
After Jiaqing ascended the throne, his teacher Xu Duo wrote a letter of resignation before returning to his hometown, saying that he would do three major things for the emperor after he returned, and the Jiaqing Emperor happily allocated two silver. However, the work was completed

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After Jiaqing ascended the throne, his teacher Xu Duo wrote a letter of resignation before returning to his hometown, saying that he would do three major things for the emperor after he returned, and the Jiaqing Emperor happily allocated two silver. However, after the completion of the project, the money was only spent less than half, the project was not as vast as written on the fold, and the Jiaqing Emperor himself went to visit, and did not find any clues.

Old Xu Duo said in the recital that after returning to his hometown, he would do three major things for the Jiaqing Emperor, one was to open a big river, the second was to build a royal temple, and the third was to build a royal stone bridge. The Jiaqing Emperor had just ascended the throne, and he was thinking of doing something for the people, and after watching old Xu Duo's recital, he approved the silver two, and old Xu Duo returned to his hometown.

After getting this huge amount of money, he suddenly had an idea, so he changed his original plan, and after returning to his hometown, he opened a river behind Xumazhuang in his hometown, west of Ganggou and east of Magou, only ten miles from east to west; a temple was built in the southeast corner of Xumazhuang; and a wooden bridge was also built on the Damagou River, but the bridge could not even be crossed by cars and horses. In this way, when it was finished, less than half of the silver was used, and the rest went into his pocket. He then returned to the recital, claiming that he had accomplished three great things and was ready to enjoy his old age in peace.

The Jiaqing Emperor was very happy to receive the recital, and he thought that his father had been to Jiangnan several times, so why didn't he take this opportunity to make a tour? So he immediately arranged for the royal driver to leave and set off for Yancheng. At this time, Old Xu Duo suddenly heard that the emperor wanted to visit himself, and was surprised: "God, this is not a joke!" This matter made his old man's family sleep badly for three days and three nights, and his wife and concubine were panicked by his appearance, and asked the family to take the old man out to relax and relax.

Old Xu Duo paced back and forth on the open embankment, then went to the monk's temple to rest for 2918 hours, and then came to the newly built wooden bridge, staring at the river, in a daze. Unexpectedly, suddenly, there was a water snake under the bridge wrapped around a frog, and as soon as he waved his hand on the bridge, the water snake hurried away. Old Xu Duo watched the water snake walk away, suddenly patted his forehead, and said continuously: "There is!" pregnant! "

Without waiting for his family to ask questions, he hurriedly led people to the Wuli Pavilion and waited for the holy car.

Sure enough, as soon as he got out of the car, the Jiaqing Emperor asked him, "Does this temple, bridge, and river have a name?" ”

Old Xu Duo replied, "The temple is called Hualong Temple, and the bridge is called Wulong Bridge." The construction scale of this river is huge, and the old minister wants to name it Feilong River, and he wants to obtain the permission of the emperor! ”

The Jiaqing Emperor was distraught when he heard the names of "Hualong" and "Oolong", and when he heard that the name of the river was "Flying Dragon". So he said happily: "I don't want to see this temple and this bridge, the river project is huge, let me go and see it." ”

Old Xu Duo heard that it was just in line with the arrangement he had set. Seeing that it was getting late, he drove the car south. Before we got to the Three Mile Road, we arrived at the newly opened river, where Old Xu Duo had already ordered people to hang lanterns. From east to west, on the riverbank more than ten miles away, there is no end in sight. Old Xu Duo once again invited the Jiaqing Emperor and his party to sit on a large boat and set up a banquet, which was very lively. Halfway through the meal, suddenly someone hurried onto the boat and whispered something to Old Xu Duo. Old Xu Duo suddenly lowered his face, looked solemn, and ordered the people to leave the cabin and go outside to inquire again.

This scene was seen by the Jiaqing Emperor, who was busy asking old Xu Duo what had happened. Old Xu Duo hurriedly knelt down and said, "Yancheng is remote and restless since ancient times. Zhang Shicheng, who sold salt at the end of the Yuan Dynasty, made trouble in this place. Now many salt sellers have heard that the holy car is coming and are ready to fight back! "

When the Jiaqing Emperor heard this, he couldn't even drink any wine, and he couldn't pay attention to any projects, so he pretended to be a hurry and left. How could he know that these were all arrangements set up in advance by Old Xu Duo?

 #历史故事 #

 #History##故事 #

After Jiaqing ascended the throne, his teacher Xu Duo wrote a letter of resignation before returning to his hometown, saying that he would do three major things for the emperor after he returned, and the Jiaqing Emperor happily allocated two silver. However, the work was completed
After Jiaqing ascended the throne, his teacher Xu Duo wrote a letter of resignation before returning to his hometown, saying that he would do three major things for the emperor after he returned, and the Jiaqing Emperor happily allocated two silver. However, the work was completed
After Jiaqing ascended the throne, his teacher Xu Duo wrote a letter of resignation before returning to his hometown, saying that he would do three major things for the emperor after he returned, and the Jiaqing Emperor happily allocated two silver. However, the work was completed

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