
Tens of millions of environmental protection fines! The coal chemical project was built without approval and started without authorization, and the listed company was severely fined

author:National Business Daily

Per reporter: Song Kejia Per editor: Cheng Peng, Zhang Haini

Tens of millions of environmental protection fines! The coal chemical project was built without approval and started without authorization, and the listed company was severely fined

Meijin Energy's company was fined more than 20 million yuan, and the construction project of the White Feather Broiler Ancestral Farm under Shengnong Development passed the EIA passed... Which listed companies have red lights up their environmental protection and credit responsibilities in the third week of February 2022? And which corporate projects have received the green light from the EIA? Look at the A-share green weekly report No. 64.

Since September 2020, based on authoritative data sources such as environmental quality, environmental emissions and pollution source supervision records issued by 31 provinces, municipalities and 337 prefecture-level municipalities, the Daily Economic News and the Public and Environmental Research Center (IPE), a well-known NGO in the field of environmental protection, collect and analyze the environmental information data of thousands of listed companies in China and tens of thousands of their subsidiaries (including branches, shareholding companies and holding companies) every week, and release the "A-share Green Weekly Report", aiming to use environmental databases and professional analysis and dissemination capabilities To make the environmental information in the business activities of listed companies in the capital market more sunny and transparent.

According to the data collected in the third week of February 2022, the Daily Economic News reporter found that a total of 36 listed companies have recently been exposed to environmental risks, mainly distributed in Beijing, Shanghai, Zhejiang and Jiangsu. Among them, 19 belong to state-owned assets control enterprises, and 8 are enterprises with a market value of 100 billion. In addition to environmental risks, in the third week of February 2022, a total of 10 projects of A-share listed companies and their subsidiaries entered the EIA approval state.

Green Lessons of the Week: The Imicom environmental protection project, which has doubled its stock price, is now at risk

In addition to factors such as corporate management capabilities, financial status, and industry competition, environmental risks have increasingly become one of the important operational risks of listed companies. Environmental risk is related to the development of the enterprise, but also related to the corporate image.

Distribution of listed companies involved in the environmental risk list (third week of February)

Tens of millions of environmental protection fines! The coal chemical project was built without approval and started without authorization, and the listed company was severely fined

Overall, in the third week of February 2022, negative information such as exceeding standards, violations of laws and accidents was associated with a total of 36 listed companies, and the equity relationship was verified by Qixinbao data. Among them, 36 listed companies are involved in environmental violations. From the perspective of enterprise distribution area, Beijing ranks first, Shanghai and Zhejiang rank second, and Jiangsu ranks third.

The "Daily Economic News" reporter combed and found that the 36 listed companies listed in the third week of February 2021 have as many as 6.237 million shareholders behind them, and the investment target on the environmental risk list may expose them to investment risks.

In addition, 33 of the 36 companies on the list have been exposed to environmental risks before. Three listed companies, Yimikang, Shangfeng Cement and Juxing Technology, have newly appeared on the environmental risk list this year.

Among them, the newly listed Yimikang is a listed company involved in the two major fields of information and data and environmental protection governance. In recent times, Emicon has risen and fallen for four consecutive trading days, with a cumulative increase of 107.48% (February 18 to February 23, 2022). In this regard, Inmicom mentioned in the "Announcement of Abnormal Fluctuations in Stock Trading" disclosed that its business in the field of information and data will face opportunities and challenges under the national promotion of the "East Number West Calculation" project plan.

Tens of millions of environmental protection fines! The coal chemical project was built without approval and started without authorization, and the listed company was severely fined

After the sharp rise in the stock price, Emicon also received a letter of concern on February 24, and was asked to answer a series of questions related to the abnormal fluctuation standards of the company's stock trading, including using objective and plain language to explain the specific relationship between the "East Number West Calculation" project and the company's information and data field business, and the potential impact of the project start on the company's business development.

Under the hot information data business, on the other hand, the environmental protection governance business of Yimikang shows risks. This time, Imicom was listed on the environmental risk list because of the environmental problems of its environmental protection companies. Specifically, On October 20, 28 and 29, 2021, Lincang Yijin Renewable Energy Technology Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Emikang, was inspected by law enforcement officers on the site of its domestic waste resource treatment project in Linxiang District, and was found not to build a solid waste dumping site in accordance with the standard specifications. The sedimentation mud of the cleaning wastewater sedimentation pond is piled in the open space next to the fermentation tank, and the sludge yard has not taken effective preventive measures, and the sludge piled up has overflowed after the rain. Lincang Yijin Renewable Energy Technology Co., Ltd. was fined 100,000 yuan.

