
City affairs | This year, the housing of these people in Tianjin will improve!

author:Internet information Jinnan

Tianjin has improved the construction of the housing system

City affairs | This year, the housing of these people in Tianjin will improve!
It was learned from the Tianjin Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Work Conference that this year Tianjin will continue to maintain the scale of real estate development and construction, establish a sound housing system, standardize the order of the real estate market, and improve the living environment of the masses. Key measures include:

  • Maintain the scale of real estate development and construction, and plan to complete the real estate development investment of 240 billion yuan throughout the year, start 12 million square meters of newly started commercial housing, and achieve completion of 15 million square meters
  • Implement the transformation of 177 old residential areas, 7.78 million square meters, and support the installation of elevators in qualified communities
  • Provide 60,000 sets (rooms, beds) of affordable rental housing to meet the housing needs of new citizens, young people and other groups
  • 400 million yuan of rental subsidies were issued to low- and middle-income families with housing difficulties, benefiting 70,000 families
City affairs | This year, the housing of these people in Tianjin will improve!


Improve the housing system

  • Through market means, do a good job of supply structure regulation, and rationally arrange the proportion of improved and small-apartment houses.
  • Maintain the scale of real estate development and construction, the annual plan to complete the real estate development investment of 240 billion yuan, the newly started commercial housing 12 million square meters, to achieve the completion of 15 million square meters, the cumulative area in the application of more than 110 million square meters.
  • Establish a reserve pool of real estate development projects, serve the construction of enterprise projects in the whole process, and implement infrastructure support in advance. Innovate the new mechanism of real estate regulation and control, combined with the development strategies of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei coordination, fertility policy adjustment, talent introduction, etc., according to the characteristics of different regions and the size of the population, according to the district policy, according to the people policy, according to the housing policy, according to the industry policy, to promote the coordinated and balanced development of the region.
  • Improve policies such as housing purchase restrictions and financial credit, steadily carry out the expansion of housing provident fund, expand omni-channel services, better meet the reasonable housing needs of the masses, and promote the virtuous circle and healthy development of the real estate industry.


Build a housing security system

  • Scientifically compile the "14th Five-Year Plan" affordable rental housing development plan, comprehensively consider factors such as industry, economy, and urbanization, optimize the supply structure of affordable housing and commercial housing, and promote the balanced development of the housing rental and purchase market.
  • Improve the housing security system of public rental housing, long-term rental housing, affordable rental housing, and directly managed public housing, formulate an annual construction plan for affordable rental housing, increase the intensity of construction and fundraising, and plan to provide 60,000 sets (rooms, beds) of affordable rental housing to the society this year to meet the housing needs of new citizens, young people and other groups.
  • In parks with conditions, rental housing that meets the epidemic prevention and isolation standards will be built in accordance with the requirements of the combination of epidemic prevention and epidemic as an emergency backup facility for epidemic prevention. Optimize the rental policy for the people with housing difficulties, facilitate access and effective exit, and minimize the waiting time of the masses.
  • 400 million yuan of rental subsidies were issued to low- and middle-income families with housing difficulties, benefiting 70,000 families. Combined with the actual situation in Tianjin, explore the policy of co-ownership housing, accelerate the development of the long-term rental housing market, and standardize the intermediary services in the individual bulk rental market.
  • Actively promote the construction of shedded resettlement housing, scientifically formulate annual plans, and strive to exceed the target of 1700 sets.
City affairs | This year, the housing of these people in Tianjin will improve!


Regulate the order of the real estate market

  • Prevent and resolve the risks of individual real estate enterprises, strengthen the monitoring and early warning of real estate project risks, timely start the emergency disposal mechanism, effectively deal with the problem of delayed delivery of housing projects, and go all out to "ensure the delivery of buildings, people's livelihood and stability".
  • Promote the healthy development of the real estate industry, guide enterprises to adjust their development strategies, overcome short-term behavior, and adapt to changes in the market and the needs of the masses. Further improve the real estate industry chain, improve the level of project planning, excavate the value services after the use of housing, actively revitalize existing real estate resources, and promote the sustainable development of the real estate industry.
  • Standardize the behavior of real estate development enterprises, real estate brokerage agencies and practitioners, strengthen the guidance of market expectations and public opinion control, and jointly maintain the good order of the real estate market.


Improve the living environment of the masses

  • Implement the transformation of 177 old residential areas, 7.78 million square meters, and support the installation of elevators in qualified communities.
  • Carry out actions to make up for shortcomings in the creation of green communities and the construction of residential communities, implement the guidelines for the construction of complete residential communities, more than 60% of communities in all districts participate in the creation of standard action, and establish and improve the mechanism of co-construction, co-governance and sharing.
  • Improve the long-term management mechanism of commercial housing maintenance funds, give play to the role of maintenance funds in ensuring "housing pension", and innovate new measures for collection, use and management.
  • Promote the design and construction of barrier-free facilities and age-appropriate facilities, so that special groups such as the disabled and the elderly can travel conveniently and better integrate into social life.
City affairs | This year, the housing of these people in Tianjin will improve!

▲Tianjin old residences install elevators


Improve the level of property management

  • Adhere to the leadership of party building, strictly implement the system of regular debriefing and major matters reporting by property service enterprises, and consciously accept the guidance and supervision of community party organizations.
  • It is necessary to combine urban renewal and the transformation of old residential areas, actively cooperate with the community to introduce property services, and improve the coverage rate of property services in residential communities.
  • Encourage property service enterprises to transform and upgrade, expand the content and scope of services in terms of old-age care and domestic services, and enhance the soft power of grass-roots social governance.
  • It is necessary to improve the credit management of property service enterprises, promote enterprise creditworthiness and self-discipline, standardize service behavior, and conscientiously resolve the reasonable demands of the masses for property services.

Source: Tianjin Broadcasting