
"Rear car is not responsible" 5 kinds of rear-end collisions, lose money are lost, have you been fooled?

There have been more cars on the roads, the probability of traffic accidents has also increased, and now there are several rear-end accidents on the road every day. Generally speaking, rear-end accidents are caused by subsequent vehicles not maintaining a safe distance, so when determining liability, subsequent vehicles often bear full responsibility. However, in the rear-end accident, there are also misoperations of the front car, so in this case, the rear car is not responsible. Many people are cheated out of their knowledge of the outcome and lose a lot of money. Today we summarize the irresponsible rear-end of 5 follow-up cars. If you've compensated the forward car in this situation, you'll be suddenly fooled.

"Rear car is not responsible" 5 kinds of rear-end collisions, lose money are lost, have you been fooled?

First, the car in front of us forcibly changes its route of travel, and in daily driving, we often encounter car owners who do not follow the rules. Whether others are in a hurry or not, they are always one step ahead of others. As soon as there was a traffic jam at the intersection, they looked for an opportunity to start crowding. If it is a normal plug, there is almost no collision between vehicles. However, if you maliciously tuck it in, you may rub shoulders with other owners. If the car in front maliciously interjects in line, the car behind cannot avoid colliding, and the car behind is not responsible. If the other party has a tough attitude and asks for compensation for his losses, you don't have to be afraid, you can call the police. The police will give us the most impartial treatment. At that time, the other party must compensate for the repair costs.

"Rear car is not responsible" 5 kinds of rear-end collisions, lose money are lost, have you been fooled?

The second is that the front car is driven aggressively, and there are many people who are irritable, and they are in a mood when driving. When you encounter something you don't like on the road, you will maliciously retaliate against other cars. When they retaliate against people, they usually ignore traffic laws and cross solid lines to divert to prevent people from advancing. Traffic accidents caused by the outbreak of the other party's "road rage" are also the responsibility of the former car.

"Rear car is not responsible" 5 kinds of rear-end collisions, lose money are lost, have you been fooled?

Third, go downhill, which generally happens on manual cars. When the manual gear starts at the half-slope, it must find the semi-linkage state, and then release the brakes to step on the accelerator. No squeezes will occur. However, most beginner drivers do not know the essentials of starting a ramp, and often squeeze through the car to collide with the vehicle behind them when starting. The rear-end accident that occurs due to the squeezing of the front car is the active action of the front car, and the rear car is innocent. In this case, the subsequent owner can let the car in front of him bear his own losses.

"Rear car is not responsible" 5 kinds of rear-end collisions, lose money are lost, have you been fooled?

The fourth type, driving in the front lane, some people always like to ride the road signs when driving. Neither in the left lane nor in the right lane. Other vehicles had to avoid him. When a friction accident occurs in the front car during the crimping line, regardless of whether the other party is a solid line or a dotted line, the responsible person is the front car, and the owner of the rear car does not need to be liable. Fifth, due to the illegal U-turn of the car in front of it, the city roads are now in all directions, and it is easy to drive in the wrong places that you do not know. Some people realize they've gone the wrong way and have to turn around and ignore the cars around them. When driving, in fact, the most terrible thing is that when encountering such a sudden change of lanes and U-turns, the car behind it does not respond. Because the illegal U-turn of the car in front of the car is the main cause of the accident, when a collision occurs, there is no need to worry about the rear car, and the police also determine that the car in front of the car is responsible.

"Rear car is not responsible" 5 kinds of rear-end collisions, lose money are lost, have you been fooled?

Summary: Mainland road traffic regulations stipulate that cars traveling on the road maintain a safe distance from the car in front of them. Many times, we meet the requirements of the traffic regulations, but we cannot guarantee that other vehicles will drive according to the provisions of the traffic regulations. If there is a rear-end accident because of the violation of the car in front of you, don't worry about going private with each other. Otherwise you will suffer.


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