
The Demon Who Killed 11 People in 2012: After 19 years in prison, a mother sacrificed her life to find her son to uncover the earth-shattering sin

author:Talk about giving a branch of spring, talk about giving a branch of spring

How ferocious can a person be?

18-year-old slashed a friend for no reason;

23-year-old killed a 16-year-old boy without revenge;



In early May 2012, Jinning County, Kunming City, Yunnan Province, cracked the largest and largest serial disappearance of teenagers since the founding of the People's Republic of China. 凶手是一名56岁的中老年男人,他在七年间陆续杀害十多名无辜青少年,就在案发的前几‬天‬,‬他依旧在伺机作案,寻找新的下手目标。

If it were not for a brave mother crying blood and running unyieldingly to expose this earth-shattering tragedy, the murderer would be exposed to the sun. Then, he will continue to hide in a dark corner and let innocent victims die.

Let's review this serial disappearance.

The Demon Who Killed 11 People in 2012: After 19 years in prison, a mother sacrificed her life to find her son to uncover the earth-shattering sin
The family members of the weeping blood search

1, mother and child are connected, and the other sons who do not quit make the mother sad

Cheng Lianyan of Yunnan has three children, the eldest son is Han Yao, 19 years old, interning at Kunming Ming Bedrock Engineering Exploration Co., Ltd., and two underage daughters.

On the evening of April 25, 2012, Cheng Lianyan, who had turned off the lights and rested, received a call from her son's internship unit, asking her if Han Yao had returned home, saying that he was not in the dormitory and suddenly disappeared. Cheng Lianyan was shocked in his heart and hurriedly said: My son has not returned! Then he eagerly asked what was going on.

韩耀的同事说,4月‬25日早上7:00,韩耀像往常一样搭乘所在实习单位的班车,来到了位于昆明市南30公里外的晋宁县晋城镇的工地工作。 At 8:30 a.m., the site manager sent him back to the dormitory to get a document, and walked about 20 minutes from the construction site to the dormitory, but did not see Han Yao return until 10:00 a.m.

Everyone called him, but they couldn't get in touch. Colleagues went to the neighborhood again, but there was no trace of him.

Another phone call made the mother's heart hang in her throat at once: the son was honest and obedient and disciplined from childhood to adulthood, but he just arrived at a new unit without asking for leave and greeting him and disappeared, is it?

A terrible thought made Cheng Lianyan's legs tremble, and she had a vague premonition: Is there something wrong with the child? Otherwise he wouldn't have done nothing like this...

She was so anxious that she asked her son's colleagues to quickly report the case to the nearby police station. Two hours later, however, colleagues called to say that the police had not opened the case because the police said the adults had to lose contact for 24 hours to be missing. Han Yaocai, who has turned 19, has been gone for more than ten hours and does not meet the conditions for filing a case.

Although colleagues tried to comfort her, coupled with the fact that the police said that missing for more than ten hours was nothing, it was possible to go to an Internet café to play with computers and the like.

But for Cheng Lianyan, it is like a year, because she knows her son too well, and he is not the kind of person who does what he wants without greeting.

The Demon Who Killed 11 People in 2012: After 19 years in prison, a mother sacrificed her life to find her son to uncover the earth-shattering sin

Mother and son are connected, and the next day when it is not light, she rents a car to rush to her son's work site.

Cheng Lianyan and more than a dozen of her son's colleagues searched for a morning and still found nothing, and she waited until her son had disappeared for 24 hours, and then hurried to the Jincheng police station to report the case.

The police saw her anxious appearance and helped her analyze:

  1. Your son is 19 years old and still a boy.
  2. 〇 also has no valuable belongings on his body
  3. 〇 has a good personality and does not usually have a vendetta
  4. 〇 Maybe I went out with my girlfriend
  5. 〇‬所以没有理由会出事的⋯

In the face of the seemingly reasonable analysis of the police, Cheng Lianyan is still anxious and uneasy, because she knows her son too well.

She pleaded bitterly:

My son has been sensible since he was a child, and he will not run out to play without saying a word, and he does not have a girlfriend! His clothes and ID card are still in the dormitory, going out to play will also bring these things, I am now very uneasy in my heart, mother and son are connected, I have a premonition that he has an accident ah... please file a case, hurry up and find my son...

