
Kindergarten spring teaching work is summarized up to date

author:Template template sample assistant
Kindergarten spring teaching work is summarized up to date

Kindergarten Spring Teaching Work Summary Latest (1)

  The hot summer has arrived, the summer vacation that everyone looks forward to is in sight, and the busy and intense work of the semester will also come to an end. After a beautiful spring, the children also grew taller, grew up, and became more sensible like the little saplings in the spring, because they knew that they were going to become the older brothers and sisters. Looking back on the work of this semester and looking back at every day with the children, there is the sweat of hard work and the joy of success and satisfaction. Now I will make a retrospective summary of this bit by bit, so as to reflect on the shortcomings and look forward to the future. In order to better complete the future work, improve the quality of education, and promote the lively and healthy growth of children's physical and mental health. These are carried out as follows:

  First, the situation of the class

  In this middle school life, the children's sense of independence is enhanced, and the desire and desire for self-service are getting stronger and stronger. From simple self-dressing to folding one's own quilt to simple labor. We grasped this psychological characteristic of the child. The good behavior habits of young children are cultivated in shallow and subtle. Thus promoting the improvement of the entire class style.

  2. Educational work

  Because there are many boys and few girls in my class, and most of the children have a more active and naughty personality, the three of us teachers are in step with each other and work together in response to this phenomenon. Repeatedly emphasized before class. After a period of heavy education, there are more children who are united and fraternal, help each other, care about the collective, and love labor. For example, many children can take the initiative to help each other: get dressed and undressed. Children who come to the kindergarten early in the morning can take the initiative to greet the children and the teacher, and can take the initiative to do some small things that the teacher can do. Although they are all small things, they cultivate the good habits of young children from the side. Last semester, the children in the class did not raise their hands, and the phenomenon of casual speech occurred frequently. In this semester, we focus on educating young children to raise their hands first to answer questions in class, not to say "I", and to give timely praise to children who have improved. Through the education of young children in the class, they can raise their hands before answering questions, and their voices are loud.

  3. Moral education work

  At the beginning of the school year, we formulated a moral education plan suitable for my class according to the actual situation of the class, and will run it through all aspects of children's games, learning, labor and daily life, so that moral education work is omnipresent and all the time, and the moral education work is infiltrated into the game, in the game, encourage young children to speak more polite words, such as "please", "thank you", "sorry", etc., do not speak dirty words, do not compete for toys, everyone plays together, takes turns to play, and encourages young children to try to negotiate solutions.

  4. Conservation work

  1. Do a good job of morning inspection every morning, and make a record, in the morning inspection process, I found that some young children always have some unsafe things in their pockets, such as knives, iron nails, etc. So each morning inspection is very meticulous, for the safety of young children, I also launched a small group, encourage young children to "whistle-blow and expose" to prevent problems before they occur, in the morning inspection activities, before eating, before taking a nap to stabilize the children's emotions, outdoor activities are organized and disciplined, to ensure the safety of young children, at the same time I continue to carry out safety education for young children, through pictures, stories, operations, experiments and other methods, so that safety education visualization, vivid into children to receive, the use of daily life, living examples to educate young children, through the analysis of the causes, Let young children understand why such accidents occur, and use the consequences of accidents to touch children's hearts. Let young children know what is dangerous, what things cannot be played, how to play without danger, etc. Improve children's self-protection ability.

  2. Now the children are in the period of growth and development, so we attach great importance to cultivating children's good eating habits, before the children eat, I ask them to assist the teacher to do some pre-meal preparations within their ability, such as putting stools, small bowls, etc. In this way, a series of reactions will also occur in the body, which will greatly increase their appetite. When young children eat with some light music, help children to be relaxed and happy, usually pay attention to training young children to concentrate on eating, from an early age to develop a good habit of concentrating on eating, chewing slowly, while educating young children to develop good eating hygiene habits, wash their hands before eating and after going to the toilet, rinse their mouths after meals, do not eat unclean food, do not pick things that fall on the table or on the ground to eat, chew, drink soup without making a sound, eat without talking, do not throw debris and so on

  3. In the class, I pay attention to cultivating children's ability to be independent, through various ways, so that children know how to do their own things, find ways to solve problems when they encounter themselves, and help each other among peers.

  4. Give young children a good sleeping environment when taking a nap at noon, let young children sleep on time every day, let young children stop more intense activities half an hour before they go to bed, take away the items that are easy to make children excited in time, keep the room air clear and create a quiet sleeping environment, while allowing young children to develop a good sleeping posture, children sleep when they let them lie on the right side, slightly bend their legs to relax naturally, and do not press their hands on the chest or under the body, which helps to improve the health of young children.

