
Domestic dramas finally dare to "speak well", the audience: a line directly to see crying

author:Poisonous tongue movie

Domestic dramas see now, there is a word that people love and fear.


Afraid of a brain plug sugar, all kinds of drama operation, let people can't help but "grandpa subway to see the mobile phone" of the sweet.

Specific Sir will not give an example, the first time to flash the mind are counted.

But the warmth of those who seep out of love in life is really the most soothing to the hearts of modern people.

Therefore, it is really sweet, and it depends on the taste.

How to taste?

Pay attention to posture, pay attention to the level, pay attention to...

Stop, come up and crackle a theory is not interesting enough.

In a recent drama, Sir discovered the correct posture to open the sweet pet drama.

It's sweet, mixed with bitterness, with a hint of saltiness.

"My Neighbor Doesn't Grow Up"

Domestic dramas finally dare to "speak well", the audience: a line directly to see crying

At first glance, this drama is indeed a bit unremarkable.

Look at the setting, green plum with bamboo horse, neighbors, under the year (sister-brother love), not on the ordinary sweet pet route.

Female protagonist 30+, single, urban, older, young women, not on the "independent women" theme of the wind outlet.

If it is not used well, it is easy to become stereotyped.

When used well, it is a human life and a drama life.

Two details outside the play made Sir interested.

One is the word, living alone is not living alone, it is an empty nest.

Domestic dramas finally dare to "speak well", the audience: a line directly to see crying

The former is about the state of life, and the latter can reflect the psychological state of people.

Dare to use this word, it seems that outside of love, is a sword.

The other one, from the short review.

"I saw this line crying who knows"

Domestic dramas finally dare to "speak well", the audience: a line directly to see crying

There are fewer chinese dramas that can write lines now.

There are very few lines that can write people crying.

Most Chinese dramas do not use lines as lines, but as golden sentence makers and hot search puzzle materials.

What are the really good lines?

Sir thinks the most superficial standard, speak well.

Since the line is mentioned, is it a real golden sentence or a poisonous chicken soup?

Naturally, you want to pick it up sentence by sentence.


"Over the years I have relied on myself for big things and small things, and suddenly there are so many more concerns that I am not used to"

This sentence comes from the heroine Lin Yang (played by Li Xirui).

Typical "on their own" modern independent women.

Thirty-one years old, independent life, high-level white-collar worker, secretary of the chairman of a company.

In the workplace, IQ and emotional intelligence are fully scored.

On the right, the work is rigorous and serious, and it is like a fish in the post.

Domestic dramas finally dare to "speak well", the audience: a line directly to see crying

To the next, the lawyer disciplines himself first, and the subordinates all obey a "sister Yang".

Externally, there is no one on the wine table, and the invisible bonus skill of "drinking" in the workplace is directly full.

Domestic dramas finally dare to "speak well", the audience: a line directly to see crying


Little girl, take off your armor and hiss like crazy.

The front head is still shouting five drinks and six drinks, and the next second I see my friend as if I see a life-saving straw, and I quickly leave the wine table for a reason.

Look at this set of actions.

To the bathroom, the first step is to pull a few tissues.


Take off your heels on the washstand, sit up, and reach for the antidote.

Domestic dramas finally dare to "speak well", the audience: a line directly to see crying
Domestic dramas finally dare to "speak well", the audience: a line directly to see crying

In the words of netizens, "proficiency is painful."

Lin Yang is an ordinary social animal among thousands of urban people.

During the day, in the towering and bright office building, he returned to the rental house alone in the middle of the night.

After entering the door, Sir smiled at the corner of his mouth.

This is the rental house of the workers:

There is no studio-level lighting, and the entrance is even a little dim.

Courier boxes and shoe boxes are crooked.

Clothes are not washed, there is a place to put up, the takeaway on the table can never be finished, and when you enter the house, you are paralyzed on the sofa.

Domestic dramas finally dare to "speak well", the audience: a line directly to see crying
Domestic dramas finally dare to "speak well", the audience: a line directly to see crying

To use the words of the play.

The house is like a pig's nest, except for the necessities of life, there is no decoration for play.

I couldn't even find a Band-Aid.

Most of the stuff in the fridge was out of date, and even the dry goods and sauces were moldy.

None of the oven coffee machine electric casseroles were unsealed, and the boxes were faded.