Despite this plea, no case was filed.

After 36 hours of Han Yao's disappearance, Cheng Lianyan was already restless, and she called relatives to spontaneously search. More than 20 relatives rushed to Jincheng Town, searching the streets and alleys and carpets, but still no trace of Han Yao was found.

When everyone analyzed that Han Yao might have really encountered an accident, there was a bad news that was better than no news.

On April 27, 2012, a well-meaning crowd in Jincheng Town saw that Cheng Lianyan and relatives were looking for their son to find a world-shattering situation, so they told them a message:

At noon on April 25, the day Han Yao disappeared, a 24-year-old local boy named Lei Yusheng escaped from the black brick kiln, told his family that he was walking on the street, suddenly he was put into a van, pulled to work in the black brick kiln, and half a month later, he took advantage of the caretaker's inattention to escape from death.

This news made Cheng Lianyan feel uncomfortable and saw hope: perhaps his son was also abducted to the black brick factory and was suffering inhuman suffering...

She again came to the Jincheng police station with her relatives to report the case and reflected on the emergency situation. This time, the police filed a case, but said that there is a procedure for everything, and it takes time to solve the case, so let them go back and wait for the news.

Looking at the policeman's official appearance, Cheng Lianyan, who was extremely anxious, said with tears:

When I have to wait, I can't wait a minute! She gritted her teeth, wiped away her tears, and said: You don't pay attention, but I, the mother,can't watch him suffer and suffer!

When relatives learned that Cheng Lianyan wanted to rent a motorcycle to go to the black brick kiln to find Han Yao, they carefully advised her:

This weak woman said with great determination:

Then I'll look for it too! That's my son, mother and son, maybe he is suffering greatly at this moment, I don't look for him again, he may never come back...

The Demon Who Killed 11 People in 2012: After 19 years in prison, a mother sacrificed her life to find her son to uncover the earth-shattering sin

2, weeping blood mother with life to find: Son, where are you

On April 27, Cheng Lianyan began to cry blood to find her son.

  1. 〇No car, I rented a motorcycle for 30 yuan a day. ‬
  2. 〇 did not know where the black coal kiln was, so she begged the locals to tell her the approximate location. ‬
  3. 〇 was thin and insensitive, bitten by the evil dog of the brick factory and bitten by the calf, and tore off a large piece of flesh with his trouser pipe, and the blood stained the gray cement pavement red.
  4. In order not to delay the time to find her son, she casually treated the wound of the dog bite and embarked on the road to find her son. ‬
  5. The relatives were touched by her great act of sacrificing her life to find her son, and they joined the search for Han Yao. They have a car to drive to find, no car to rent a car to find, no economic ability to walk to find a black brick kiln, can find a family is a family.
  6. 〇 After finding a certain brick kiln, he tried his best to inquire with Han Yao's photo, but what he got was expulsion or white eyes and indifference.

一天,忍着腿痛找儿子的成联艳出车祸了,她坐在摩托车后座,摩托车司机因‬山路拐弯太急翻车,她一下子被甩出两米多远,惊吓中一看旁边就是悬崖! 正在这时她‬发现小腿钻心的痛,原来被狗咬的伤口开裂了⋯汩汩往外冒血⋯

The sister-in-law who was looking for Han Yao with her was sitting on another motorcycle, and seeing her sister-in-law's pale face and cold sweat, she forcibly pulled her sister-in-law to town for treatment.

But Cheng Lianyan pulled the back seat of the motorcycle to the back of the car and did not let go: No, looking for my son to race against the clock, I am anxious, even if I die, I will also die on the way to find my son

Parking in a daze, trapping me into a Prisoner.

Sentimentality began, and tears of sorrow choked in the throat.

The poems of the ancients wrote Cheng Lianyan's mood at this time like weeping like a complaint...

The Demon Who Killed 11 People in 2012: After 19 years in prison, a mother sacrificed her life to find her son to uncover the earth-shattering sin

3, the cry of blood echoed, she seemed to see her son's tearful appearance

After cheng lianyan searched for her son day and night for three days, she got a major doubt and direction.

When she was looking for Nanmen Village in Jincheng Town, Jinning County, a kind grandmother said: In recent years, the children of several families in our village have disappeared...

