
Inspirational: When happiness comes knocking

author:Nian Xi Zhi Qiu

#Who has a good classic movie to recommend # One of my favorite movies, "When Happiness Knocks", is based on a true story and features Chris Gardner, an african-American investment expert. An American film directed by Gabriel Muccino and starring Will Smith, Jaden Smith, Sandy Newton and others. The film tells the inspirational story of a down-and-out salesman who is on the verge of bankruptcy and his wife has left home, how to work hard to fulfill his single parent responsibilities, work hard to become a stock market trader, and finally become a well-known financial investor. The film was released in the United States on December 15, 2006. What do you do when life is not satisfactory? If you have a dream please you have to defend it.

Inspirational: When happiness comes knocking

"When Happiness Knocks"

Whenever I am depressed, encounter something unpleasant, or want to give up, I can't help but watch this movie, and my brain recalls that this iron-blooded tough guy is working hard even in the face of such difficulties, but for the sake of my son but silently crying scene, I have the motivation to move forward. I can't remember when I started watching the movie, but it's become a part of my life for me.

Inspirational: When happiness comes knocking
Inspirational: When happiness comes knocking

If someone told you that a down-and-out salesman can become a well-known financial investor through his own efforts, do you think it is a huge irony? Let's take a look at the growth process of the protagonist, after watching it, you will feel that all happy people and successful people are people who have experienced the beatings of life.

Plot content

The protagonist Chris from a small family is not very good, has a beautiful wife and son, although living in poverty, but Chris is very hard, eating and living is still well-off, but Chris in order to want to give the family a better life, spent all his savings to invest in bone density tester, the day has an unexpected storm, at this time is the great depression of the United States economy, so chris's life is no longer good. Every day's job is to travel to major hospitals and make a living selling bone density testers. In the end, because he could not pay the rent, his wife was forced to work four jobs, and he saw the happy expression on the faces of the white-collar workers of the securities company, and he also wanted to have happiness, so he told his wife his idea, and the final result was that her wife could no longer bear this life and left him. With his son sleeping in the subway station, sleeping in the toilet, and finally having no money or even selling blood, for himself and his children, he learned financial knowledge in the monastery with a faint light, and finally passed the internship period to successfully enter the world's top 500 financial companies. Whether you still think this is a joke here, but this is indeed a true story. Probably many of us have given up when we encounter this situation, but Chris finally achieved his dream with tenacious perseverance.

He did not have inferiority because of his academic qualifications, origin, etc., and although he was in adversity, he was still able to face life optimistically and positively. Even when his wife left in poverty, he never gave up on his family. I still remember what he said when he comforted his son: Those who are not mature on their own will say that you are not mature. In fact, on the one hand, this passage is to encourage his son, and on the other hand, he is also encouraging himself.

There is a sentence in the film that explains what it means to knock on the door when happiness comes knocking: "Happiness will knock on its own, and life will be liberated." "Life gives us oppression, and we can choose to give up or choose to persevere, but we will only be happy if we work hard." What is happiness: Happiness is your dream, your persistence, your efforts.

Inspirational: When happiness comes knocking