
Spring liver fire, eat more than 5 kinds of vegetables, eat less than 5 kinds of hair, conform to the festival, develop a good physique

author:Cong Cong eats light

In the early spring, it is warm and cold, the sun is shining at noon, and the cold wind is cold in the morning and evening, which makes it difficult for many people's bodies to adapt. People often say that "spring covers autumn freeze, do not have miscellaneous diseases", that is, when you first enter the spring, do not rush to take off cotton clothes, to "cover" for a period of time, so that the body gradually adapts to weather changes, and then slowly reduce clothing. In terms of diet, it can not be too casual, spring yang qi hair, the human body is easy to liver fire, this time to eat more fruits and vegetables, eat less hot food. Remember to eat 5 more dishes, eat less than 5 kinds of hair, conform to the solar terms, and develop a good physique.

Eat 5 more dishes

First, the emperor dish

Spring liver fire, eat more than 5 kinds of vegetables, eat less than 5 kinds of hair, conform to the festival, develop a good physique

Emperor's dish, also known as Artemisia annua, is a nutrient-rich vegetable, and the carotene content in emperor's dish is very high, 20 to 30 times that of cucumbers and eggplants. Emperor dish smells fragrant, tastes better, rich in dietary fiber, easy to catch fire in spring, eat more emperor dishes can promote digestion, while emperor dishes are low in nutrition, eat more and do not worry about causing burdens.

Preparation of artemisia annua peel

Spring liver fire, eat more than 5 kinds of vegetables, eat less than 5 kinds of hair, conform to the festival, develop a good physique

1: Prepare a handful of artemisia annua to wash, soak the dried bean skin in cold water in advance until it becomes soft, and then cut some minced garlic for later.

2: Bring water to a boil in the pot, blanch the artemisia annua for 1 minute until the color of the artemisia becomes emerald green, then fish out the artemisia and control the moisture. Blanch the bean skins in boiling water for another 1 minute, then also remove and set aside.

3: Put the bean skin and artemisia annua on the plate separately, add 2 spoons of sesame paste, 1 spoon of light soy sauce, 1 spoon of oyster sauce, 1 spoon of sugar, minced garlic and 2 spoons of water into the bowl and stir well.

4: Drizzle the sesame sauce on top of the skin of artemisia annua, add 2 tablespoons of oil and stir well.

Second, spinach

Spring liver fire, eat more than 5 kinds of vegetables, eat less than 5 kinds of hair, conform to the festival, develop a good physique

Spinach is known as a "nutritional model student" and is a cool vegetable. Spinach is divided into spring, autumn, winter three seasons of sowing, so all year round can eat, spring spinach is relatively tender, and spinach has the effect of clearing the heat and moisturizing the intestines, but also contains a variety of nutrients, in the spring to eat more spinach, not only can supplement nutrition, eat more can also prevent fire.

Spinach to mix with vermicelli

Spring liver fire, eat more than 5 kinds of vegetables, eat less than 5 kinds of hair, conform to the festival, develop a good physique

1: Pour a small amount of oil into the pot, add raw peanuts, sauté over low heat to bring out the aroma, and then put it out to cool and set aside.

2: Bring water to a boil in a pot, add the washed spinach, blanch for about 30 seconds, put it out and put it in a bowl to cool.

3: Add the soaked vermicelli and place the fried peanuts on top.

4: Add minced garlic in a bowl, add some dried red peppers, then burn some hot oil and drizzle on top. Add 1 scoop of light soy sauce, 1 scoop of oyster sauce, 1 scoop of sugar, 2 tablespoons of aged vinegar, mix well and eat.

3. Bean sprouts

Spring liver fire, eat more than 5 kinds of vegetables, eat less than 5 kinds of hair, conform to the festival, develop a good physique

Bean sprouts, also known as sprouts, are edible "sprouts" cultivated with various cereals or beans, and common bean sprouts generally have soybean sprouts and mung bean sprouts. In the spring, everything grows, you can eat more bean sprouts, especially mung bean sprouts, mung bean sprouts have the effect of clearing heat, detoxification, dehumidification and diuresis, spring liver fire, often eat mung bean sprouts can reduce fire and dampness.

Garlic fragrant mung bean sprouts to prepare

Spring liver fire, eat more than 5 kinds of vegetables, eat less than 5 kinds of hair, conform to the festival, develop a good physique

1: Prepare mung bean sprouts, rinse with water, and then cut some minced garlic for later.

2: Pour oil into the pot, add dried red pepper and sauté to create the aroma, then add minced garlic and stir-fry the garlic flavor.

3: Add the bean sprouts, sauté on high heat until the bean sprouts become soft, pour in the appropriate amount of white vinegar, an appropriate amount of oyster sauce and sugar, mix well and you can get out of the pot.