Cheng Lianyan was shocked and begged the grandmother to talk about the specific situation. After carefully recalling it, the grandmother told the situation of several missing children from far and near:

〇 The earliest missing child was li hanxiong, 12 years old. At 9:00 a.m. on May 1, 2007, Li Xiaoxiong's father let the child go home from the field to cook first, and when his father came home at noon, he found that the door was closed and the child did not come back at all. There was no news of searching everywhere, and in the end, the lack of life and death became the biggest pain of the whole family.

On January 27, 2011, 16-year-old Xie Haijun went to the school to get a midterm exam transcript and left the school without a trace, and his family and relatives looked around, but there was no news.

〇 On the morning of September 30, 2011, 16-year-old Chen Tao went to the Dashiqiao in The South Gate to run an errand and never returned.

〇 February 19, 2012 At 10:00 a.m., 17-year-old Cai Yunwei disappeared while playing near the Xinyun Cold Storage in the South Gate of Jincheng Town.

Hearing that so many missing children have not yet heard from them, Cheng Lianyan's heart is twisted into a mess.

She recorded the situation of these missing children in detail in a notebook, and after careful comparison, several surprising findings were made:

These children were missing before 10:00 a.m., and his son was also notified by the leader at 8:30 to get the documents, and then disappeared, and at 10:00 more colleagues called him and found that they could not get through.

The location of the disappearance of these children is related to the Nanmen Stone Bridge, the Xinyun Cold Storage, and the small forest opposite the cold storage. ‬

The average age at which these children disappear is 16 or 7 years old...

These few amazing discoveries made Cheng Lianyan sad and happy, carrying these hard-won materials, she and her husband and relatives quickly went to the Jincheng town police station to report the case.

But the police said:

Don't scare yourself, some ordinary people are afraid that the world will not be chaotic, don't listen to their rumors, don't listen to people's nonsense, we have not received such a report here...

The hope that had just been ignited was cold again poured cold water, but she was not disappointed, and still held a simple thought: I am the mother of the child, I will not look for him who is looking for him...

Cheng Lianyan, who had no power or background, thought of the police station's unmistakable style, so he had to leave the police station in a daze. She dried her tears and decided to keep looking.

Then suddenly a thought came up:



The Demon Who Killed 11 People in 2012: After 19 years in prison, a mother sacrificed her life to find her son to uncover the earth-shattering sin

4. The search for a group alarmed the media, and the earth-shattering tragedy surfaced

Cheng Lianyan found the parents of Li Hanxiong, Yunwei, Xie Haijun and Chen Tao, and saw their recent situation and once again shed tears of sadness. Li Hanxiong's parents searched for their son fruitlessly for many years, and gradually gave up the search and gave birth to a son;

Yunwei's parents said: His son disappeared at the age of 17, he should have understood everything, but he did not give a word to the family, he must have been killed...

Xie Haijun's parents said: The son just disappeared for a while, all night long can not sleep, go to the police station to report the case, inquire about the progress, every day like a ghost in the place where the son disappeared, can not work at ease, the son's bizarre disappearance has become the deepest pain in the family, when mentioned, everyone's heart is in pain and bloodshed

Several parents under the age of 40 had white hair on their heads, and they shook their heads and said: Their lives are not easy to calm down, and they don't want to uncover such painful scars and let the blood flow again

Cheng Lianyan is not discouraged, she is just an ordinary peasant woman without culture, she knows that she is just a small stone, thrown into the sea can not stir up a wave, only the parents of missing children united, it is possible to stir up a thousand waves with one stone, so that the truth is revealed.

She showed several parents the wounds of her dog bite and said to them: I am just an ordinary peasant woman, with hard work to raise her son until the age of 19, just went to school for internship and disappeared, do not find him, I am not willing to die...

She also talked about some things about her son's childhood, listening and listening, several parents who were also tormented by the disappearance of their children cried into a piece... They said with tears: Cheng Lianyan, you are not easy as a woman, just rush to you, we all have to unite, can not let go of the child, the child and our fate, can not let him quietly disappear the shadow ah...

After five parents hugged their headaches and cried, they rushed to the photo studio and typeset the children's photo design into a special search notice.

On the same day, the search notice with seven large red characters "Bizarre Serial Disappearance Case" and photos of five missing boys appeared in the streets of Jincheng Town.

