
The Russian side has sent a series of heavy news: the Ukrainian side has refused peace talks, the main force will continue to advance, Zelenskiy has left Kiev, and the selfie video is recorded in advance

author:National Business Daily

What's New! Ukrainian President Zelenskiy has left Kiev. Russian Presidential Press Secretary Peskov said that the Ukrainian side has refused peace talks and that Russia's military operations will continue. Advisers to the head of Ukraine's president's office said Kiev refused to negotiate because they were not satisfied with the terms.

The war in Ukraine entered its third day: the Russian army attacked Kiev on three sides, encountered stubborn resistance, and the street battle began.

According to CCTV news reports, Russian State Duma President Volodin said on the social platform on the 26th that Ukrainian President Zelenskiy had left Kiev on the 25th local time, and all his appeals from the Ukrainian capital were filmed in advance.

Volokin said he had gotten the information from a Supreme Rada mp who tried to meet Zelenskiy in Kiev.

The Russian side has sent a series of heavy news: the Ukrainian side has refused peace talks, the main force will continue to advance, Zelenskiy has left Kiev, and the selfie video is recorded in advance

According to the China News Network, in the early morning of the 26th local time, the Ukrainian Interfax News Agency quoted a statement from the Kiev Municipal Government as saying that street fighting broke out in the streets of Kiev, and many Ukrainian cities were fiercely fighting.

Zelenskiy had previously refused to evacuate

Earlier, in response to rumors that Zelenskiy had left Ukraine, he himself refuted this.

According to the CCTV news client, on the 25th local time, Podoriak, an adviser to the director of the Ukrainian presidential office Yermak, issued a statement saying that the goal of Russia's invasion was to get President Zelenskiy to step down. He stressed that Zelenskiy would remain in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine.

That night, Ukrainian President Zelenskiy posted a selfie video on social networking sites. He himself stood in front of the government office building in Kiev with Ukrainian Prime Minister Shmegar and other officials and said: "We are all here and are defending our country." ”

The Russian side has sent a series of heavy news: the Ukrainian side has refused peace talks, the main force will continue to advance, Zelenskiy has left Kiev, and the selfie video is recorded in advance

Image source: Video screenshot

It is worth mentioning that on the 26th, according to the Washington Post, the US authorities are ready to help Zelenskiy leave Kiev. But Zelenskiy refused, saying: "What I need is ammunition, not a ride".

According to CCTV News, earlier on February 26, Ukrainian President Zelenskiy recorded a video in which he told the Ukrainian people not to believe the fake news, no one will lay down their arms! "We will defend our country because our weapons are our truth, our truth is our land, our country, our children, and we will defend it all!"

The Russian side has sent a series of heavy news: the Ukrainian side has refused peace talks, the main force will continue to advance, Zelenskiy has left Kiev, and the selfie video is recorded in advance

Video source: Xiaoyang Video

Zelenskiy's latest voice: The best support is

Accepted Ukraine as a member of the European Union

At noon on February 26, local time, Ukrainian President Zelenskiy said in a video speech through television and the Internet that we have successfully repelled the Russian attack, and the capital Kiev and the surrounding major cities are currently under the control of our army. We sabotaged the Russian plan, and they didn't gain any advantage.

The Russian side has sent a series of heavy news: the Ukrainian side has refused peace talks, the main force will continue to advance, Zelenskiy has left Kiev, and the selfie video is recorded in advance

Image source: Visual China

At the same time, Zelenskiy said that the best support for Ukraine is to accept Ukraine as a member of the European Union.

According to CCTV news, Ukrainian President Zelenskiy said through social media on February 26 local time that he had telegraphed with the president of the Swiss Confederation and the Greek prime minister, and also had a phone call with French President Macron, who said that Ukraine's "partners" would provide weapons and equipment to Ukraine.

On the same day, Ukrainian President Zelenskiy had a telephone conversation with Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi. Draghi expressed support for excluding Russia from the SWIFT system, adding that military assistance would be provided to Ukraine.

According to CCTV news, on the evening of the 25th local time, Ukrainian President Zelenskiy said through social media that he had a phone call with US President Biden to discuss the situation in Ukraine and cooperation between the two sides in defense and other fields.

In the early morning of the 25th local time, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson had a telephone conversation with Ukrainian President Zelenskiy. Johnson expressed his deep condolences to Zelenskiy for those killed in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and promised to continue to provide further support to Ukraine in the coming days.

According to a statement by a spokesman for the Prime Minister's Office, Zelenskiy briefed Johnson on the latest developments in Russia's special military operations, as well as developments in Kiev in the early hours of the day.

Zelenskiy said Ukraine today needs the defense support of its partner countries more than ever, while demanding effective countermeasures against Russia.

Street fighting broke out in the streets of Kiev

Many cities in Uzbekistan are fiercely fighting

According to the China News Network, in the early morning of the 26th local time, the Ukrainian Interfax News Agency quoted a statement from the Kiev City Government as saying that fierce fighting broke out on the streets of Kiev.