  Through a semester of hard work, the children in my class have developed good habits in terms of eating, sleeping, etc. Every toddler's physical fitness is good.

  5. Parents' work

  The Outline clearly states: "The family is an important partner of the kindergarten. Based on the principles of respect, equality and cooperation, we should strive for the understanding, support and active participation of parents, and actively support and help parents to improve their educational ability. "With this guiding ideology, we pay attention to communication and understanding with parents in our home contact work, and timely pass on our educational philosophy to parents." We held a parent-teacher conference, on the one hand, to let parents know about this semester's nursery education and the situation of young children in kindergartens; On the other hand, we will discuss the experience of early childhood education with parents and bring us closer to our parents. In addition, we use the morning and evening parents to pick up and drop off their children to communicate with parents. We give timely answers to the questions raised by parents, and with the strong support and cooperation of parents, the activities of our class can be carried out smoothly and effectively. Such as: parent open day half-day activities, parent-child activities, environmental protection clothing show, Father's Day activities, etc.

  Sixth, there are deficiencies and the direction of efforts

  After a semester of hard work, the children in our class have developed in all aspects, their knowledge has been enriched, and their independence has been enhanced, but there are also shortcomings: the imagination department is rich enough, and it is impossible to boldly imagine certain problems. Some young children have a bad temper, are always self-centered, and cannot think about others. In the next semester, we will let children know more about new things with the cooperation of parents, so as to increase the knowledge of young children. With the goal of moving forward, coupled with everyone's efforts, I believe that children can grow up stronger and healthier, and tomorrow we will create more brilliant sunshine!

  Kindergarten Spring Teaching Work Summary Latest (2)

  Time flies, years flow. Looking back on the semester that is coming to an end, there is hard work and sweat, and there is no lack of joy in work. With the strong support and cooperation of my colleagues, my work was successfully completed this semester. Here, I summarize my work as follows:

  First, political ideology

  I am ideologically correct, conscientious and thorough in the educational policy, dedicated to work, love children, decent style and good moral character, as a teacher, loyal to duty, care for every child, have a warm love for children. Care about major national affairs, conscientiously participate in political studies, write good experiences, and understand some ideas implemented by XX. Usually pay attention to current affairs, adhere to the reading of newspaper education guidance outline and other books and materials on curriculum reform, improve the understanding of theoretical knowledge of curriculum reform and the level of application in practice. I conscientiously studied the new outline, used its brand-new educational theories to guide my work, constantly improved and enriched myself, pioneered and innovated, and advanced with the times.

  2. Education and teaching

  This semester we have xx young children in our middle class. We create a warm and harmonious environment to help children adapt to the new learning and living environment as soon as possible, and secondly, we must start from every detail and establish a series of good routines to ensure the orderly development of various teaching activities in the future. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen children's self-service awareness, improve self-service ability, and form good behavior habits. In the teaching activities of each subject, it is carried out in layers from the perspective of stimulating children's interest in learning, and teaching is carried out according to the different development levels of different children, so as to promote the harmonious and healthy development of children's physical and mental health.

  The personal work of kindergarten middle class teachers is summarized in education and teaching, and can pay attention to the principle of combining education and education, all-round development, respecting each child and developing their personality. Each semester, according to the spirit of the new "Outline" and the kindergarten work plan, according to the actual situation of the children in the class, the class work plan, weekly plan, and scientific arrangement of children's one-day activities can be scientifically arranged to ensure the combination of children's movement and static, and promote the all-round physical and mental development of children. Through a variety of regional activities, we provide patient and meticulous counseling to individual children in a purposeful and targeted manner. According to the characteristics of the children in the class, it can be entertained and educated, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm, initiative and fun of the children. Especially in the development of "role games", children are encouraged to take the initiative to participate in games and communicate with each other, which cultivates their oral expression ability, communication skills and the ability to unite and cooperate, so that role games can be carried out with sound and color. In terms of teaching, I study the teaching materials of various subjects assiduously, the teaching aids are fully prepared, I can seriously take each lesson, use vivid and interesting language in the classroom, flexibly use a variety of jiaojiao teaching aids into intuitive teaching, teach to the whole, do not favor a child, adhere to the principle of more operation and more discussion, often tutor individual children with poor ability, and use different games to help children review knowledge after class.

  In terms of childcare this semester, I conscientiously completed every task assigned by my superiors, put the safety of young children in the first place, and let children play in the kindergarten with confidence and do a good job in each disinfection link. In the one-day link of young children, always put the cold and warm of young children in the first place, and can pay attention to the combination of care and education, infiltrate education in the life link, so that children can enhance their self-protection ability and self-care ability.

