
After running out of time, we danced

author:Southern Metropolis Daily
After running out of time, we danced
After running out of time, we danced
After running out of time, we danced
After running out of time, we danced
After running out of time, we danced
After running out of time, we danced
After running out of time, we danced
After running out of time, we danced
After running out of time, we danced
After running out of time, we danced
After running out of time, we danced
After running out of time, we danced
After running out of time, we danced
After running out of time, we danced
After running out of time, we danced

In May, the hard-ground original music chart gathered many fresh faces, and the rock power surged up. On the singles chart, Chengdu's new band did not have enough time to rank third with "We Dance Around the Fire", showing a strong rock spirit with a fierce beat and social reflection; Frog Pond from Dongguan, also ranked fourth with the profound rock song "Send You a Dagger"; rock old cannon Xie Tianxiao, the old song New Compilation and dedication of a "Caged Bird", which is the first wave of action after he announced to join Sony, the collection is ready to go, and this song rushed to the fifth place in the singles list.

The album/EP chart has a variety of styles, the new singer-songwriter Lei Yuxin rushed to the top of the chart with "8? Eight and a Half Parts", the style is changeable, and the music of Lei Yuxin reveals the evolution of vision and aesthetics; the runner-up is picked by Zeng Nan, another singer-songwriter who interprets the style of obedience, and the album "Arrival" is vividly arranged and colorful; the highly anticipated Wei Lian won the fifth place with the new album "Sounds of My Life", and the music full of life scenes is sincere. Nandu reporter Ma Le

Album TOP5

1. Thunderstorm Heart " 8? Eight and a Half Parts "

The music is great, the setting of the album concept is interesting, and it is clearly conveyed through the music. The arrangement is very feeling, especially the arrangement of the bass and rhythm of the whole album, and the musical atmosphere set off by the arrangement also makes Lei Yuxin's singing more comfortable and more distinctive. (Chen Weilun)

2. Zeng Nan "Arrival"

Zeng Nan's album is full of strangeness, beauty and greed, and the whole work makes people feel as if they have fallen into the endless wilderness in the process of traveling, and follow her footsteps in search of her sleepwalking wonderland. (Tsubasa Sensen)

3. Straight Fire Helps Fezy,2098: Revelations

If the previous album of the Straight Fire Gang is still in a corner of the bar, using rap to make a "small to see the big" observation of the world, then its member straight fire gang Feezy's album is "big" itself, and the "big" of time and space is integrated into his weight-lifting rap skills, sometimes romantic and loose, sometimes cold and radical. In the trend of world rap looking at the West, Straight Fire helps Feezy achieve a low-saturation romantic "counter-current" with his own style. (Liang Xiaohui)

4. Akjan Akin/Cee "Adios"

Ear-catching music, sticky lyrics, simple way, loop play. That's how this EP by Akjan Akin and Cee feels to me, and you say it's going to be too popular? But I guess that's exactly what I'm expecting, that kind of sincere, "silly", happy music. (Jian Cui)

5. 韦礼安 《Sounds of My Life》

Wei Lian's true color and innovation have been reflected in the new album: ignoring the traditional main/non-main approach, the sense of life of the whole profession is extremely strong; the fragmented creation and content retain Wei Lian's sincere creative thoughts. The whole disc is smooth and constantly flashes the highlights of the music, with a heart and a sense of design. (Three stones and one sound)

Singles TOP10

1. Joyside 《If There Is A Tomorrow》

Electronic atmosphere plus violin, this is still Joyside, this is still Punk? However, "If There Is A Tomorrow" is still a story about boys and girls; a love affair about fire and burning; an attitude that never frustrates. Punk isn't dead, and Joyside's love is still hot, in a grander way. (Love Land People)

2. Fluke Shou FlortShow "How"

Although they are all little girls in their 20s, they can hear the vicissitudes of Li Jing's years in their voices. All of their new songs are like old songs that have been written in the previous life and only remember to sing in this life. The same is true of "How", there is almost nothing specific in the lyrics, but everyone who listens to the song can hear their own specific life details and memories. (Wang Shuo)

3. After running out of time, "We Dance Around the Fire"

The new band from Chengdu "after enough time", the decadent alternative rock and the poetry of the clamor, mixed with modern electronic elements, the collision of electronic and rock reflects the jungle-like chaos in reality, turning the current chaos into a picture of industrial sense and primitive sense intertwined, profoundly enterprising. (Ichi Yuki)

4. Frog Pond WaChi "Send You a Dagger"

The instrumental music leaves room for cleverness, and the vocals advance layer by layer. "In the name of love, give someone a dagger", telling the story of a love that is unbearable and painful and unforgettable. Both young and not young may be touched. (50% off)

5. Thank God Smile "The Caged Bird"

The old song's newly edited "Bird in the Cage" maintains the consistent level of Xie Tianxiao, breaking through the old framework, but it is still a very typical Xie-style rock, and the lyrics have a deep meaning at the moment. (Ah Qing)

6. Liu Sijian, "Wonderful World"

"The low-pitched electronic drum and the deep bass suddenly dial the uneasy and turbulent world, and the "Wonderful World" from Liu Sijian, a post-zero teenager, is not only an exhibition on the stage of singing, but also an independent thinking of his own. The R&B of the teenager who became famous in the online world has a more adult offbeat dark tone. (Postman)

7. Hot Spot Band "Out of Sight"

Maintaining the independence and personality as always, the melody is not kitsch and ear-raising, the arrangement is simple and comfortable, it is a song that can make people feel happy when they listen to it, and the lead singer Liu Pian's (voice) interpretation gives this song a great charm color, pronouncing itself without making it artificial, and blending in with the song just right. (Tree Baby)

8. Qin Sifeng, "High and Low"

"High and Low" combines more electronic elements, and urban sound sampling such as whistles also triggers multiple associations, and the "synergy" effect of their respective sounds is unfolded in a leisurely pace. Compared to previous solo works that have a more jazz/classical flavor, this song is more human. (Chen Lingwei)

9. Sihan/AR(刘夫阳) 《Heat Of The Night》

Word play game, can play word and words have things, and as a rapper constantly upgrading its own musical accomplishment, in this current extremely contrived music category, the unpretentious atmosphere shaping and unpretentious deductive expression are valuable. (Li Zhe)

10. Huang Jiuwei Zooey Wonder/ Wu Qingfeng "Never See You Again"

Starting from the quiet piano, the tacit harmony conveys a calm and resolute posture. The loneliness and cruelty of growing up in the AB section are all destroyed in the chorus of Tuotuo, and when the tail section returns to the pure piano accompaniment, it harvests the stability after the wind and rain. Wu Qingfeng's accompaniment is the warm companionship in this lonely growth journey. (Ma Le)

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