Yimikang once mentioned the above projects in its 2021 third quarter report, Yimikang said that the Linxiang District domestic waste resource treatment project was invested and constructed by its holding Sun Company, which originated in 2017, and as of the disclosure date of the third quarterly report of 2021, the civil engineering of the project has been completed, due to the adjustment of the main equipment, resulting in the completion of the delay, and the equipment commissioning work is underway.

Compared with the information and data field business, the revenue contributed by the environmental protection governance business segment of Emicon in the first three quarters of 2021 was only 22.89%, but its environmental governance business suffered a long-term loss. In the recently announced 2021 performance forecast, Yimikang also pointed out that the company expects the net profit attributable to the shareholders of the listed company to be 25 million yuan to 35 million yuan, of which the information data field is expected to be 47 million yuan to 53 million yuan, and the environmental protection governance field is expected to be -22 million yuan to -18 million yuan.

On the other hand, as the concept of green environmental protection is valued by the capital market, stricter mandatory environmental information disclosure requirements are accelerating, thereby urging listed companies to effectively fulfill their information disclosure obligations and guiding listed companies to play an exemplary and leading role in the implementation of environmental protection responsibilities. It is worth noting that none of the listed companies involved in environmental violations in this issue mentioned the environmental penalties included in the recent announcement.

Environmental penalties: The company under Jianmeijin Energy was fined more than 20 million yuan without approval

In the third week of February 2022, the database collected 39 affiliated enterprises that received administrative penalty decisions from environmental protection departments or ordered corrections of illegal behavior decisions, involving 36 listed companies.

Listed companies and their holding companies have been fined the top 10 for environmental violations

Tens of millions of environmental protection fines! The coal chemical project was built without approval and started without authorization, and the listed company was severely fined

According to the data included in this issue, Shanxi Meijin Coal Chemical Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Coal Chemical Company"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Meijin Energy, recorded the highest penalty amount in the current period - 23.818 million yuan.

The high fine stemmed from the fact that a new project of the Coal Chemical Company did not submit for approval of environmental impact assessment documents in accordance with the law and started construction without authorization. Specifically, the administrative penalty decision pointed out that on August 22, 2021, law enforcement officers investigated the company and found that the company's new 1.8 million tons of 6.78-meter tamping coking project had not submitted for approval of environmental impact assessment documents in accordance with the law, started construction without authorization, and had environmental violations of the construction project before approval, and the coal chemical company was ordered to stop construction and fined 23.818 million yuan.

Meijin Energy mentioned in the announcement disclosed in 2021 that the coal chemical company is investing in the construction of coking upgrading and transformation projects, with a total investment of 1,612,665,100 yuan. The project includes the construction of production facilities and public and auxiliary facilities, of which the production facilities include coal preparation system, coke treatment system, coking facility, dry quenching facility, gas purification device, coking facilities including 2×70-hole JNDX3-6.78 type carbonization chamber high 6.78m single-heat tamping coke oven.

In addition to the unapproved construction, the coal chemical company was also released with 4 penalty records, of which law enforcement officers investigated the company on November 4, 2021, and found that the coal chemical company did not implement heavy pollution weather (orange warning), and found that the daily average of the company's sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide online data exceeded the standard many times; the collection and capture rate of VOCs in chemical production areas was not high, and there was a strong pungent odor, and the coal chemical company was fined 1.143 million yuan for these environmental violations.

Before these five penalties, the coal chemical company also broke the coke rod of the 1# coke oven last year, resulting in the door of the No. 143 carbonization chamber could not be sealed, and no measures were taken, resulting in the release of unorganized flue gas, violating the regulations on the recycling of volatile organic waste gas, and was fined 76,000 yuan.

It should be noted that in recent years, with the gradual heating up of ESG (environment, social responsibility and governance) investment philosophy, investors have paid more and more attention to the sustainable development ability of enterprises. The environmental responsibilities of listed companies for financial and strategic investments should also be taken seriously, so the environmental data of directly or indirectly participating companies is included in the A-share green reporting project database.

Hongli Zhihui, a listed company, was listed on the environmental risk list because of the environmental penalties imposed on Dongguan Xinyi Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd., where it invested.

