
The Internet rumors that Li Saigao "picked the tendons", and the northern Myanmar he publicized, do you still yearn for it?

author:Tanuki's emotional tree hole

Singing the Chinese pop songs that the audience is familiar with, with his thick and simple appearance, "the identity of the descendants of the expeditionary army", coupled with the warm invitation of netizens to play in northern Myanmar, Li Saigao quickly became popular on Douyin, and had millions of fans in a short period of time. However, there are not many people who are popular, and after SaiGao became popular, it was revealed that his real identity may be a fraud gang in northern Myanmar.

The Internet rumors that Li Saigao "picked the tendons", and the northern Myanmar he publicized, do you still yearn for it?

A wolf in sheep's clothing

The Internet rumors that Li Saigao "picked the tendons", and the northern Myanmar he publicized, do you still yearn for it?

"And I shoot like a dragon / Qiankun shakes / A scream breaks the sky / The spear pierces the clouds..." Don't look at Li Saigao singing when the sun shines, he cuts people without mercy. In the name of being a descendant of the expeditionary force, the Internet celebrity Li Saigao has repeatedly posted videos of himself playing Chinese songs with a group of handsome friends on social platforms, and sometimes pulled a beautiful little sister to introduce his hometown of northern Myanmar.

Familiar songs, coupled with his repeated emphasis that he is the descendant of the expeditionary army and only lives in northern Burma, have made many unsuspecting viewers feel more intimate, and the heat has continued to rise.

As more and more people love him, there are people who want to go to northern Myanmar, most of them are simple-minded women, who worship and trust in "idols" and go to northern Myanmar alone,...... In the end, money is robbed and people can be abused. To this day we still don't know how many people have been deceived.

With the popularity of Li Saigao on the Internet, some netizens found that the video of Li Saigao singing was not as harmonious and beautiful as it seemed, and if you listened carefully, you could hear the sound of ding-ding-ding. Sometimes you can even hear the screams of girls...

Many netizens suspect that Li Saigao's true identity is a fraudster, and there are even more terrible rumors that Li Saigao has broken other people's ankles and cut other people's waists.

The sunny and cheerful little brother in front of the person may be the executioner who cut off people's hands and feet!

The Internet rumors that Li Saigao "picked the tendons", and the northern Myanmar he publicized, do you still yearn for it?

With the investigation of Internet celebrity Li Saigao, it was found that these short videos circulating on the Internet all came from a Henry Group called Wa State, a large telecommunications fraud group in northern Myanmar, and the short video publisher was also known as the establishment of a cultural and labor group.

They advertise how rich northern Myanmar is through online platforms, and then fool Chinese in the name of high-paying jobs or offline casino gambling.

Some netizens used the name of tourism to ask Myanmar Internet celebrities with more than 200,000 fans on social platforms how to enter the country, and the reply was that they took a small road, that is, smuggling. The ill-intentions are clear.

However, Li Saigao is only the tip of the iceberg, in fact, the people who occupy northern Myanmar are never a minority. On some platforms, these people can even rely on their own "exotic" content and naturally become Internet celebrities.

However, the real Burmese north is not as romantic as their content describes, mysterious and romantic.

The Internet rumors that Li Saigao "picked the tendons", and the northern Myanmar he publicized, do you still yearn for it?

The true face of northern Myanmar

Speaking of northern Myanmar, this reminds me of a sentence that was very popular on Douyin before

This is northern Myanmar

Where I grew up

Welcome to my world

Delicate little princess

With a video with unique Southeast Asian characteristics, it has confused many young people who do not know the truth, and even more people yearn for it. But is northern Myanmar really as beautiful as it is in the video? The answer is no.