Stay up late every day and order takeout when you're hungry.

The hair fell all over the ground, and the dark circles.

Sir's heart was cold: In? Remove the camera?

The bitterness of adults is not a day or two.

What can defeat adults is often a set of combination punches.

A person who takes a bath at home and forgets to take a towel is not the one who can hand it over.

Go to the balcony to get a bath towel, because the empty wine bottle fell on the ground, cold and also fell into a slight concussion.

Domestic dramas finally dare to "speak well", the audience: a line directly to see crying

Coincidentally, it was exactly the same as the boss of the bed next to the hospital.

"Now there are a lot of empty nesters like this

That life is not lived by people

Half of the toilet found that there was no paper

Go downstairs and throw a garbage and find that you forgot to bring the key

And this time after taking a shower, I found that the bath towel was confiscated

But no one in the family will fall this way."

Domestic dramas finally dare to "speak well", the audience: a line directly to see crying

Now, that's how the "empty nest" came about.

But the old man at least has a family to take care of, to Lin Yang here, parents are in the field, friends are at work.

"On your own" sometimes means that you are alone.

As soon as the body collapses, the cold things are followed by one.

On the company's side, taking advantage of Lin Yang's hospitalization, an acting secretary was quickly parachuted in, suspected of taking Lin Yang's seat.

The sweetheart made an appointment to eat, quickly put on makeup, and limped from the hospital.

The result was pigeon.

Domestic dramas finally dare to "speak well", the audience: a line directly to see crying

Replaceable, not valued.

Just stopped for a step, as if the world was left behind.

So, for her to introduce herself from me, it was only a few words.

Words poke the heart.


Lin Yang

Thirty-one years old

In addition to the rented two bedrooms and one living room


Domestic dramas finally dare to "speak well", the audience: a line directly to see crying

At this time, a little bit of concern from others is a rare rain dew in the desert.

For example, the male protagonist Lu Zheng'an (played by He You).

A talented music teenager who has just returned to China, and a neighbor brother who grew up with Lin Yang.

Biggest feature: only love Lin Yang.

Domestic dramas finally dare to "speak well", the audience: a line directly to see crying

Straight balls from my brother struck, pure and fanatical.

People call their wives before and after them, and they try their best to rely on other people's homes.

If it is just a milk dog that can sprinkle and coax people, absolutely greasy and annoying, it is a loyal dog that is not compromised.

Up to the hall, down to the kitchen.

Domestic dramas finally dare to "speak well", the audience: a line directly to see crying

Abide by male morality and do not give arrogant women a chance to be demonized.

Domestic dramas finally dare to "speak well", the audience: a line directly to see crying

Among the scumbags in the oil field, there is a clear stream.

In the face of this fire-like enthusiasm, it seems that it is only a matter of time before the iceberg is broken.

The resonance is in the cracks that are slowly cracking.

Just two acts.

Once, Lin Yang, who came home from the hospital alone, answered the phone of his family.

What more can be said.

- Have you been all right lately?

-Good work smoothly in good health

- Always these two sentences

It's not just saying those two sentences.

But apart from these two sentences, I dare not say anything else.

At this time, there was a headless and brainless "wife" behind him, a hug for no reason, and the tears had a landing point.

Domestic dramas finally dare to "speak well", the audience: a line directly to see crying

Once, it was Lu Zheng'an who poked through Lin Yang's mouth hard and soft.

"Yell out every time you do something wrong

The weaker the heart, the harder the mouth becomes

The louder the voice."

Domestic dramas finally dare to "speak well", the audience: a line directly to see crying

The appearance of such a person is too difficult not to be moved.

He will use a long heart to reach the heart.

Then use young courage to directly attack those disguised that are propped up.

And courage is something that many people expect.

"We're all running four

Falling in love is not about playing with the heartbeat

It's for marriage

So fit is more important than feeling."

Domestic dramas finally dare to "speak well", the audience: a line directly to see crying

This "extra concern" is not unaccustomed, but dare not get used to it.

This is also the first proposition of "Growing Up".

Everyone wants to grow up, but the first to grow old is often the heart.


"My husband said he didn't want to be Dink anymore because he loved me too much"

Female theme, a popular word in Chinese opera "female group portrait".

Establish several typical, multi-line narratives, plot, duration, and drama full.

And "Growing Up Big" obviously has no such ambition.

