
Tribute to the power of health and health Talk about the story of Nanchong in Sichuan under the background of great health| stirring for thirty years · Tribute to the people of Nanchong

author:Cover News

Cover news reporter Zhao Zijun intern Liang Yongqi

The people's livelihood is no small matter, and the branches and leaves are always concerned. Nanchong, Sichuan, a large medical and health city, ranks second in the province in total medical and health resources, and medical and health care is the first work of people's livelihood. At present, Nanchong is focusing on the goals of "striving to create a provincial health sub-center" and "building a medical highland in northeast Sichuan", accelerating the health work of the people, and continuously meeting the growing health needs of the people.

Tribute to the power of health and health Talk about the story of Nanchong in Sichuan under the background of great health| stirring for thirty years · Tribute to the people of Nanchong

How does Nanchong's health care industry resonate with the same frequency as urban development? On February 26, at the sharing symposium of "Striving to Create the Nanchong Health Power of the Province's Health Sub-Center", a number of experts from Nanchong's medical and health industry discussed this issue.

Promote the construction of "one high and two places"

Focus on the health of the elderly and primary medical and health services

Li Zhongkang, deputy director of the Nanchong Municipal Health Commission, said that at present, Nanchong is making up for shortcomings, improving the public health system, building a solid grass-roots network bottom, and consolidating the strong and supplementing the weak; in the future, Nanchong will pay attention to the introduction of high-end talent technology, strengthen the reserve storage of medical talents in Nanchong, and promote the high-quality development of the medical industry in Nanchong. "Take small steps and walk fast, steady progress." It is our goal to build Nanchong into a 'one high and two places' - a regional medical highland in northeast Sichuan, a medical education center and a biomedical technology research center, and it is our goal to build a healthy Nanchong. ”

Tribute to the power of health and health Talk about the story of Nanchong in Sichuan under the background of great health| stirring for thirty years · Tribute to the people of Nanchong

Li Zhongkang, deputy director of the Nanchong Municipal Health Commission

According to a demographic study by Peking University, by 2033, the proportion of people aged 65 and over in the mainland will increase from 14% to 20% of the total population. In response to this phenomenon, Wang Xiaoming, dean of the School of Nursing of Chuanbei Medical College and vice president of the Affiliated Hospital of Chuanbei Medical College, said that the medical industry in Nanchong should increase the importance of the health of the elderly. "We hope to establish a line of prevention, diagnosis, treatment and science popularization to cope with this trend, reduce the burden of disease, and promote healthy aging and active aging in Nanchong."

Tribute to the power of health and health Talk about the story of Nanchong in Sichuan under the background of great health| stirring for thirty years · Tribute to the people of Nanchong

Dean of the School of Nursing, Chuanbei Medical College

Wang Xiaoming, Vice President of the Affiliated Hospital of Chuanbei Medical College

Wang Xiaoming said that in recent years, the Affiliated Hospital of Chuanbei Medical College has repeatedly traveled to Ganzi, Quxian and other places to support the development of local medical undertakings and bring high-quality medical services to the vast rural areas. "In the future, we will take root in northeast Sichuan and serve more people." Jointly with the 'high-end talent grassroots line' activity, encourage more doctors to sink, enhance the strength of the grassroots medical team, and inject a strong health impetus into rural revitalization." ”

"In the past year and a half since the grassroots level, there have been feelings and a sense of achievement." Yi Pengsheng is one of the 100 doctors of the grassroots line of high-end medical talents in Nanchong, Sichuan, since 2020, he has served as the vice president of Yingshan County People's Hospital (now Yingshan Hospital of West China Hospital of Sichuan University) in a flexible introduction method, at which Yi Pengsheng shared his "report card" and insights of the grassroots line. In the past year and a half since going deep into the grassroots level, the medical strength of Yingshan County People's Hospital has made a major breakthrough, the proportion of four-level surgeries has increased from the previous 3% to 12%, and about 30 cases of laparoscopic hepatic resection have been successfully carried out in 2021. "The development of primary medical and health care is a cause that requires continuous efforts and long-term achievements."

Tribute to the power of health and health Talk about the story of Nanchong in Sichuan under the background of great health| stirring for thirty years · Tribute to the people of Nanchong

Yi Pengsheng, vice president of Yingshan Hospital of West China Hospital of Sichuan University

Yi Pengsheng's sharing resonated with Jiang Yueqiang, secretary of the party branch and director of the Longmen Community Health Service Center in Gaoping District, Nanchong City, who has been rooted in the grassroots for 26 years and has a deep feeling for the grassroots medical and health undertakings: "We hope that the hospital in Nanchong can regularly open management talent training classes and general practice talent training classes to help enhance the strength of grassroots medical talents. ”

Tribute to the power of health and health Talk about the story of Nanchong in Sichuan under the background of great health| stirring for thirty years · Tribute to the people of Nanchong

Longmen Community Health Service Center, Gaoping District, Nanchong City

Jiang Yueqiang, secretary of the party branch and director

Advice from many parties

Jointly seek the development strategy of Nanchong's medical and health undertakings

At the sharing meeting, when talking about topics such as "one old and one small" and "the most beautiful retrograde", the guests talked about it. "At the beginning of the outbreak, we had many new young people fighting against the epidemic, and Hou Ying was one..." Zhao Hongzhi, general manager of the laboratory of Nanchong Saier Medical College in Sichuan, introduced that they will build the laboratory of Nanchong Saier Medical College into a benchmark for regional independent medical rooms. Medical institutions are ultimately to serve people, we plan to introduce social capital, establish clinical centralized inspection and testing institutions, provide technical support for medical institutions at all levels in the region, and do a good job in logistics for the medical and health undertakings in Nanchong. ”

Tribute to the power of health and health Talk about the story of Nanchong in Sichuan under the background of great health| stirring for thirty years · Tribute to the people of Nanchong

Zhao Hongzhi, General Manager of the Laboratory of Nanchong Saier Medical College in Sichuan

Han Liang, head of the Nanchong area of Xiamen Wantai Canghai Biotechnology Co., Ltd., said that the company is committed to the development of public welfare and health services while vigorously developing cervical cancer vaccines. In order to serve the development of medical and health undertakings, the company has now established a considerable expert talent pool in the field of disease control and gynecology, and this think tank will contribute to the medical and health work in Nanchong.

Tribute to the power of health and health Talk about the story of Nanchong in Sichuan under the background of great health| stirring for thirty years · Tribute to the people of Nanchong

Xiamen Wantai Canghai Biotechnology Co., Ltd

Han Liang, head of the Nanchong area

"Health services are the top priority of the Lancheng Nanchong Tao Li Chunfeng Project, and we hope that everyone who lives here can have a healthy, comfortable and happy life." Yang Xiaoyu, director of Life Service of Lancheng Nanchong Tao Li Chunfeng, introduced that Lancheng has built three major systems of community health care, home health care and pastoral health care around "food, clothing, housing, and transportation, Yile learning, and Yikang maintenance", and integrates health care services into the details of life. "We hope that people of all ages can enjoy a healthy life here," the value idea of "only health is the most precious" coincides with the guiding ideology of Nanchong's efforts to create a provincial health sub-center.

Tribute to the power of health and health Talk about the story of Nanchong in Sichuan under the background of great health| stirring for thirty years · Tribute to the people of Nanchong

Yang Xiaoyu, director of Lancheng Nanchong Tao Li Chunfeng Life Service

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