
"In the World" Bingyi's condition deteriorates, Dongmei proposes a divorce, and Bingkun is disappointed in Debao and Chunyan

author:Meow Meow Entertainment Group

After the launch of the play "Human World", the popularity and word-of-mouth performance have been very outstanding, even if the recent broadcast of works such as "Meet the Season", it does not affect the high popularity of "Human World".

With the broadcast of the plot, "The World of Man" is now nearing the end, but the ending of each character still touches the hearts of the audience.

"In the World" Bingyi's condition deteriorates, Dongmei proposes a divorce, and Bingkun is disappointed in Debao and Chunyan

"The World of Man" once again makes us feel the impermanence of life, whether it is good or ordinary, success or fame, will encounter ups and downs, and this is also the normal state of life, no one's life is calm.

In the plot currently broadcast, many characters have been offline, and the son's son who was admitted to college has caught up with him because the family has no money to treat the disease. Decided to commit suicide in order to reassure his son to go to school.

Qu Xiuzhen, who helped the six gentlemen of the soy sauce field a lot, also went offline.

"In the World" Bingyi's condition deteriorates, Dongmei proposes a divorce, and Bingkun is disappointed in Debao and Chunyan

The most lamentable nature is that Zhou Bingkun and Zheng Juan, who have worked hard and kind all their lives, have suffered heavy blows again, not only the death of their son Zhou Nan, but also Zhou Bingkun's mistakes pushed Luo Shibin to face a nine-year prison disaster. But fortunately, in these nine years, Zhou Bingkun performed well and finally got out of prison a few years ago.

"In the World" Bingyi's condition deteriorates, Dongmei proposes a divorce, and Bingkun is disappointed in Debao and Chunyan

But the story of "The World of Man" is not over, in the text version of the plot released by the official media of China Television News, the content of episodes 53 and 54 is once again heart-wrenching.

This play is obviously to explain the direction of each character clearly, and it will usher in the final ending, and it will not end hastily.

"In the World" Bingyi's condition deteriorates, Dongmei proposes a divorce, and Bingkun is disappointed in Debao and Chunyan

After Zhou Bingkun was released from prison, his first feeling was that the surrounding environment had changed dramatically, and in the past, the car building did not dare to think, but now the driver's license is almost a must, so Zhou Bingkun decided to take a driver's license first.

But Zhou Bingkun, who has been in prison for many years, has no savings, and Zheng Juan can only maintain her own life over the years, so Zhou Bingkun has to borrow money from Qiao Chunyan and Cao Debao to buy a car.

"In the World" Bingyi's condition deteriorates, Dongmei proposes a divorce, and Bingkun is disappointed in Debao and Chunyan

However, over the years, Qiao Chunyan and Cao Debao have also experienced a lot, and their attitude towards the Zhou Bingkun family has changed significantly. Before, Cao Debao was furious with her because Zheng Juan couldn't find Zhou Bingyi to speak for Chunyan, although Qiao Chunyan took Cao Debao to apologize later, but this did not mean that Qiao Chunyan was still the same as in the past.

"In the World" Bingyi's condition deteriorates, Dongmei proposes a divorce, and Bingkun is disappointed in Debao and Chunyan

Qiao Chunyan and Cao Debao were reluctant to lend him money because they questioned Zhou Bingkun's ability, and Zhou Bingkun also found that his former best friend's attitude towards him was no longer the same as in the past, and he was deeply disappointed.

"In the World" Bingyi's condition deteriorates, Dongmei proposes a divorce, and Bingkun is disappointed in Debao and Chunyan

Zhou Bingkun and Zheng Juan are worried about money, Zhou Bingyi and Dongmei's relationship is also problematic, the two years of separation have made them try to make changes, Dongmei even gave up the obstetrics and gynecology work she loved all her life and decided to go to Beijing to accompany Zhou Bingyi. However, at this time, Zhou Bingyi was also unwilling to continue his work of leaving his hometown and decided to return to Jichun.

"In the World" Bingyi's condition deteriorates, Dongmei proposes a divorce, and Bingkun is disappointed in Debao and Chunyan

Because the two did not communicate in advance, Dongmei not only lost his job, but Zhou Bingyi also had a conflict between the two because Dongmei did not communicate with him.

Among the children of the Zhou family, on the contrary, Zhou Rong's life is getting better and better, earlier because of graduate students, Cai Xiaoguang lost his investment, but after Zhou Rong met Yan Zong in Beijing, he was touched with a sincerity, and the other party also planned to give Cai Xiaoguang a new opportunity. The relationship between the husband and wife is getting better and better, and the career of the daughter Feng Yue has also made a good start, it can be said that Zhou Rong is the biggest winner in life.

"In the World" Bingyi's condition deteriorates, Dongmei proposes a divorce, and Bingkun is disappointed in Debao and Chunyan

The play "The World of Man" tells us that life is full of difficulties, but there are also moments that make us feel warm.

In the plot of episode 54, Zhou Bingkun received money from both his sister and sister-in-law, and felt the care and support of his family.

For many years, Zhou Bingkun has been supporting the Zhou family's life to get better and better, but Zhou Rong and Zhou Bingyi rarely extended a helping hand to Zhou Bingkun, and this time the three brothers can be described as working together.

"In the World" Bingyi's condition deteriorates, Dongmei proposes a divorce, and Bingkun is disappointed in Debao and Chunyan

Zhou Bingkun successfully started a business, and Qiao Chunyan and Cao Debao also regretted their short-sightedness. However, at this time, Zhou Bingyi was facing a new crisis.

Zhou Bingyi, who has been putting all his mind on work over the years, has a stomach disease that has been worsening, and Dongmei has also had a fierce argument with him.

"In the World" Bingyi's condition deteriorates, Dongmei proposes a divorce, and Bingkun is disappointed in Debao and Chunyan

There are not no problems between the two, and many years of off-site life, coupled with the lack of communication between Zhou Bingyi and Dongmei, especially the transfer of Dongmei from her job, makes Zhou Bingyi difficult to understand.

However, Dongmei is also aggrieved, and the two propose a divorce under the quarrel.

"In the World" Bingyi's condition deteriorates, Dongmei proposes a divorce, and Bingkun is disappointed in Debao and Chunyan

Every character in "The World of Man" can not be defined by absolute good or absolute bad, once in the zhou family's most difficult time, Qiao Chunyan did not lend a helping hand, she also once regarded the zhou family's affairs as her own business.

But people will always change, especially after being consumed by life, it is not an easy thing to maintain a positive and good heart.

"In the World" Bingyi's condition deteriorates, Dongmei proposes a divorce, and Bingkun is disappointed in Debao and Chunyan

But there are also people like Zhou Bingkun and Zheng Juan, who always adhere to their original intentions, even if Zhou Bingkun went to prison, let him see the true face of too many people, he still did not give up his good heart.