On the one hand, it adheres to the duty of the little sweet drama:

It should be said that things should be said, and sugar should be sniffed, and it should not be false.

On the other hand, it's trying another angle:

Not for women, only for women.

In the play, Lin Yang has two colleagues and good sisters.

One is a long-haired intellectual rational woman, Cao Ling (Zhao Yuanyuan).

The above "fit is more important than feeling" came from her mouth.

A resolute opponent of sister-brother love.

Domestic dramas finally dare to "speak well", the audience: a line directly to see crying

One is a short-haired sensual woman, Yao Dan (played by Lu Xiaolin).

The absolute supporter of sister-brother love.

The manifesto is equally vocal.

"The older you get, the more scared you become

But what are you afraid of?

Aren't you afraid of losing face and hurting your self-esteem?

But the more you are afraid, the more things you lose

So meet what you want

Be sure to fight for it without skin and face."

Domestic dramas finally dare to "speak well", the audience: a line directly to see crying

Who is right and who is wrong?

There is no answer.

But the more firmly they support their answers, the more they can reflect the limitations of women in reality.

Yes, none of them lived "transparently."

Because they themselves are struggling to climb and roll.

At a sisters' party, drinking and singing, someone suddenly couldn't hold back.

It was actually the Yao Dan who looked the most spontaneous.

As a Dink family, the company's financial director, her love career double harvest, according to the current secular sense, is simply a modern female model student.

But it was also she, sitting on the couch, crying and hugging herself.

"My husband said he didn't want to be Dink anymore

Because they love me so much

I want to have a love crystallization with me

Excuse me

Don't you love me when you're in love

Didn't you love me when you proposed?

Having been married for six years, they suddenly fell in love with me


Domestic dramas finally dare to "speak well", the audience: a line directly to see crying

Savor this sentence, contradictory?

Extremely contradictory.

Mixed, there is anger, there is complaining.

Is it normal?

It's so normal.

Isn't that the trajectory of most people:

The vows of love brought them into the temple and promised them a lifetime.

But no matter how sincere and deep love is, it cannot resist the infestation of time on a complex individual.

She scolded her husband.

What you complain about is actually time, and yourself in marriage.


Look at the more helpless second half of the sentence:

"I'm getting old

I don't want to be angry, I don't dare to leave."

Domestic dramas finally dare to "speak well", the audience: a line directly to see crying

You see— even if you cultivate yourself into an omnipotent warrior, life doesn't always require you to cut through thorns, sometimes, it's a dilemma.

There is the difficulty of crying, and there is also the pain of not crying.

Like Cao Ling on the other side.

Contrary to Yao Dan, the one who looked the weakest was a cruel person.

Single mom.

It is precisely because of a sister-brother love that she is pregnant and married.

Then, not surprisingly, got a standard ending, flashed away, and took the baby alone.

Domestic dramas finally dare to "speak well", the audience: a line directly to see crying

I didn't dare to tell my family, so I had to carry it myself.

I have truly experienced the double oppression of life and the workplace.

Cao Ling strongly objected, fearing that her sister would follow in her footsteps.

This is what Sir calls the "female perspective":

It gives you chicken blood, but the purpose is not to coax you and cater to you, but to salute and then soldier, and then cruelly tear open the other half behind the chicken blood.

These two little demons and little angels, how did they end up doing themselves?

From Yao Dan's mouth, she learned that she and her husband were reconciled.

Is the problem solved?

Presumably not.

It's the problem "passed" in the past.

Domestic dramas finally dare to "speak well", the audience: a line directly to see crying

Cao Ling, even less, has not leapt into a female warrior holding a baby in her left hand and opening her gold finger in her right hand.

You can only ask the mother to take the child.

Domestic dramas finally dare to "speak well", the audience: a line directly to see crying

Looking back at their opposing opinions, they are all the same core.

Feelings are not all, just part of life.

Looking down or valuing, in the end, they are responsible for their own lives.


"Lie down today and lie down tomorrow"

Overall, "Growing Up" is certainly not excellent.

There are many glitches.

The first few episodes are to highlight the female label and speed up the pace, and the characters are inevitably thin and routine.

For example, the female partner who was scolded the most in the early stage, the petite miss, liked the male protagonist, so the car chase, SMS harassment, and swearing sovereignty to the female protagonist were called "bastard meals" by netizens.