  Third, parent communication

  Teachers and parents through communication, you can understand the situation of young children at home and kindergarten, so the communication between parents and teachers is still important, every day after school, I timely reflect to parents the discipline and learning of the child that day, do a good job of giving timely encouragement and praise, do not do enough to ask parents to cooperate, help children correct. If I find an absent child, I call the parents in time to greet the child's physical health and do a good job of home synchronization.

  Kindergarten education is a complex education, not the family, kindergarten can be competent alone, it needs to be two in order to achieve good results. Let parents understand the situation of their children in the kindergarten, but also let us understand the situation of children at home, understand each other, and at the same time absorb the opinions and suggestions of parents on kindergarten education and management work, and strive to make children get more comprehensive development.

  As a kindergarten teacher, you must not only manage the class well and have a heart that loves children, but also constantly improve your own quality, constantly improve your self-cultivation, and constantly learn from experience. This semester, I have tried to do my job well, but there are also shortcomings and lack of high requirements for myself. I will improve it in my future work, continue to work hard, and keep up with the pace of the social times.

  Kindergarten Spring Teaching Work Summary Latest (3)

  This semester, I successfully completed the education and teaching activities of the preschool in a busy schedule. This semester, our preschool education team has worked in two locations, and we have also gained a lot from hard work, and now we report the work of this semester to the leaders as follows:

  First, ideological aspects

  All teachers in our preschool class can always strictly demand themselves, abide by the rules and regulations of the school, actively participate in the training organized by the school and the study of political business, often learn from the advanced morality of the teachers around them, to shape their own image of teacher morality, and all teachers work together to do a good job in preschool education teaching.

  Second, the work

  At the beginning of the preschool, we attend classes in the bungalow of the former Xinfa School. I serve as the group leader, the main grasp of the daily work of the preschool class, the preschool class is divided into two classes, the original two teachers per class, due to the needs of the work, was transferred out of two teachers, now there is only one teacher per class, the large class teacher Hao Yinghuan, the small class teacher xx, xx recess caretaker. At the beginning of the school year, I always arrived at school early every day, helped the two class students to clean the stove, cleaned the outdoor hygiene, two classroom teachers actively organized teaching activities every day, carefully attended each class, small class children, large class children, two teachers are very hard, especially the class teacher of the large class, but they never have a word of complaint, I am very touched as the person in charge. During recess activities, no matter how windy it was outside, Mr. Wu always insisted on taking care of the children in the playground, and his careful care was unanimously praised by parents.

  On x xth, due to the school's betrayal, our preschool moved to the teaching building of Xinfa School. Just moved in, don't say that the children are very strange, even a few of our teachers are not familiar, and then rushed to the school to harden the campus, every day several of our teachers are busy, especially Teacher X, who looks after the children in the hot sun every day. There are many difficulties in the work, such as: children are very dangerous when they go to the toilet, sometimes there are conflicts with primary and secondary school students in time between classes, etc., several of our teachers try their best to overcome, at this time I not only experienced the hardships of comrades but also to understand the difficulties of the leadership, but also to coordinate the relationship between the superior and the subordinate, fortunately, the leader can feel the hardships of the comrades, and can give encouragement and the affirmation of the achievements, I believe that the leaders have a number in mind.

  Third, management

  Since the class time is different from that of primary and secondary schools, in order to ensure a collision with them when walking the door and when they are active on the playground, we have made clever arrangements and the venue can be changed at any time. Because of the change of personnel, the work arrangement of teachers has been further adjusted, although several teachers have specialties, but more characteristics, teaching advocates teaching according to their aptitudes, and preschool teachers I still have to discuss with people. The handsome front is heavy, do more, bother more, and coordinate in many ways to improve the teaching team of the preschool class.

  Fourth, the homeland aspect

  We attach great importance to the work of the homeland, often communicate with parents, exchange information about the situation of children at home in the kindergarten, and provide targeted guidance to help parents understand scientific educational knowledge, exchange experience with each other, and let parents express their own opinions. Our work has been supported and cooperated by parents, and parents have also given us full recognition, which will motivate our preschool teachers to better carry out education and teaching activities.