Northern Myanmar is located in the Golden Triangle region. What is the Golden Triangle? I think everyone has seen the movie "Mekong Action", drugs, guns, gambling, fraud... It's a paradise of crime. But in fact, for complex historical and political reasons, chaos, evil and violence are the true face of northern Myanmar. In addition to the well-known "Golden Triangle" drug problem, in recent years, with the gradual intensification of domestic investigation and handling of telecommunications fraud cases, many fraud groups that have moved to northern Myanmar have become hotbeds for such crimes.

Scammers will first spread false news on the Internet and lure Chinese to Myanmar for gold with high salaries. Once these people come to northern Myanmar, they are forced to engage in telephone fraud, online gambling and other businesses, working 12 hours a day, waking up to work, with almost no rest. If they fail to do so, they will be arrested for human trafficking, and women will be forced into prostitution.

And if they try to escape, they will be detained, beaten...

The Internet rumors that Li Saigao "picked the tendons", and the northern Myanmar he publicized, do you still yearn for it?

Since 2020, according to incomplete statistics, there have been dozens of cases of overseas telecommunications fraud seized by the mainland police, from Ningxia to Hubei to Fujian, and the areas involved have affected most of China's provinces, and most of them are in Myanmar. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Public Security have also recently issued announcements reminding citizens to be vigilant and not to trust the recruitment information in northern Myanmar.

The Internet rumors that Li Saigao "picked the tendons", and the northern Myanmar he publicized, do you still yearn for it?

Brutal truth dark work

The Internet rumors that Li Saigao "picked the tendons", and the northern Myanmar he publicized, do you still yearn for it?

Many people who go to Myanmar to work have a dream of gold panning, and then what awaits them in Myanmar is not gold everywhere, but extortion, forced to defraud work, and even pay the price of their lives.

Xiao Lu (pseudonym, male, 19 years old) in Ganzhou, Jiangxi Province, ran away from home in mid-April 2020 and has not returned, keeping in touch with his father. When the public security organs investigated and learned, Xiao Lu still lied that he had been working as a barber apprentice in Xiamen, and after many persuasions, he finally admitted that he had been tricked into doing "hard work" in Myanmar and was "extorted" by the other party before letting him return to China.

According to his recollection: "Working 12 hours a day, working in two shifts, sleeping after work, starting to do things as soon as you wake up, if you are lucky, you may be able to rest 2 days a month." If you want to escape, you will be beaten and imprisoned. ”

After he returned to China, he said, "I am really relaxed now, and I am willing to accept the punishment of the public security organs, at least I know that I am home, I am safe."

According to the oral accounts of the staff who went to Myanmar, for every successful fraud of 500,000 yuan, they will set off a bouquet of fireworks to celebrate, and it is no exaggeration to say that every firework blooming over northern Myanmar may mean that there is a person's life in the country.

The Internet rumors that Li Saigao "picked the tendons", and the northern Myanmar he publicized, do you still yearn for it?

Many people think that northern Myanmar is full of gold, but what they don't know is that they have to pay for their lives in northern Myanmar.

A young man named Lu Qiang was deceived in this way.

At that time, Lu Qiang saw a recruitment inspiration about game training, which described "at least 1.5w income a month" and "8,000 salary at the end of each month, all inclusive." ”

And when Lu Qiang reacted that he had smuggled himself out of the country, it was already too late.

The gunmen surrounded Lu Qiang and several people who had smuggled out of the country together and were directly abducted into the car. When he arrived at the "company", Lu Qiang found that the downstairs was full of local armed personnel with live ammunition.

This company is not a game training studio at all, but a pig killing disk fraud company.

Lu Qiang wanted to resist, but was met with a severe beating, after which he was imprisoned in a water prison.

Water cell

There are many kinds, the most common is the lower level of the water house, some water depth is not more than the knee, some is not above the waist, and some are to the chest.

This also means that people cannot sit down when they stand inside, let alone lie down, and standing for a long time will cause people's legs to be numb, causing the first layer of damage on the flesh.

After a long period of detention, people's defecation is in the water, and the water can not be imagined to be clean, so in addition to the unbearable itching caused by long-term soaking, what is more terrible is infection and ulceration, which is the second layer of damage.

