
Loquat is the "golden fruit of early spring", cough and laxative, and stomach and lungs! But don't make 1 mistake, special humidity

author:Journal of Family Physicians

After entering the spring, everything recovers, the temperature rises, and the body begins to stir.

People's appetite also decreases with the increase of temperature, and symptoms such as poor appetite and poor diet appear. Coupled with weather changes, large temperature difference between day and night, a little attention, colds, coughs are easy to find the door.

At this time, it is better to eat some appetizing loquat.

When it comes to loquat, everyone will think of loquat dew, loquat syrup, these proprietary Chinese medicines, but what are the effects of loquat?

Below, let the editor introduce you to it ——

It is the "golden fruit of early spring", cough and laxative, and stomach and lungs!

As the saying goes, "the queen mother of heaven is peach, and the three pools of loquat on the earth are three ponds."

The ripe loquat is golden yellow, and when you bite it down, the juice is overflowing, sweet and refreshing, and it is delicious to stop.

Loquat is the "golden fruit of early spring", cough and laxative, and stomach and lungs! But don't make 1 mistake, special humidity

Loquat has the reputation of "the crown of fruit", it is rich in carotene, fiber, fruit acid, iron, potassium and other nutrients, the elderly and children are suitable for eating.

Chinese medicine believes that loquat taste sweet and sour, into the lungs, spleen meridians, can clear the lungs and dryness, cough and phlegm, and stomach vitality.

It is also recorded in the "Yunnan Materia Medica" that loquat "cures lung fistula and vomits blood, coughs and spits, and roars", and people who cough regularly can eat more.

Loquat is the "golden fruit of early spring", cough and laxative, and stomach and lungs! But don't make 1 mistake, special humidity

It should be reminded that although loquat is good, don't eat it wrong, otherwise it will attract moisture and aggravate the cough!

Loquat taste is cold and cold, generally suitable for sore throat, yellow and viscous sputum, there is a hot cough that cannot be coughed up, and the cold cough with clear and thin sputum is not applicable, otherwise the cough will become more and more serious.

In addition, loquat tastes sweet, eat more will help wet phlegm, but also easy to cause cold qi into the body, damage to the spleen and stomach.

The spleen and stomach undertake the responsibility of transporting water, once the spleen and stomach are injured, the water cannot be discharged normally, and it will stagnate and accumulate in the body, and the moisture in the body will naturally rub up.

After talking about the efficacy of loquat, it is definitely necessary to talk about how loquat is eaten!

In fact, in addition to eating loquat raw as fruit, it can also be used in dishes to make delicious meals.

Loquat, eat raw stomach laxative, cooked to relieve cough and lungs!

Loquat can be eaten raw and cooked, raw sweet and sour, delicious, has the effect of appetizing laxative; cooked soft glutinous sweet, has the effect of moisturizing the lungs and suppressing cough.

1. Eat raw to nourish the stomach and laxative

Fresh loquat contains a lot of fruit acid, which after entering the stomach and intestines, can stimulate the secretion of digestive glands and promote appetite.

Loquat is rich in fiber and pectin, which can help digestion and clean the stomach and intestines, and people who are prone to constipation are suitable for eating more.

Loquat is the "golden fruit of early spring", cough and laxative, and stomach and lungs! But don't make 1 mistake, special humidity

2. Cooked to moisten the lungs and relieve cough

The "Compendium of Materia Medica" records: "Loquat can moisten the five internal organs and nourish the heart and lungs." ”

Cooked loquat and eaten can release the medicinal properties of loquat, making it more effective in clearing the lungs and dissolving phlegm, coughing and asthma.

In the application of traditional Chinese medicine, loquat is often boiled into soup with mulberry leaves, anterior beard, burdock seeds, etc., for the treatment of wind and fever cough; with sand ginseng, mulberry white peel, gardenia and other boiled into soup, used to treat lung fever cough and asthma, dry mouth and throat and other symptoms.

Loquat is the "golden fruit of early spring", cough and laxative, and stomach and lungs! But don't make 1 mistake, special humidity

If loquat is made into a healthy dish together with some dry and moisturizing ingredients, it can clear the heat and moisturize the lungs, nourish the five internal organs, and be more suitable for spring consumption with frequent coughs.

Here are 2 recommended meals ——

Loquat lily silver ear soup

Ingredients: 80 grams of loquat, 20 grams of lilies, 1 white fungus, rock sugar to taste.

Directions: Wash and pit the loquat and cut into small pieces; boil the white fungus in cool water and tear it into small pieces; add the appropriate amount of water to the pot and boil, add lilies, white fungus and rock sugar and cook for 40 minutes, then add the loquat and cook for another 15 minutes.