At the suggestion of well-wishers, Cheng Lianyan, who does not know how to go online, and four other parents opened a Weibo online to upload the children's disappearances and their own investigations one by one.

At the same time, it was also at the suggestion of well-wishers that they took the initiative to call more than 10 media such as newspapers and television stations.

Once again, the media has demonstrated the power of justice, leaving evil with nowhere to hide.

The first to report on this bizarre juvenile serial disappearance was the Yunnan Information Daily, which stirred up a thousand waves, and then other media flocked to follow.

The story of 5 parents looking for a son was reported by the media and had a huge response in the society, and the Ministry of Public Security instructed the Kunming police to set up a special case team on the same day.

On the afternoon of May 3, Cheng Lianyan and the families of several other missing children received notices from the special case team to go to the Jincheng police station to reflect the situation.

The Demon Who Killed 11 People in 2012: After 19 years in prison, a mother sacrificed her life to find her son to uncover the earth-shattering sin

In fact, all this is not untraceable, but only because some people's negligence has not attracted attention, so that the devil has been lurking for so long.

Villagers recall:

About 5 months ago, some villagers saw a 17-year-old boy, Zhang Jianyuan, almost have an accident because of Zhang Yongming.

Zhang Jianyuan's father recalled that on the evening of December 1, 2011, the son of Jinning No. 2 Middle School and the first grade of high school returned home from study at night, about 21:50, and was strangled from behind with a belt more than ten meters away from the door of his home.

A neighbor heard the chaotic footsteps downstairs, and reached out from the window to visit, and Zhang Jianyuan shouted in a hoarse voice: Auntie, this is a thief.

Villagers who knew about it said that when the surrounding villagers rushed to the scene, they found that the person who had le Zhang Jianyuan's neck was Zhang Yongming, and immediately subdued him and reported it to the police.

However, after the police arrived, Zhang Yongming argued that he was playing with the child, and the police told Zhang Jianyuan's family that the child had not been too seriously injured, not even a minor injury, and could not file a case.

It is precisely these people who do not have a basic sense of responsibility for performing their duties and do not pay attention to the safety of people's lives, which is why so many children have disappeared in just a few years!

On May 7, 2012, the kunming municipal public security bureau's special case team combed through clues, plainclothes investigation and evidence collection, and analyzed the circumstances of the serial disappearance, and arrested a person named Zhang Yongming.

The Demon Who Killed 11 People in 2012: After 19 years in prison, a mother sacrificed her life to find her son to uncover the earth-shattering sin

After many days of day and night investigation, the Criminal Expert Working Group of the Ministry of Public Security and the local public security organs carried out in-depth visits and investigations and on-site investigations, and carried out a large number of physical evidence identification and DNA comparison. It has been proven that 11 men were killed.

Subsequently, the police dug up a large number of human bones from the yard where Zhang Yongming lived and from the hut next to the vegetable field. According to the records of the on-site reporter, the police proposed and collected a number of blue woven bags with clear bones in the old house of the Zhang family and Zhang Yongming's vegetable field; the Kunming police also drained the well water in the well in the courtyard.

The Demon Who Killed 11 People in 2012: After 19 years in prison, a mother sacrificed her life to find her son to uncover the earth-shattering sin

Zhang Yongming quickly confessed the facts of the crime: Probably from 2006, he took advantage of the lack of preparation, intercepted and killed more than a dozen teenagers through surprise attacks, and then secretly mutilated and buried them in his home.

After the case was solved, the Kunming police held a press conference to announce that the number of missing people in the "Kunming 5.10 serial disappearance case" has reached 17 people, except for one person who is 80 years old and one who is 12 years old, the rest of the missing people are concentrated between the ages of 16 and 20;

Of the 17 people, 11 have been confirmed to have been killed by Zhang Yongming in the past seven years.

The Demon Who Killed 11 People in 2012: After 19 years in prison, a mother sacrificed her life to find her son to uncover the earth-shattering sin

Among the 11 people who were confirmed to be killed, Han Yao's name was impressively ranked last, and the police found Han Yao's mobile phone, clothes and other items in Zhang Yongming's home, which also said that Han Yao was the last person to be killed by Zhang Yongming.

