
How many of the stories behind those songs do you know?

author:Moving music

Cultivating Love

When Lin Junjie was 16 years old, a girlfriend confessed to him that although the two did not eventually become lovers but became good friends, she also drew a red line for Lin Junjie to meet his first love girlfriend. However, in 1997, his girlfriend was killed while on a plane, and Lin Junjie learned that there was a photo of him in the luggage that his girlfriend carried with him, which was really difficult to accept, so he was reluctant to mention it to others. It was not until 2013, the tenth anniversary of Lin Junjie's debut, warner music in the planning of the album "Because of You", hoping that he can tell the inner secrets that have not been said, Lin Junjie decided to face this matter, thus creating this song "Cultivating Love". Lin Junjie hopes to let the audience understand through this song that some memories cannot be forgotten, some feelings will not come back after they are lost, and every love is a cultivation, all in order to make the next love better.

"Am I the One You Love The Most" is also more touching

The lyrics of Mao Mao's "One Meat and One Vegetarian" are very touching, and the song is also very good. I don't know much about any touching stories, but I feel very graphic and touched!

"Remembering" Thunderstorm Heart The word is a youth that can't go back, a beautiful past!

Recently heard a pure music, "You left Nanjing, no one has talked to me ever since", I don't know what story is behind it, but it sounds inexplicably sad

Recently, watching my sisters and hearing "PushIng Open the Door of the World", although I don't understand the story behind the lyrics, I feel very moved.

Mika Nakajima's

How many of the stories behind those songs do you know?

The story behind her is also very touching, many times when I feel helpless or emotionally depressed, I listen to this song and get strength from it!

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