Fourth, cabbage

Spring liver fire, eat more than 5 kinds of vegetables, eat less than 5 kinds of hair, conform to the festival, develop a good physique

It is a kind of wild vegetable that is more common in spring, and its cool nature has the effect of dispelling dampness and relieving heat. The nutritional value of cabbage is very high, and the taste is delicious, the spring field can be seen everywhere, many people dig home to wash it, both can be fried to eat, but also can make stuffing, northerners also like to eat directly dipped sauce, many people in the spring as a treasure.

The preparation of scrambled eggs with cabbage

Spring liver fire, eat more than 5 kinds of vegetables, eat less than 5 kinds of hair, conform to the festival, develop a good physique

1. Pick the leaves of the cabbage, remove the old leaves, then rinse them with water and remove the roots.

2: Chop the cabbage into a bowl, beat in 3 eggs, add salt and pepper.

3: Stir the eggs and cabbage in one direction.

4: Pour oil into the pan, add the egg mixture and fry until it solidifies, then turn the noodles and fry until golden brown.

5. Celery

Spring liver fire, eat more than 5 kinds of vegetables, eat less than 5 kinds of hair, conform to the festival, develop a good physique

Celery is a high-fiber vegetable that can help digestion and absorption, with a diuretic effect. At the same time, celery also has the effect of clearing heat, detoxification, lowering liver fire, and eating often can improve the state of the skin. Celery has a high iron content, which has the effect of tonifying blood and improving qi color.

Celery peanut rice to be prepared

Spring liver fire, eat more than 5 kinds of vegetables, eat less than 5 kinds of hair, conform to the festival, develop a good physique

1, peanut rice washed, put into the pot, pour water, add salt, green onion, ginger, star anise, fragrant leaves, cinnamon to cook, cook until the peanut rice becomes soft, pay attention to the salt to put a little more, so that the peanut rice is more flavorful.

2: Wash and cut celery and carrots into small cubes, put them in boiling water, blanch until soft, remove the water control and set aside.

3: Put diced carrots, diced celery and peanut rice into the basin, add an appropriate amount of minced garlic, add 1 spoonful of salt, 1 spoon of oyster sauce, 1 spoon of soy sauce, 1 spoon of sesame seeds, 1 spoon of chili oil and mix well, you can.

Eat 5 less hair products

1. Lamb

Spring liver fire, eat more than 5 kinds of vegetables, eat less than 5 kinds of hair, conform to the festival, develop a good physique

Mutton is a warm food, suitable for autumn and winter to eat, has the effect of tonifying, nourishing, warming the stomach, etc., although the nutritional value of lamb is very high, but not suitable for spring and summer, spring and summer is the growth season, easy to lead to fire, eating mutton will aggravate the situation of fire. Eat lamb in the spring, do not eat too much at once, occasionally eat it, but also with some cool vegetables to achieve a neutralizing effect.

2. Pork head meat

Spring liver fire, eat more than 5 kinds of vegetables, eat less than 5 kinds of hair, conform to the festival, develop a good physique

The nutritional value of pig head meat is very high, there is a role in nourishing yin and nourishing blood, eating some in autumn and winter can play a warm role, but eat less in spring, because the humidity in spring is heavier, eat more pork head meat, will aggravate the situation of humidity and heat, which is not good for the body.

3. Black chicken

Spring liver fire, eat more than 5 kinds of vegetables, eat less than 5 kinds of hair, conform to the festival, develop a good physique

Black chicken is also known as black bone chicken, because its whole body is black and named, black chicken has a strong tonic effect, the generally weak will use black chicken stew soup to supplement the body, but in the spring should eat more refreshing vegetables, not suitable for eating too nourishing food. In the spring, you should eat less nourishing food such as black chicken, so that it is not easy to catch fire.

4. Leeks

Spring liver fire, eat more than 5 kinds of vegetables, eat less than 5 kinds of hair, conform to the festival, develop a good physique

Although leeks are seasonal vegetables in spring, leeks are rare warm vegetables in vegetables, and leeks have high nutritional value, but for people with hot physique and easy to catch fire, spring is not suitable for eating too many leeks, otherwise it will aggravate the situation of fire.

5. Glutinous rice

Spring liver fire, eat more than 5 kinds of vegetables, eat less than 5 kinds of hair, conform to the festival, develop a good physique

Glutinous rice is a warm food, and eating it in winter has the effect of warming the stomach and keeping it cold. Spring weather is warm, for people who are easy to get on fire, constipation and dry mouth, it is not suitable to eat more glutinous rice, spring glutinous rice, can be paired with lotus root, sydney, white fungus, etc., can neutralize the heat of glutinous rice, but people with bad spleen and stomach should eat less, easy to cause indigestion.