The Russian side has sent a series of heavy news: the Ukrainian side has refused peace talks, the main force will continue to advance, Zelenskiy has left Kiev, and the selfie video is recorded in advance

Kiev authorities warned residents to stay in shelters and not to go near windows or balconies.

CNN reported that from the early morning to early morning of the 26th local time, the huge explosions in Kiev were continuous, accompanied by gunshots from time to time.

Reuters also reported that on the morning of the 26th local time, shelling was heard in the center of Kiev, after gunfire had been heard in the area, and a military base in Kiev was also attacked.

On the other hand, agency AFP reported that the Ukrainian defenders in Kiev said that they repelled the Russian attack on a main road in Kiev on the 26th.

According to Sky News, an adviser to the Ukrainian president's office said that at least four cities in Ukraine are fighting, in addition to the outbreak of street fighting in Kiev, fighting in the cities of Ksen, Mikolev and Odessa is also underway.

Earlier, Russian troops had completed their airborne landings in the southwestern City of Vasilykov. The city's mayor, Barasinović, said a large number of Russian paratroopers landed in the open area of the city.

Russian Presidential Press Secretary: The Ukrainian side has refused peace talks

Ukrainian side: Kiev refused to negotiate because it was dissatisfied with the conditions

On the 26th local time, Russian Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov said that the Ukrainian side has refused peace talks and that Russia's military operations will continue.

Peskov said that Russian President Putin ordered the Russian army to stop advancing on the 25th, but the Ukrainian side refused to negotiate, the Russian army resumed its military action plan, and the main force continued to advance on the afternoon of the 26th.

Peskov pointed out that the Western sanctions against Russia are severe, and the Russian side is ready to respond to ensure the normal operation of the economic field.

Advisers to the head of Ukraine's president's office said Kiev refused to negotiate because they were not satisfied with the terms.

Earlier, on February 26, local time, Mikhailo Podoliak, adviser to the director of the office of the President of Ukraine, said at a press conference that tonight (26th) will decide the negotiation process, in this process, the position will be decided by Ukraine.

A high-rise residential building in Kiev was attacked by missiles

The Ukrainian foreign minister condemned, the Russian Ministry of Defense: it is not in line with reality

According to CCTV news, at about 8 a.m. local time on February 26, a civilian residential building in Kiev, Ukraine, was hit by a shell.

The pictures showed the building being blown out of the side with a hole that covered at least five floors, and the street below the building was littered with rubble.

The Russian side has sent a series of heavy news: the Ukrainian side has refused peace talks, the main force will continue to advance, Zelenskiy has left Kiev, and the selfie video is recorded in advance
The Russian side has sent a series of heavy news: the Ukrainian side has refused peace talks, the main force will continue to advance, Zelenskiy has left Kiev, and the selfie video is recorded in advance

Image source: CCTV news video screenshot

Ukraine's foreign minister also tweeted about the same damaged building, blaming Russian ground forces and missiles for attacks.

The Russian side has sent a series of heavy news: the Ukrainian side has refused peace talks, the main force will continue to advance, Zelenskiy has left Kiev, and the selfie video is recorded in advance

The Ukrainian foreign minister denounced the Russian side for the damaged building

The mayor of Kiev, Ukraine, Vitaly Kritchenko, said in a social platform on February 26 local time that as of now, 35 people in the city have been injured in the clashes, including two children.

The Russian side has sent a series of heavy news: the Ukrainian side has refused peace talks, the main force will continue to advance, Zelenskiy has left Kiev, and the selfie video is recorded in advance

A high-rise residential building in Kiev was attacked by missiles (Source: Ministry of Interior of Ukraine Global Times)

Russian Defense Ministry sources said on February 26 local time that the information spread on social networks about the Russian missile attack on a residential building on Kiev's Lobanovsky Street was inconsistent with reality. The nature of the damage to the house suggests that it was an anti-aircraft missile that hit it, as the video clearly proves.

According to Russian Defense Ministry sources, the guidance system of Ukraine's "beech-M1" medium-range air defense system failed while repulsing a missile attack by the Russian military on its military infrastructure, and the missile hit a corner of a residential building in Kiev.

The news pointed out that the failure of the Ukrainian "Beech-M1" medium-range air defense system is likely due to the lack of necessary daily maintenance and aging equipment.

In addition, the mayor of Kiev, Ukraine, Krychko, announced on February 26 local time that from the 26th, the curfew in Kiev was extended to 17:00 to 8:00 the next day, lasting until the morning of the 28th.

About 100 Russian armored vehicles headed for Kiev

According to CCTV military reports, on February 26, local time, a Russian military force composed of about 100 armored vehicles was marching from the ukrainian city of Kiev, about 30 kilometers north of the city of Vishgorod to the direction of Kiev city.