  Fifth, security aspects

  We are well aware of the importance of the safety of young children, so we always put it first in safety work, and in life, as long as the safety hazards are found, they will be dealt with in time to increase the safety factor to xx%. Adhere to the principle of putting prevention first, combining prevention and treatment, and strengthening education, combined with daily safety priorities to carry out safety education for young children, while enhancing children's awareness of self-protection, it has exercised children's self-protection ability. Daily safety checks to prevent this from happening. During the class time, some safety knowledge is often told to let children further discover and explore, so as to cultivate a sense of self-protection. Children are required to be careful not to collide when they are active during recess, and to be careful to avoid stampedes when going up and down the steps. Put a good entry into the park to prevent getting lost. Every afternoon when you leave the kindergarten, it is the time when the child is the most loose teacher and is not well organized, and at this time, the quiet group activities of the children can be organized. People who do not know each other will not answer, first ask about the situation or contact the child's parents to confirm that it is correct, and then release people to prevent the phenomenon of children getting lost and abducting young children. Leave the park for inspection to prevent omissions. When we leave the kindergarten, we will carefully check all parts of the class, such as: water, electricity, doors, windows, turn off the power, etc., and hand over the children who pick up the children and the teacher on duty to explain the situation of their children.

  Safety is implemented at all times and everywhere, and ensuring the safety of young children is the responsibility of each of our teachers.

  In short, although the teachers in our preschool education group are not all professional preschool teachers, we treat the work seriously, down-to-earth, and conscientious, and I believe that under the leadership of principal x as the supplement and principal x as the core, the preschool education of our new schools will be on a higher level.

  Kindergarten Spring Teaching Work Summary Latest (4)

  The moments passed so fast that inadvertently this semester was coming to an end. In this semester, I have always been in line with the principle of "taking young children as the main body", keeping in mind that I am a kindergarten teacher, facing all young children, teaching and educating people, being a teacher, having a strong sense of responsibility, attaching importance to the personality development of young children and the overall development of young children, respecting young children, combining love with strict requirements, paying attention to the further improvement of their own knowledge structure, so as to continuously improve their own education and teaching level, this semester, more outstanding completion of education and teaching tasks. Now I mainly summarize the following tasks:

  First, in terms of emotional communication with young children, I pay attention to emotional communication with young children

  Loving and respecting every child in our class, with this state of mind, there can be a state of harmony between teachers and students, and many things will be solved, whether they are lively, naughty or timid, I will treat them equally. For young children with a withdrawn personality, give more enthusiasm and help. Help them build self-confidence and get out of the misunderstanding of self-evaluation. Lively and cheerful toddlers, I bring them a display space suitable for them. The feeling of people is mutual, the sincerity of teachers, and the children can feel it. Insist on loving and respecting every child, and get along with children on an equal footing, so that children can understand you and understand your education with an active attitude.

  Second, in terms of routine, small class children are in a state of blindfolding at the beginning of the semester, and they come together with different habits in the family

  Many children's original lives are relatively disorderly and even very liberal. As a new teacher, I know that as long as the small class is well cultivated, the teaching will be carried out in an orderly manner. For example, when taking a nap, the form of telling small stories teaches young children to take a nap on time every day at noon; Say at lunch that the nutritional value of various meals contains to educate young children not to be picky eaters; Use the education flip chart to educate young children to wash their hands before eating and after going to the toilet, and cultivate the routine of taking and putting toys in young children: do not scramble, do not interfere with others at will, and so on. Up to now, the class children have formed a good habit and understanding routine.

  Third, the teaching aspect is aimed at the psychological condition of small class children

  We have carried out theme and field teaching activities, mainly to stabilize children's emotions, prepare lessons in advance, use a variety of teaching methods, and make self-made play teaching aids. Starting from the reality of young children, we pay attention to mobilizing children's understanding of intentions and creative thinking, and cultivating children's interest in understanding as the main purpose. Combine the subject with the environment, so that children can feel the fun of going to kindergarten. It has also set up art areas, language areas, reading areas and other areas, and has continuously enriched materials. Participate in the teaching and research activities in the park with your heart. This semester, I have carefully produced a lot of regional activity materials suitable for the operation of small class children, and cooperated with theme activities to create an environment, and achieved good results.

  Fourth, parents are good at communicating with parents, and in kindergarten work, parent work is very important

  Every work of the kindergarten is inseparable from the support and cooperation of parents, this semester, I communicate with parents through a variety of channels, for the situation of each child, take a different way to visit the home, received good results, but also won the trust of parents, so that my work is handy. Of course, there are also many shortcomings in the harvest: in terms of teaching, I also have to go one step closer to do a good job of summarizing after each lesson, only by being good at induction and reflection will I improve and progress, listen to the quality lessons of old teachers, gain experience from them, and quickly improve myself. I hope that the leader can help me point out the shortcomings, and I will seriously reflect and strive for improvement.

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