If it were not for Cheng Lianyan's crying blood search without filing a case after his son disappeared, persevering to contact the families of other missing people and asking the media for help, which eventually caused a huge response in society, and the Ministry of Public Security instructed the local police to handle the case, then this demon may also be hiddenly disguised, looking for the next target with a pair of murderous eyes.

Cheng Lianyan's son disappeared on April 25, 2012, and solved the case 14 days later, in the past ten days, this ordinary but great mother has worn out two pairs of sneakers, and has densely recorded in a notebook to find her son's various clues and plans of more than 30,000 words, including as many as 400 people involved in the investigation, involving the scope and han Yao's disappearance more than 200 kilometers around the center;

Her weight has dropped from 62 kilograms to 45 kilograms, and her hair is almost completely white...

Although his son will never come back, no other child will be killed.

Cheng Lianyan seemed to see her son smiling at her through tears: Mom, you are so great!

The Demon Who Killed 11 People in 2012: After 19 years in prison, a mother sacrificed her life to find her son to uncover the earth-shattering sin

5. The evil Zhang Yongming's life full of sins

Zhang Yongming was born in 1955 and is a native of Nanmen Village, Jincheng Town, Jinning County, Kunming City.

According to the records of the local public security bureau, Zhang Yongming's second brother had a dispute with villagers in a neighboring village in 1980, and the second brother killed people with a hoe; in the mouth of the villagers, Zhang Yongming's grandfather was also a murderer, and Zhang Yongming's mother was a mother-in-law with violent tendencies, who often treated his daughter-in-law violently, resulting in estranged relations with his father-in-law's family.

The "history" of the Zhang family makes the villagers have a lingering feeling, basically do not let the children play with Zhang Yongming, so he has been very isolated and taciturn since he was a child, and has almost no friends.

Lu Shirong and Zhang Yongming are elementary school classmates, he is not afraid of the rumors about the Zhang family in the village, often plays with Zhang Yongming, and is Zhang Yongming's only friend;

One day in December 1974, because Lu Shirong and Zhang Yong knew that the sky was playing together, the two played until dark, and Lu Shirong's parents locked the door of the house in anger and did not let Lu Shirong go home.

Lu Shirong had to spend the night at Zhang Yongming's house. At two o'clock in the morning, Lu Shirong was awakened by pain, and he was horrified to find that Zhang Yongming was actually holding a kitchen knife and cutting his face and neck, touching his face and neck were full of blood, he shouted for help, which attracted Zhang Yongming's parents, and Zhang Yongming's father stopped Zhang Yongming and then called the police.

When he arrived at the police station, Zhang Yongming actually said with an innocent face that he didn't know anything and was sleepwalking. Watching his good friend cut himself for no reason, not only did not apologize, but also slyly shirked responsibility, Lu Shirong finally realized the evil in Zhang Yongming's bones.

此次故意砍人重伤事件以张永明被劳教半年草‬草‬了‬结‬。 ‬

The Demon Who Killed 11 People in 2012: After 19 years in prison, a mother sacrificed her life to find her son to uncover the earth-shattering sin

The first person Zhang Yongming killed in his 20s was Yang Shurong, who was only 16 years old.

The two worked in the same brick kiln, and one day, he invited Yang Shurong to his house for dinner, and when the unsuspecting Yang Shurong arrived at Zhang Yongming's house, he strangled and dismembered him and threw him into a nearby cave.

He then fled to neighboring Chengjiang County, but was caught by the local public security organs in only half a month.

For Zhang Yongming's two killings, and the methods were murderous, the villagers were very frightened, and all signed and asked the court to sentence him to death. However, he was sentenced to death with a two-year suspension of execution. However, due to his good performance in prison, his sentence was continuously commuted, and he was changed to a fixed-term imprisonment, and finally spent only 19 years in prison, and was released from prison in 1997.

After the 5.10 serial disappearance case was solved, Yang Shurong's eighty-year-old father was in tears, and for so many years, he had been grumbling and feeling unfair because his son was brutally killed and the murderer only sat in prison for 19 years.

For years, he had hoped that the most heinous murderers would be punished as they deserved, and that his son's grievances would be revealed. It was just that he never expected that this demon could get out of prison so quickly after killing his son, and he had done so many evils in a row!