And her liking and petulance, more like a performance, came for no reason.

Domestic dramas finally dare to "speak well", the audience: a line directly to see crying

But looking at the details, the intention of "Growing Up" is still worth encouraging.

Especially today, when women's themes are particularly excessive.

Look at the picture details.

All kinds of narrative foreshadowing, do not look carefully and really can not find.

When the first episode first appeared, Cao Ling took out the antidote from her bag, and a pink cartoon hairpin accidentally fell out, suggesting that she had a child.

Domestic dramas finally dare to "speak well", the audience: a line directly to see crying

It's not over.

The metaphor is even deeper – when several people are helped from the liquor bureau to the toilet, the camera is half hidden, revealing only the three letters "MEN".

Domestic dramas finally dare to "speak well", the audience: a line directly to see crying

Got to the wrong toilet?


It wasn't until the three sisters exchanged hearts and helped each other that the camera became complete again, "WOMEN".

Domestic dramas finally dare to "speak well", the audience: a line directly to see crying

Think carefully again and again.

It's much more advanced than shouting "girls help girls" directly.

In the end, it is still worth savoring the lines.

It really taught a lesson to the national drama - on the importance of "speaking people's words".

A few little sisters gathered around a small table for tea.

Word by word, not to say how long and deep, at least, not to say empty words.

It's that feeling of weakness, like being dragged by something, completely unable to step out, right?

It's your laziness, and your poverty.

In fact, people over the age of thirty are the same, and they have experienced it, and the general strange is not strange, and the general cannot be seen.

So, what dies is not life, it's our state of mind.

Domestic dramas finally dare to "speak well", the audience: a line directly to see crying

Speaking of a low atmosphere.

Nor sublimation, no cheering.

To paraphrase internet buzzwords, self-deprecating:

Lie down today and lie down tomorrow

Domestic dramas finally dare to "speak well", the audience: a line directly to see crying

We always say that chinese drama should be close to life and grounded.

So what is life and what is earth gas?

To Sir says, life is, first of all, a mixture of "meaningless" chaos and random combinations.

And the national drama always wants to modify this "meaninglessness" into an efficient output of chicken soup and conflict.

Does it work?

It really worked at first.

Female group portrait hit, "Ode to Joy".

For Fan Shengmei, a gold-worshiping female role, Jiang Xin added a four-minute rooftop crying scene to the scene, telling her grievances of being squeezed by her parents and brother for many years.

Hoarse and exhausted, shouting out the bloody side of reality.

Domestic dramas finally dare to "speak well", the audience: a line directly to see crying

For the first time, the National Drama brought some old customs and crap from the original family to the front of the stage.

But after that?

"All is good", "Settle Down"... Similar themes, there are similar kinds of learning.

It just doesn't look so painful, it's not so real.

Domestic dramas finally dare to "speak well", the audience: a line directly to see crying

Another example, Thirty Only.

At that time, Gu Jiafan's gif was all over the Internet.

But what really makes Sir realize the inner entanglement of Gu Jia's character is that quiet monologue.

Sit down and face the "little three" directly, not humble or profane.

From medical reports, to insurance upgrades.

Number daily drip.

Domestic dramas finally dare to "speak well", the audience: a line directly to see crying

Previously, she was a determined mother who held on to her identity to clean up the mess.

At this moment, she is a little girl who loves her husband deeply.

It's all her.

And recently, "I'm Fine Elsewhere."

Hu Jingjing jumped down, and the heroine was devastated.

Take a bottle of whiskey, go up to the roof and cry, borrow wine to pour sorrow.

Shouting at what?

Not a deep sisterhood, not a memory of the year, she was struggling with the price of this bottle of wine, tangled with the balance in the salary card...

"I bought this bottle of whiskey

I have more than two hundred left."

What is empathy? That's it.

Nowadays, there are more and more realistic themes in Chinese dramas, and the realistic issues involved are becoming more and more extensive.

But Sir wants to clarify — is reality, is it real?

The former is the subject matter, the angle, the path;

The latter is the goal.

Authenticity is not only a gesture, but also a gesture of devotion, a delicate experience, a pure expression.

How does a real-life drama reach the truth?

The road is still very long.

But Sir was sure:

The first stop is called "Talk Well."

The picture in this article comes from the network

Editorial Assistant: Super rich mother-in-law