Nutritional comments: This soup can moisturize and clear the lungs, relieve cough and dissolve phlegm, moisturize the skin, and is suitable for people with lung heat, cough, phlegm, and dry skin.

Loquat stewed duck

Ingredients: 500 grams of duck, 250 grams of loquat, onion, ginger, garlic, millet pepper.

Loquat is the "golden fruit of early spring", cough and laxative, and stomach and lungs! But don't make 1 mistake, special humidity

Method: Duck meat washed, chopped, loquat washed and pitted; hot oil put loquat, sugar, salt sautéed, out of the pot for later; duck meat into the pot to dry water, add onion ginger garlic millet pepper stir-fry incense, put soy sauce, soy sauce, oyster sauce, cooking wine seasoning; finally put in the sautéed loquat, add water to flood the ingredients, bring to a boil on high heat and turn to low heat until the soup is dry.

Nutritional comments: Duck meat is replenished, and loquat is made into dishes to eat together, which can nourish the five organs, appetize and rejuvenate, suitable for all ages.

Hehehehe, do you think loquat only has a health effect on the flesh?

No! Loquat is full of treasure! Its core, leaves, and flowers are all good medicine.

Loquat is full of treasures, and the core, leaves, and flowers can be medicated

1, loquat flower: clear heat and moisturize the lungs

Loquat flowers are yellowish white, the buds are small, smell unscented, at first glance inconspicuous, but it is a good health product.

Loquat is the "golden fruit of early spring", cough and laxative, and stomach and lungs! But don't make 1 mistake, special humidity

Loquat flower taste is light, flat, into the heart, lungs two meridians, has the effect of clearing the fire and relieving heat, wind and cough. With it soaked in water, you can clear the lungs and expectorant, especially suitable for people who usually smoke too much alcohol and are prone to fire.

2, loquat leaf: cough and anti-vomiting

Loquat leaf is a traditional Chinese medicine in the mainland, which can not only lower the qi of the lungs, but also the qi of the stomach.

Li Shizhen once commented that loquat leaves are "thin and strong in qi, yin in the yang, and cure diseases of the stomach and lungs.".

Simply put, loquat leaves have the effect of clearing the lungs and relieving cough, reducing reverse vomiting, and have a good therapeutic effect on lung fever cough, breathlessness, stomach heat vomiting and other symptoms.

However, some people in life use loquat leaves to boil water to stop coughing, why is the cough more serious the more they drink?

This is because the surface of loquat leaves is smooth, but the back is full of fluff. Once these fluffs are in the medicinal soup, they will irritate the throat and induce a violent cough when taken.

Loquat is the "golden fruit of early spring", cough and laxative, and stomach and lungs! But don't make 1 mistake, special humidity
To avoid this problem, there are 3 ways:

  • Brush the fluff clean.
  • Wrap it in fine gauze and cook it.
  • Filter the liquid with fine gauze.

3. Loquat nucleus: thinning the liver

After the loquat nucleus is correctly prepared, it has the effect of reducing phlegm and cough, soothing the liver, reducing swelling and swelling, and has a certain therapeutic effect on lung fever cough, asthma and stomach heat vomiting.

However, the untreated loquat nucleus contains a large amount of amygdalin, a large amount of raw food may occur cyanid poisoning, severe can be fatal, be sure to eat loquat core under the professional guidance of a doctor.

Finally, let's talk about what to pay attention to when choosing to buy loquat -

Teach you 3 tricks and pick delicious loquats

1, look at the color

When the loquat is ripe, the skin is golden brown, and the flavor is good at this time.

Loquats with a pale yellow or bluish yellow skin are generally not yet mature, or grow without light, and this loquat tastes worse.

2, look at the shape

The overall shape of the loquat is generally elliptical, the upper part of the fruit is slightly smaller than the lower part, and the surface protrudes from the micro-drum.

Loquat is the "golden fruit of early spring", cough and laxative, and stomach and lungs! But don't make 1 mistake, special humidity

Choose loquat to look at the base, the shape is closer to the shape of the five-pointed star the more delicious and delicious, the base gathered into a little, generally less juice taste light.

3, look at the size

Relatively speaking, the larger the loquat, the better the taste. If the head is small, if the branches are thicker, such loquat core large pulp is less, edible part is not much, it is not recommended to buy.

Finally, the loquat bought should not be refrigerated in the refrigerator, and can be packed directly in a cardboard box and placed in a ventilated place, otherwise it is easy to cause discoloration. Peeled loquat can be preserved in brine, ice or sugar water.

The pictures in this article are all from One Map Network.