Specifically, on November 10 and December 10, 2021, Dongguan Xinyi Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd., which is mainly engaged in the processing and production of hardware products, was found to have approved production processes such as powder spraying and production equipment such as 1 powder spraying line and production equipment such as cleaning and cleaning line 1 without approval and consent, and the above construction projects belong to the "List of Classified Management of Environmental Impact Assessment of Construction Projects" Category 30 "Metal Products Industry 33" Item 67" Metal surface treatment and heat treatment processing" of "other (except for the annual non-solvent type low VOCs content coatings below 10 tons)", should be prepared environmental impact report form, the supporting environmental protection facilities have been partially built, but have not completed independent acceptance, has been put into production and use. Dongguan Xinyi Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd. was fined 230,000 yuan.

Project EIA: The construction project of the White Feather Broiler Farm under Sunner Development has passed the EIA

The environmental impact assessment of the project, that is, the environmental impact assessment of the construction project, is the precondition for the start of construction of most projects, and is also the environmental protection basis after the construction or commissioning of the project. For listed companies, in order to invest in the construction of new projects, EIA approval is also a test that must be experienced.

According to the data collected in the third week of February, a total of 10 projects of A-share listed companies and their holding and shareholding companies have entered the EIA approval and publicity state.

The project environmental impact assessment of the listed company and its holding subsidiary was approved

Tens of millions of environmental protection fines! The coal chemical project was built without approval and started without authorization, and the listed company was severely fined

In this issue, it is worth noting that the construction project (Phase I) of The Ancestral Farm of White Feather Broilers of Jiangxi Shengze Poultry Breeding Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of The leading white feather broiler shengnong development, has passed the EIA.

According to the approval information, the project is located in Wushi Town, Zixi County, Fuzhou City, which is a new project, with a total of 1 ancestral hatchery and administrative management center, 1 ancestral brooding field and 4 ancestral egg laying farms.

The breeding chickens of the project adopt a two-stage breeding process, the breeding and breeding stages implement the all-ground level breeding method, the egg laying stage implements the two high and one low feeding method, and the annual breeding and sales of 5 million sets of parent breeders and about 7.13 million commercial broiler chicks (by-products) are sold.

The recent research report released by Dongguan Securities pointed out that the stock of white feather chickens in the mainland ancestral and parent generations is at a relatively high level, and the short-term supply is still relatively abundant. According to the data of the China Animal Husbandry Association, comparing the data of the past five years from 2017 to 2021, the stock of white feather chickens in the ancestral generation of the mainland and the white feather chickens of the parent generation is at a relatively high level.

On the other hand, the industry's leading enterprises are still expanding production, in addition to the development of Shengnong, Minhe shares also said in November last year when surveyed by the institution that the company's breeding and slaughtering business planning company built 800,000 sets of parent breeding projects, and it is expected to form 100 million commercial generation chicken seedling production capacity, plus the existing production capacity, the future company's annual output of chicken seedlings will reach 500 million birds.

In addition to the above-mentioned projects, in the third week of February, the projects of a number of listed companies or subsidiaries such as Luxun Precision, Asia-Pacific Technology, and Zijin Mining have obtained the EIA approval with the approval result of consent (or the approval of the notification commitment system), which means that these investment projects will soon enter the construction stage.

It should be noted that the disclosure of environmental information data depends on the continuous improvement of the level of environmental regulatory information disclosure. From the 2008 Measures for The Disclosure of Environmental Information (Trial Implementation) to the newly revised Chapter V chapter of the Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China, which establishes "information disclosure and public participation", information disclosure is guaranteed from the construction of the system.

Relevant laws and regulations stipulate that citizens, legal persons and other organizations enjoy the right to obtain environmental information and participate in and supervise environmental protection in accordance with law. The competent departments for environmental protection of all levels of people's government and other departments with responsibility for environmental protection supervision and management shall disclose environmental information in accordance with law, improve procedures for public participation, and facilitate the participation and supervision of environmental protection by citizens, legal persons, and other organizations. The 2018-2019 120 Urban Pollution Source Regulatory Information Disclosure Index (PITI) Report prepared by the Center for Public and Environmental Research (IPE) and the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) also points out that environmental information with "openness as the norm and non-disclosure as the exception" has gradually become a generally recognized principle of the government and the public.

If you have any questions about the environmental data of this project, or need to communicate and feedback on the environmental issues involved in the list, please contact Azure Maps.

(Interns Xu Maonan and Yu Zongjie also contributed to this article, and some of the drawing tools in this issue are dysprosium charts)

Reporter | Song Kejia

Editor| Cheng Peng, Zhang Haini, Du Hengfeng

Proofreading | Lu Xiangyong

| the original article of the daily economic news nbdnews |

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Tens of millions of environmental protection fines! The coal chemical project was built without approval and started without authorization, and the listed company was severely fined

Daily economic news