Myanmar's climate is inherently humid, so it is normal to have snakes, insects, mosquitoes, and ants, and those who are locked up in water prisons, in addition to fighting fatigue, fear and mosquitoes, the most important thing is to resist the body's instinctive response - if you pass out, you will choke on water.

In addition, beatings, corporal punishment, and detention are commonplace.

The Internet rumors that Li Saigao "picked the tendons", and the northern Myanmar he publicized, do you still yearn for it?

Even more mad, they will even use a screwdriver directly into the back of a person's head.

If the group remains unyielding, there is another option – to let the family take the money to ransom people.

The price of ransom is generally between 10w and 50w, and if you can't come up with so much money, some people will be chopped off their fingers.

The Internet rumors that Li Saigao "picked the tendons", and the northern Myanmar he publicized, do you still yearn for it?

If you flee, you will face an even more terrible punishment.

The Internet rumors that Li Saigao "picked the tendons", and the northern Myanmar he publicized, do you still yearn for it?

When dropping pies that day, beware of traps on the ground

In fact, every year, a large number of people are deceived to the north of Myanmar, to the Golden Triangle, where they become accomplices of the deceivers, lucky, may be able to return to China and surrender themselves, unfortunately, may not have bones.

And the owners of the telecommunications fraud companies, every money they earn, is stained with the blood of innocent people.

The Internet rumors that Li Saigao "picked the tendons", and the northern Myanmar he publicized, do you still yearn for it?

On many platforms, when someone cries that they have been deceived, someone always says, "Will such a low-level deception be believed?" ”

The answer is: Yes!

The reason you haven't been cheated on may just be because the script that suits you is still on the way.

Even bloggers and well-known public figures who have been surfing the Web for years can hardly escape the trap of telecom fraud.

The Internet rumors that Li Saigao "picked the tendons", and the northern Myanmar he publicized, do you still yearn for it?

In September last year, a male star published an article on social platforms saying that he had been subjected to telecommunications fraud.

The Internet rumors that Li Saigao "picked the tendons", and the northern Myanmar he publicized, do you still yearn for it?

A million-dollar blogger has also suffered from telecom fraud.

When we look back, we will find that those who have been deceived are really stupid and hopeless.

No, no, they're just momentary omissions, momentary credulities, nothing more.

They may have done it wrong, but they should never have been so costly.

So they ran out of savings, they had huge debts, their families were ruined, they were cornered, and in the end, perhaps, it ended all with death.

The Internet rumors that Li Saigao "picked the tendons", and the northern Myanmar he publicized, do you still yearn for it?

Northern Myanmar is not a treasure land for wealth, and making money requires practical work

Who would think that a place like northern Myanmar, where even normal people in Myanmar would not go, has any possibility of being a paradise? Who would think that in a country like China, where it is difficult to find a job with a monthly salary of 3,000 yuan in a country with rapidly developing national strength, a subcontinent like Myanmar can have a job with a monthly salary of 350,000 yuan?

The level of security in China is so high that it is easy for the Chinese people to think that there is no primordial danger in this world. We can see the bottom of society arguing endlessly for a little profit, but we basically can't see a person who is reduced to a raw material commodity in this era, and is used as a resource by other people to eat and peel alive.

The old saying that pigs are full of treasures is not true. Talent is a treasure.

Hair can be sold for money, blood can be sold for money, organs can be sold for money. There are hands to work, mouths to deceive, genitals to greet guests.

People, originally have the most primitive resource attributes.

With the crackdown on fraud crimes in recent years, it has also made it more and more difficult to do the "business" of some fraud companies in northern Myanmar. Many people who were tricked into going to northern Myanmar to work were sold in the form of "resources" after the labor force was squeezed dry.

So, don't go to northern Myanmar!

Because, it's really dangerous there!

What do you think about that? Feel free to leave a message in the comments section.

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