of living, but pleasure alone does not bring happiness. It cannot bring about spiritual growth, nor can hunger increase the complexity of the self. Hedonism, while helping to maintain the order of consciousness, cannot create a new order in consciousness. Such as watching the phone brush video

Fun means that a person not only has their needs and desires satisfied, but has transcended existing constraints and accomplished unexpected things.

Fun has a forward-moving character and is fresh and fulfilling.

Moments of pleasure are fleeting and do not lead to self-growth. Fun, on the other hand, requires an investment of mental strength, and fun is evocative.

If you want to control the quality of the experience, you must learn to create fun from everyday life.

2. What constitutes a flow experience:

One, when we are faced with a job that can be done

Second, it must be able to pay full attention to this matter

Third, there are clear goals

Fourth, there is immediate feedback

Fifth, being able to plunge deeply and unequivocally into action is a result in the elimination of the worries and frustrations of everyday life

Sixth, a fun-filled experience that makes people feel free to control their actions

Seventh, enter a state of self-forgetfulness, but after the flow is over, the feeling of self will become strong again

Eighth, the sense of time will change, a few minutes will become a few hours of feeling, and it is possible that hours will feel as fast as a few minutes.

3. Appearing with a stronger appearance after losing the feeling of self in flow, contradictory?

There is a very important relationship between the feeling of losing oneself in a flow of heart and reappearing later in a stronger guise, which at first glance seems contradictory.

Occasionally abandoning self-awareness is necessary to build a strong sense of self.

In flow, a person is challenged to perform at his best and to constantly improve his skills, during which time he does not have the opportunity to reflect on what it means to be self—if self-awareness can be restored at any time, the experience cannot be too profound.

When after the fact, when all activities have come to an end, self-awareness gradually recovers, and the self is different from the self before experiencing flow, enriched by new skills and new achievements.

4. What are self-contained goals?

Self-contained goals refer to doing something without pursuing future rewards, and doing this thing itself is the greatest reward.

Investing in the stock market in order to make money is not a self-goal action, but if you play stocks to prove that you have the ability to predict future trends, you are.

5. When we are first exposed to an activity, it is reasonable to force learning moderately, why?

Children or adults often need external triggers that take them to the first step in regrouping their attention. The fun of many activities is not natural, and it requires us to do something that is not willing to do in the beginning. Once the individual skill is rewarded and the interaction begins, it is natural to feel worthwhile.

Flow Reading Notes 3
Flow Reading Notes 3
Flow Reading Notes 3