
Xu Dongmei: Grounded ingenuity judge

author:Shangguan News

Xu Dongmei is the vice president of the Civil Trial Division of Shanghai Qingpu Court, and in the 19 years since she entered the Shanghai Qingpu Court, she has adhered to the grass-roots front-line trial post and practiced the solemn commitment of the people's judges to safeguard social fairness and justice with ingenuity and original intention.

Xu Dongmei: Grounded ingenuity judge

In her daily trial work, the case that Xu Dongmei is most exposed to is a real estate dispute. In a housing lease lawsuit, the plaintiff argued that expropriation compensation had occurred during the contract period, in which the loss of suspension of production and business and the relocation of machinery and equipment should be enjoyed by the plaintiff, but the defendant did not agree with the plaintiff's litigation claim. During the trial, Xu Dongmei patiently listened to the demands of the parties, keenly and meticulously summarized the focus of the parties' disputes, and through understanding them with reason and emotion, prompted the parties to turn their struggles into jade.

Xu Dongmei is a senior judge of the real estate trial of the civil trial division of the Qingpu Court, but when she first tried the real estate case, she could not understand the "approval of putty" and could not distinguish between "nest work stoppage". Up to now, she can calmly say several billable areas of scaffolding, modeling and disposal of steel structure aliens. When trying cases, Xu Dongmei often carries the case file to a professional unit to seek various architectural knowledge, and wears a hard hat and a tape measure camera to enter the construction site, which is already her third normal outside the trial table and desk.

Xu Dongmei: Grounded ingenuity judge

Judges are not only referees, but also stooped listeners. In Xu Dongmei's view, judgment is not necessarily the best choice for resolving disputes, and mediation often has a "win-win" effect. Whether it is handling major and important cases or ordinary cases, Xu Dongmei can win the unanimous praise of both parties with her superb professional ability and profound legal skills, which not only reflects the purpose of justice for the people, but also makes the parties feel the temperature of the judiciary.

"In her usual trial work, she is very careful and meticulous about each case, and each case can set points and stop disputes for the parties from a professional point of view, and finally give the judgment result that satisfies both parties." Xu Dongmei's colleague Wang Qi, a judge in the civil trial division of the Shanghai Qingpu Court, said of her.

Xu Dongmei: Grounded ingenuity judge

Xu Dongmei said that a case always loses and wins, if you want to truly achieve judicial fairness, that is to let every party walk out of this court when you feel that the case heard by this judge is indeed fair and just. As a grassroots judge in the frontline, the judiciary for the people and judicial fairness is a big slogan, but when it comes to the judges themselves, they are actually doing their own work in a down-to-earth and conscientious manner.

Xu Dongmei: Grounded ingenuity judge

Xu Dongmei has successively won the honorary titles of Shanghai Court Case Handling Pacesetter, Case Handling Expert, Qingpu Court Learning Zou Bihua Advanced Individual, District Outstanding Communist Party Member, March 8 Red Banner Bearer and so on. After 19 years of precipitation, Xu Dongmei's faith has never changed: practicing the ideal of the rule of law, taking root in the grassroots frontline, being a grounded and ingenious judge, and using responsibility as the answer sheet of the era of writing justice for the people and fair justice.

Reporter: Li Shuangjiu

Photography: Li Shuangjiu

Editor: Sun Jinghao