Earlier, the mayor of the Ukrainian city of Vasilykov said that a large number of Russian airborne troops landed in the open area of the city. The Ukrainians were engaged in fierce fighting with the Russians in the city. The city is about 35 km from the center of Kiev.

Live video of Russian troops entering Ukrainian cities

On the same day, the Russian Defense Ministry said that the Russian army had complete control of the Ukrainian city of Melitopol. Russian media played the relevant video and reported that the Russian army did not encounter resistance. At the same time, the Russian army captured a number of "Javelins" and NLAW anti-tank missiles supplied to Ukraine by Western countries.

According to the latest announcement of the Russian Defense Ministry, the Russian military has paralyzed 821 Ukrainian military infrastructure. These include 14 military airfields, 19 command posts, 24 S-300 and the "Hornet" anti-aircraft missile system, 48 radar stations.

In addition, according to Red Star News, a boat carrying 82 Ukrainian soldiers arrived in Sevastopol from Snake Island. The Russian side said that all 82 people had voluntarily surrendered to a unit of the Russian army by laying down their arms. Ukrainian media claimed that all 82 people had been killed in battle, and some were even rumored to have been posthumously awarded medals.

Ukrainian Health Minister Viktor Lyashko said through social media platforms on February 26 local time that the Russian military operations in Ukraine have killed 198 Ukrainians, including 3 children. Another 1,115 Ukrainians were injured, including 33 children.

Russia: Putin and the foreign minister have not opened accounts anywhere abroad

China News Service Weibo reported on February 26 that according to the Russian Satellite News Agency, the British Foreign Office said on the 25th that the United Kingdom imposed sanctions on Russian President Putin and Foreign Minister Lavrov and froze their assets, but did not specify which assets were in the relevant documents. Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zakharova said Russian President Vladimir Putin and Foreign Minister Lavrov have not opened accounts anywhere outside the country.

The Russian side has sent a series of heavy news: the Ukrainian side has refused peace talks, the main force will continue to advance, Zelenskiy has left Kiev, and the selfie video is recorded in advance

According to CCTV news, on February 25, local time, the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Borrelli said in Brussels that the 27 member states of the European Union have reached a consensus on further sanctions against Russia and will freeze the assets of Russian President Putin and Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov in Europe.

Asked about the specific assets of the two Russian leaders in Europe, Borrelli said that he himself was not clear about this, "I think the first thing is to confirm their assets through technical means, and the next step is to freeze."

Borrelli also said the sanctions would not be imposed for the time being because the 27 eu eu member states had not agreed on a proposal to cut off Russia's payment system with the Institute of Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT) for the world.

Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called for hackers

Cyber attacks against Russia

On the morning of February 26, local time, a number of Russian websites, including the official website of the Kremlin, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Red Star Television, were in an unstable state, and some users could not open the page normally.

Earlier, sources said that U.S. intelligence agencies suggested that Biden launch a "large-scale cyberattack" against Russia, including cutting off Internet connections across Russia, power outages and interfering with the operation of railway turnouts.

On February 24, anonymous, an international hacking group, announced a "cyber war" against Russia in response to Russia's military operations in Ukraine and admitted to attacking the website of Russia Today television.

Anonymous posted a statement on social media Twitter saying the group had "officially declared war on Russia by all its personnel" and "stormed" the Russian Today television station website. Some hackers also added the label "Ukraine" to their personal tweets.

According to Russia Today TV, since 17:00 Moscow time on the 24th, the media's website has been subject to distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, that is, the server has been paralyzed with huge traffic in a short period of time.

Of these, about 27 percent of attacks were launched in the United States.

Anonymous is a loose, flat hacker group with a large number of members in Europe and the United States, and often launches cyberattacks. Some operations involved only a few people, while others involved hundreds of hackers. The group has claimed to have invaded the networks of governments and businesses in many countries.

The Russian Satellite News Agency reported earlier in the day that the websites of the Kremlin and the Russian Federal Council, the upper house of parliament, were attacked by cyberattacks.

The source said it could be linked to U.S. activities and the situation in Ukraine.

According to the Associated Press, the websites of Ukrainian government departments and their affiliates began to be attacked by DDoS networks last week, and the websites of many government departments could not be logged on for a time on the 23rd.

On February 25, former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was interviewed by THE US media MSNBC, calling on US hackers to launch cyberattacks on Russia.

The Russian side has sent a series of heavy news: the Ukrainian side has refused peace talks, the main force will continue to advance, Zelenskiy has left Kiev, and the selfie video is recorded in advance

Edited | Cheng Peng du Hengfeng

Proofreading | Lu Xiangyong

Cover image source: Video screenshot

Daily Economic News is synthesized from CCTV News and Global Times

CCTV Military, CCTV Network

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The Russian side has sent a series of heavy news: the Ukrainian side has refused peace talks, the main force will continue to advance, Zelenskiy has left Kiev, and the selfie video is recorded in advance

Daily economic news