
Let the client's family members trust the lawyer

author:Tanhua is in Beijing

Some time ago, I carefully read through the book "Chronicles of the States of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty" between cases. In the book, Qi Huangong once confessed that he was "unfortunate and good, (Tian Hunt) and lustful", and according to historical records, his qualifications were also of medium level. So why would such a person with shortcomings and ordinary qualifications be among the five masters of the Spring and Autumn Period? Why did he succeed? This should be a good question to ponder. Today, I will focus on the small point of how defense lawyers can make their families trust.

First, use empathy to attract people 

Observe the communication patterns and communication content of colleagues, colleagues and families of the parties. Some may be "whispering" in order to sign the order; Some things are not related to their own business, and lack warmth; Some will be self-centered, and the criticism will be straightforward criticism of the parties and their families; But more is to listen with the heart, to feel with the heart, not to be humble, so that the family of the person concerned can open their hearts to make statements and then smoothly entrust.

Because our industry cannot promise the outcome of the case, the most common promise is: "We will treat this case as our own case, think of what you think, and do our best to be conscientious." ”

People are a kind of "species" that needs extra feelings to nourish, and when a person encounters a criminal case, his family members are often in a situation of confusion, panic, and great need to be comforted. At this time, it is especially necessary for defense lawyers to appease the families of the parties with care, responsibility, and "empathy" and gain precious trust.

Second, good professional quality

With good professionalism to convince people, lawyers should have a light on their faces when talking about the law and cases.

In the face of each new case, we will try our best to collect the laws, regulations and cases involved in this case for follow-up research. With such a thick preparation to meet with the family of the person concerned, we can have a purpose; Second, we can make a good prediction according to objective reality.

Some parties' families have a rough understanding of the law, and if the lawyer does not rely on excellent professional qualities but only relies on "flickering" or simple "empathy" to persuade the client's family to entrust, it is often counterproductive.

Therefore, let the parties and their families see the light of law and self-confidence on your face, and rest assured that the case will be handed over to you.

Third, patient and effective communication

In the process of handling the case, it is necessary to rely on professionalism, patience, etc. to maintain effective communication with the families of the parties, so as to make this trust as long as possible. Back to the introduction part, let's talk about why Qi Huangong, who is not very intelligent, became one of the five hegemons, and what did he rely on?

I think there are no more than two reasons, one is that through investigation, I found a good helper Guan Zhong. The second is to unconditionally trust Guan Zhong and let Guan Zhong govern the country. His trust in Guan Zhong was incomparably firm, and even when he was jealous of Guan Zhong and provoked the relationship between Qi Huangong and Guan Zhong, he still did not change his trust in Guan Zhong.

Qi Huangong said to Shu Diao and the others: "The widow and the middle father, there is a humerus in the body. There are strands of humerus into its body. There is a father who becomes his king. Er, how do you know!"

It should be noted that Qi Huan gongxin was sincerely subordinate to the governing strategy designed and implemented by Guan Zhong, which in turn gave Guan Zhong absolute trust and trust. In the three years of Guan Zhongbingzheng, the State of Qi was able to govern greatly, and also enabled each other to achieve brilliant causes.

From this point of view, I think that Qi Huangong's trust in Guan Zhong is very similar in nature to the trust of the client's family in the defense lawyer! We can draw good nourishment from it and give our clients' families the confidence they have in our defense lawyers.

Let the client's family members trust the lawyer
Let the client's family members trust the lawyer
Let the client's family members trust the lawyer