After Zhang Yongming was released from prison in 1997, his parents and eldest brother had died, and his second brother was no longer in contact with him. Zhang Yongming has always been unmarried and lives alone in an old house. He makes a living by farming, growing vegetables, and doing odd jobs. Later, after receiving a land compensation of tens of thousands of yuan, he did not cultivate the land. According to his account after his arrest, it was probably from 2006 that he began to commit crimes again.

The Demon Who Killed 11 People in 2012: After 19 years in prison, a mother sacrificed her life to find her son to uncover the earth-shattering sin

When the police interrogated Zhang Yongming about how many people he had killed, the murderer did not evade the fact of the killing, but said calmly:

"There were too many kills, and I don't remember, but as many clothes as you find."

The Demon Who Killed 11 People in 2012: After 19 years in prison, a mother sacrificed her life to find her son to uncover the earth-shattering sin

如此简单冷‬漠‬的一句话,却令在场的多名刑警胆寒,张永明表现得不仅没有忏悔之情,就连自己即将面临死刑的惩罚也毫不在意,其‬骨‬子‬里的残忍凶‬狠‬令‬人‬不‬寒而栗! ‬

The Demon Who Killed 11 People in 2012: After 19 years in prison, a mother sacrificed her life to find her son to uncover the earth-shattering sin

After the case was solved, due to its very bad nature, just two months later, that is, in July 2012, the Intermediate People's Court of Kunming City, Yunnan Province, pronounced a verdict in the first instance of the "5.10" murder case in Jinning County, Zhang Yongming was guilty of a number of intentional homicide crimes, the circumstances were particularly cruel, the impact was bad, and he used his hands or tape to strangle his neck, causing his death, and pulling the body back to his residence to be exterminated. Sentenced him to death and compensated the families of 11 victims for their financial losses.

On the morning of January 10, 2013, the demon Zhang Yongming, who brutally killed 11 people, was identified and taken to the execution ground, where he was executed, ending his sinful life.

The Demon Who Killed 11 People in 2012: After 19 years in prison, a mother sacrificed her life to find her son to uncover the earth-shattering sin

Write at the end:

Looking back at the details and heinous ferocity of Zhang Yongming's evil deeds, it is really infuriating!

Treat the lives of others as grass and mustard, and wantonly kill the living beings. The numerous crimes he committed have become an indelible shame in human history.

其实,悲剧本可以避免,当在小范围内众多失踪者家属无比恐慌与彷徨,泣‬血‬呼唤与寻找时,身负保卫人民生命安全的当地警察却无动于衷! Dereliction of duty, disregard for the safety of people's lives, indifferent to the continuous disappearance of a large number of local youth, and refusal to file a case for investigation despite the masses' reporting of the case, which has finally caused such a catastrophe, is really infuriating. In the end, from the chief of the bureau to the front-line police, a total of twelve police officers were held accountable according to law.

12 public officials were duly punished, but a dozen innocent lives were forever frozen in their youth, and before they could bloom they died forever.

The Demon Who Killed 11 People in 2012: After 19 years in prison, a mother sacrificed her life to find her son to uncover the earth-shattering sin

Looking back at this murder case that shocked the whole country that year, although it has been many years, it is still full of sadness and indignation, chilling, and uneasy. If it wasn't for the mother of Han Yao, the last missing person, who was searching with her life, how could zhang Yongming, the demon, be exposed to the sun and devour his own sins?

Some people say that the real horror in this world is not ghosts, but people. Ghosts have no heart and eyes, and can only pretend to be fierce and frightening; while human demons are good at disguise, and their hearts are like snakes and scorpions. ‬所以对于恶魔,没有死缓之说,只有斩立决‬,‬才是对死者最公平的告慰。


1. Beijing News "Jinning Series Of Murder Cases 12 Police Officers Held Accountable"

2, Straits Metropolis Daily "Ogre" Zhang Yongming: killed more than 20 people in a row to make bacon, and also sold the victims as ostrich meat"

3. Datong Political Law "Killing 17 people in a row, the corpse organs are cold at home, what kind of mentality did Zhang Yongming have at that time?" 》

4. Headline Encyclopedia "Zhang Yongming Murder Case"

5. Documentary of the 5.10 serial murder case