
Cactus bulbophyllum genus Dwarf wart balls

author:Wuxin Garden

Classification: Dwarf wart bulbs

Latin name: Ortegocac

Cactus bulbophyllum genus Dwarf wart balls
Cactus bulbophyllum genus Dwarf wart balls
Cactus bulbophyllum genus Dwarf wart balls
Cactus bulbophyllum genus Dwarf wart balls
Cactus bulbophyllum genus Dwarf wart balls
Cactus bulbophyllum genus Dwarf wart balls
Cactus bulbophyllum genus Dwarf wart balls
Cactus bulbophyllum genus Dwarf wart balls
Cactus bulbophyllum genus Dwarf wart balls


Etymology: The genus name Ortegocactus is in honor of the Ortega family, who, with the help of this family, discovered the genus in 1951.

Ortegocactus consists of only a single species discovered in the second half of the 20th century. It grows in a very small limestone region of Oaxaca, Mexico.

The initial diameter of the plant does not exceed 2 inches and is single-stemmed, and as they age, branches of multiple stems are formed. The stem has a nearly rounded wart process with a rounded thorn seat at the top. The spines are grey-black and the apex is black. The overall appearance of these plants is more like a clump than a neat ball – especially when dehydrated. The top of the flower is bright yellow and funnel-shaped, and has a green stigma.

An interesting feature of dwarf wart bulb species is the beautiful gray-green outer skin, which has a particularly large number of holes and has a skin-like appearance. Like many small Mexican cacti, the genus Dwarf Wart Bulbophyllum is highly loved by cactus enthusiasts. However, as plants age, they can easily grow rust spots even under the care of the most experienced growers.